May 19, 2004 #1 K King of Creation Vault Fossil Actually, all they found was Michael Jackson's close buddies. 8) You can make your own horrible, horrible picture here
Actually, all they found was Michael Jackson's close buddies. 8) You can make your own horrible, horrible picture here
May 20, 2004 #7 K King of Creation Vault Fossil Well, in case anyone was wondering, this is what the sign originally said:
May 20, 2004 #8 G Ghetto Goose It Wandered In From the Wastes Just right click and view image. UJ edit: link fixed
May 21, 2004 #16 victor Antediluvian as Feck Orderite I seriously can't believe nobody thought of this: *sigh*
May 22, 2004 #20 Ugly John So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs ok guys... even if it's funny, enough with the personnal attacks...or go into PMs....send them to me too, i want to see
ok guys... even if it's funny, enough with the personnal attacks...or go into PMs....send them to me too, i want to see