The worst (?) movie ever


First time out of the vault
I pose a question to thee: does the title 'Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam' ring any bells? If not than let me be the first to introduce you to two hours (or so) of sheer horror. Behold the film which is considered by many to be THE worst on the planet (and that is something after seeing 'Matrix: Revolutions'). I give you the full, subtitled and surprisingly fun to watch version of Turkish Star Wars. Enjoy:

Ah yes. Cardboard swords, punching rocks for training, and beating the shit out of red plushy things so awful and cheap even the Power Rangers show wouldn't star them.
I still can't get over the Space Wizard murdering children so he can drink their blood through a silly straw.
That's just it, I can't get over how awesome that was. This is the worst movie I've ever seen, and I love it.

Just by watching the intro of that turkish movie... no, no thank you. I'll waste no more minutes of my life to that.
Kharn said:
Sorry, it does not, can not, will never beat Manos: The Hands of Fate.
Turkish Star Wars not good enough? So how about Star Wars Holiday Special? Georgie Lucas, the very same man who felt no shame after 'Attack of the clowns' said that he'd smash every copy of Holiday Special if he had a chance. That's got to mean something ;).
Sarcastro said:
Kharn said:
Sorry, it does not, can not, will never beat Manos: The Hands of Fate.
Turkish Star Wars not good enough? So how about Star Wars Holiday Special? Georgie Lucas, the very same man who felt no shame after 'Attack of the clowns' said that he'd smash every copy of Holiday Special if he had a chance. That's got to mean something ;).

Ya this is back when Lucas would hand out the rights to Star Wars to just above anyone. Does anyone remember The Ewok Adventure?
There are a lot of contenders to the worst movie, here are some of the movies that in my opinion are crap and should be FUBAR-ed

1. scary movie 2,3,4 (boring crap)
2. miami vice (what a waste of fucking time this was)
3. battlefield earth (why john why? :x )
4. creepshow 3 (HUGE disappointment)
5. be cool (crapfest)
Despite thorough search I've been unable to find the full version of one of the most gory kung fu films, even more badass than 'Shaolin Soccer' - Story of Ricky.
A review at will have to do. I you fancy head explosions, people using their own guts to strangle others and really bad special effects than this is the film you should see.
That movie was so awesome; cardboard swords, exploading rocks and violated copyrightlaws (my first conclusion is that they *did not* pay for the Star Wars-sequences and Indiana Jones-theme).

But the bad quality made me nauseous, but still, it was awesome.


Call me far-fetched, but it sure does remind me of the power armor...
That Turkish Star wars (I've not even FFWD through it,just checked a second here and there and landed on about 15-20 all in all) seemed so bad that it seemed great.(since I like "turkeys" i.e. films so bad they're fun,just like Black samurai,I mean who can ever dislike a movie with dwarfs swinging in trees with their wips and someone caught by a whip,getting strangled,who could get lose by just turning the other way around,but still fight the horrible situation for quite a while...and do I need to mention an attack vulture?)

As far as production value and completely silly things goes I'd give my vote to "Abducted by the Daloids",originally it was Daloks IIRC,but they got in trouble over that name due to some Dr. Who the movie they changed one of the actresses and the change was explained by her being transformed during the teleportation.
They even put a blue,turning light (like the civil cops have and put on the roof of the car,don't know what you call them) on a _DESK_ to prove they were in a cops office....
But it was just too absurd in it's lousiness to dislike,so I liked it....

IMHO,the worst movie is either of,"XxX" (played out like a MTV video),"Fast and the furious 2" (the images work as a video game,not as a movie) or "Hellboy" (I don't even remember what made me turn it off)
Neither of these I've managed to make my way through...yes I know that action movies doesn't have to make sense,yes I know that they're supposed to be fun and actionpacked....but these all seemingly had budget enough to make them into action flicks and not the garbage they came out as.(which is why I never managed to see more than 1/2 hour of either)
They had good S F/X,so I couldn't laugh at them like I could at Black Samurai/Abducted by the Daloids.
They had good enough actors and big enough budget,so I couldn't laugh at them like the extras moving in slowmotion waiting to get shot,like I could in Dark breed...where the budget obviously didn't allow them to redo the scene.(like in more or less any of Jack Scalias movies)
They were simply and purely bad,without any form of redeeming factors IMHO...

For those that just look at the movie for what you see and want to see something truely awful (and you will go "WTF was that" more than once) I can recommend Gale force with Treat Williams,since it at least seems to be a serious movie,which I'm not sure whether "Abtucted by..." was or not....
Zaron said:
"Hellboy" (I don't even remember what made me turn it off)

Ron Perlman in a red leathersuit? That sure would do the call for me...

Hehehe...since I've managed to sit through "Exit to Eden" with Rosie O'Donell in a leather suit I don't think that was the reason. :P