
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
For any of you in a college featured on facebook...

NJIT was finally accepted... so let me know where you are from so I can go find you.
Ah, I have Facebook, Im going to CWRU o.O

I honestly wonder how many college age people are on these forums
Ehh will be as soon as I get my job set up in the one of the many local naval shipyards here in Wa. They pay for all of my education needs. Including English and Math... I no speak or spell good.
Just by knowing you college doesnt mean I'll find you. I need real names... lol
Steve Ricken - NJIT
So what, my university is not good enough to be accepted by this 'facebook' thing? I'm appaled.
Jebus said:
So what, my university is not good enough to be accepted by this 'facebook' thing? I'm appaled.
yah, heh the civilian district of the navy does not really hook you up with this either. lol I lose the game too.
I'm at So"SGiaPTMi,siMbT". Or something.

Why do all American "colleges" have such stupid names?

Also, why do you call them colleges? Is "universities" too hard to spell? ;)

Honestly, "college" brings up images of people learning to be joiners and hairdressers.

*Pfft* American English.
Big T said:
Why do all American "colleges" have such stupid names?

Also, why do you call them colleges? Is "universities" too hard to spell? ;)

College is a school where you get your bachelor's degree. It does not include a graduate school. Even though most of us here go to Universities (for both bachelors and master's degrees), we are at the undergraduate level so it's referred to as "college". And also, yes, it's easier and more common to just say "college".

As for the stupid names, are you referring to the abbreviations?
KQX said:
... And also, yes, it's easier and more common to just say "college".
Heh, just put it down to regional differences.
In the UK, a college is attended before university (Usually age 16-18) or by older people (mature students) retraining for something vocational.

As for the stupid names, are you referring to the abbreviations?
Yes, but I'm not being entirely serious (before somebody throws a wobbler and I have to explain further).

Sorry for the gravedig, but I didn't want to make a new topic when one already existed.

I've made a new group on the Facebook called "Fallout Fans"

It's basically just a way to show your passion for Fallout in non-forum setting. Just go to Facebook and search for "Fallout Fans", and the group will show up. Hope to see you there!