There is something rotten with the Lyons' Pride symbol

lugaru said:
Khan FurSainty said:
Ever watch 6 feet under? The funniest scene in the entire series involves a mountain lion and a jogger.

No, haven't actually. But the mountain lions ring a bell. I just have forgotten about them i guess.

[spoiler:9ccfc2b43d]Basically somebody dies at the start of each episode, the the show revolves around guys who work at a funeral home. At the start of one episode you see a jogger and he stops and is out of breath and starts taking his own pulse. I thought "wow, he is going to have a heart attack" but suddenly a mountain Lion jumps and attaches itself to his face. I think I was in tears I was laughing so hard[/spoiler:9ccfc2b43d]

Lol, now that's funny :lol:

Truly for a rofl moment :D
Khan FurSainty said:
lugaru said:
Khan FurSainty said:
Ever watch 6 feet under? The funniest scene in the entire series involves a mountain lion and a jogger.

No, haven't actually. But the mountain lions ring a bell. I just have forgotten about them i guess.

[spoiler:15716c7ea7]Basically somebody dies at the start of each episode, the the show revolves around guys who work at a funeral home. At the start of one episode you see a jogger and he stops and is out of breath and starts taking his own pulse. I thought "wow, he is going to have a heart attack" but suddenly a mountain Lion jumps and attaches itself to his face. I think I was in tears I was laughing so hard[/spoiler:15716c7ea7]

Lol, now that's funny :lol:

Truly for a rofl moment :D
Heh heh.....Found it.

Brother None said:
Khan FurSainty said:
I just wanted to say that the lion is not part of the natural fauna, so there is no logic to make him a symbol in Washington D.C. after 200 years when most of the wild animals have died or mutated.

The only Lions the US has are 0-16 Lions.

That said, it doesn't matter if Lions are a part of their natural fauna. 200 years in which a mass of books and other media survived are no reason for remembrance of such creatures to die. The post-apocalyptic Fallout world is too highly-developed for that, and never recedes into savagery enough to forget such things.

Yes, there is truth in this statement. But it's still pretty hard for me accept a lion as a symbol for a faction that has the sole purpose to collect technology.
And on the other hand, they gather books and holotapes on which there is bound to be some info on lions.
Yet, i still think that they made it like this because of laziness.
That was priceless :D
Thanks. :clap:
It's awesome! :D
You know what will happen, and yet it can still surprise you if you haven't watchеd it. :D
The real source of Lyons Pride:


her name is Sarah Lyons. get it Lyons, lions it makes sense. Besides lions are badass so its a logical choice for a name of a elite military unit
radioactive_penguin said:
her name is Sarah Lyons. get it Lyons, lions it makes sense. Besides lions are badass so its a logical choice for a name of a elite military unit

True. But they could have tried to make a unique or at least a more original symbol and not just use almost the same lion as half of Europe.
You have to admit it, it's pretty lazy.
I know. I know. We are talking about Bethesda, the company that make games which make sense and are fun after 60 MODs. But it's just unforgivable. They put it in just because they thought it will be so clever and original.
But you know people, i am just nitpicking now. It irritates me something that most folk won't even see in the game. Because of all the explosions and lack of sense in the choices. Not to mention story.
And yet, this is symbol of courage, power, might, force, honor. It makes the Brotherhood look more like "The Paladins of Steel" instead of the true lesser evil that they are. And let's face it. There is no honor in the wasteland. There is only fear. Everything is driven by her. Killing, mistrust, madness, betrayal, suicide, hatred...
The lion has no place in such environment. He's not the bringer of hope. He's the bringer of the middle ages optimism: "A am a lion, the king of all the animals, mighty, powerful, and fearless! As such, i will be your king, too!".
It still bothers me, because as i said before, Bethesda just made it like this because they thought they were clever. Not because it hold a metaphor.
It makes the Brotherhood look more like "The Paladins of Steel" instead of the true lesser evil that they are.
That's the idea, actually. The BoS in F3 is entirely a transplanted order of medieval paladins from a world of shiny glory and objective right and wrong.
Trithne said:
It makes the Brotherhood look more like "The Paladins of Steel" instead of the true lesser evil that they are.
That's the idea, actually. The BoS in F3 is entirely a transplanted order of medieval paladins from a world of shiny glory and objective right and wrong.

And that's why it's sad...
All the things in the game are either stupid, or illogical, or both.
Even the things that must be important or have a hidden meaning.

(sigh) C'est la vie i suppose.
Trithne said:
It makes the Brotherhood look more like "The Paladins of Steel" instead of the true lesser evil that they are.
That's the idea, actually. The BoS in F3 is entirely a transplanted order of medieval paladins from a world of shiny glory and objective right and wrong.

I kind of liked that because it was the opposite of the original Brotherhood... but I would have prefered if the Outcasts (i.e. oldschool brotherhood) would have been in charge and the guys who think they are paladins of Light and goodness where relegated to small groups on the fringe, living in tiny outposts.

But I guess the reason they did it the other way around was so they could have two poles between good (brotherhood) and evil (enclave) instead of the original brotherhood which is somewhere in between (xenophobic but not genocidal).

It is the problem with having a pretty cool idea and trying to make it really important instead of putting it on the side. One thing that FO1 and FO2 are great at is throwing EVERYTHING in but as tiny encounters and far off locations.
I think unambiguously good and unambiguously evil organizations don't really work in Fallout.

There weren't any purely good or evil organizations in Fallout 1, mostly just people or mutants trying to survive. There was a bad guy and some guys you could identify as good, sure, but they weren't unambiguous about it.

Fallout 2 went into this whole unambiguous thing first. New California Republic is an unambiguous shining beacon of hope. Enclave is either unambiguously insane or unambiguously evil, take your pick.

It didn't work that well in Fallout 2, it doesn't work much better in Fallout 3, especially since the backstories of both factions are unclear, lame and full of holes.