Things that Fallout 3 does RIGHT

Grenades. They did those well, very satisfying to use and much more useful than in originals.

As for the troll and "hardened buildings", it's obvious you know jack shit about nuclear weapons, <backseatmod>and I really REALLY wish strikes could be handed out for sheer stupidity</backseatmod>.
Ausir said:
Oh and I thought yaoguai just means monster ('cause in Chinese rpgs - like in the XianJian series - all monsters, not just the demons are referred to as yaoguai). But I guess that's just stupid nitpicking, so whatever.

It could be a Chinese genetically engineered weapon, similarly to the US-made deathclaws and wanamingos.

Yeah, that would make sense. Only question is why would the American wastelanders call it by it's Chinese name? Although I can see some possible explanations for that, too - Maybe the name was also broadcast in Chinese propaganda and/or the post-apocalyptic American society adopted some words from other languages (a lil' bit like city speak in Shadowrun).
From my understanding (which a lot of my understanding of Chinese stuff comes from my wife who is from Taiwan) is that Yao Guai are manifested demons of mistreated or otherwise dead animals. And if you've ever been to Taiwan or China, you'd see just how badly animals are mistreated.
Roflcore said:
However, I recommend not clicking on the Di Yu article.

Uh, of course, a warning like this immediately led me to click on the Di Yu link. Maybe it's a bit late to ask, but why didn't you recommend it? If it's because of the slightly violent description of the stages of hell than no worries, I knew part of it from Xi You Ji already and most old school Chinese novels are full of detailed torture descriptions.

golfmade said:
From my understanding (which a lot of my understanding of Chinese stuff comes from my wife who is from Taiwan) is that Yao Guai are manifested demons of mistreated or otherwise dead animals. And if you've ever been to Taiwan or China, you'd see just how badly animals are mistreated.

Yeah, I know, I actually live in china. The first time I went to the supermarket here I bought two turtles and put them in a pond in a Buddhist temple, which earned me some disgruntled looks from my girlfriend. But I soon realised that it was a futile gesture. At least they don't eat cats here in Zhejiang.

Anyway, in Xi You Ji, the animals that turn into demons are not mistreated, but are pets or guardian animals of some heavenly deities, that learned some Taoist or Buddhist techniques and escaped in the mortal realm to have some fun and eat some human flesh (like the goldfish of a bodhisattva and such).
boodah said:
If it's because of the slightly violent description of the stages of hell than no worries

Slightly? Remind me never to watch horrormovies with you. :o

Oh I found another one: I like how some characters can piss you off. In megaton for instance: I hate the preacher (church of atom) and ofc moira. Linette in F2 was really annoying but Moira? I really hate her and everytime I'm finish shopping I quicksave and kill her a couple of times - good recreation!
Oh God, Moira. I think I've clicked my LMB more times to interrupt her horrible greeting lines when shopping than shooting at stuff.
Buxbaum666 said:
boodah said:
Yeah, I know, I actually live in china.
They allow you guys to use the internet now? (scnr)

Yeah, but the trigger-finger of the nice police officer who stands behind me with an AK pointed at my neck became itchy as I typed the words Chinese propagan....I mean education :look:
I love how this thread, and the other one with a similar title, are basically searching for the things that they did right, while doing a pretty fantastic job of pointing out the (numerous) things they did wrong.

ScottXeno said:
I love how this thread, and the other one with a similar title, are basically searching for the things that they did right, while doing a pretty fantastic job of pointing out the (numerous) things they did wrong.

You do, huh. I'd be splitting from it if people weren't arguing bears, bots and bricks all in the same posts. Just keep it on topic or we'll have to just vat a large part of the thread and start over.
I don't think I was going off topic, but alright.

I will say the one thing I did like about Fallout 3 was some of the scenery. Sometimes I would be walking along, and look out, and see ruined buildings, wrecked bridges and streets, and feel like this is what the wasteland would look like if it happened. That was maybe one part of the entire game that I actually enjoyed.
I felt that the ragdolls were spot on (except for the whole decapitating, exploding heads I can understand though)

A decent/sensible mix between the oh so silly being blown back 10 feet by a pistol and just dropping dead.

After using a weapon for a while you can start to predict just how the bodies would react (except for when parts exploded or fell off)

Hell, I started placing my shots in VATS and waiting to get a good shot not so I could just kill them but so I could kill them and have their ragdolls fall in an amusing way.
Yesterday I found a Super Mutant in a building, I shot and killed it, and it tumbled against the corners of a wall, pinned there, standing up. When I got close I noticed it was vibrating all over, shaking, in a rubbery sort of way. And then I realized that up close they look like a rubber foam suit. So I shot it in the face and made it's head explode.

Much better.
ScottXeno said:
Yesterday I should a Super Mutant in a building, I shot and killed it, and it tumbled against the corners of a wall, pinned there, standing up. When I got close I noticed it was vibrating all over, shaking, in a rubbery sort of way. And then I realized that up close they look like a rubber foam suit. So I shot it in the face and made it's head explode.

Much better.

I got jumped by a raider, I managed to disarm him and he ran away, so I lined up a kill shot in VATS, got him in the spine, he then proceded to...faceplant right into a mail dropbox, I cringed in sympathy.
lol, would have been even more classic if it was one of those boobytrapped mailboxes like in the Minefield. If he'd slammed into it and it exploded, sending his corpse tumbling.
I think the Yao Guai, while a bit of a stretch, is a decent idea. It's not really any different than having Centaurs be called... centaurs... People saw something that reminded them of a certain cultural myth and just started referring to the creature as such. Now, the fact that a bunch of English speaking people refer to such an animal by a Chinese name is a stretch, granted, but I appreciate what they were doing. Rather than just calling them "bears" they came up with an evocative name. Let's admit it, it's better than say... Radbear or GhoulBear.

I also liked the robots, including Liberty Prime. I think the idea that, in the alternate universe that is Fallout, people would definitely have been trying to build a giant robot is not that far afield. It's obvious he was a work in progress, to be deployed in Alaska, and not like "ZOMG the world is FULL of these things."
DeadEye001 said:
What do you think 'uniform obliteration' implies? I'll understand if you need to check the definition of obliteration. But you should probably check out what the word means. Because 15 miles of rubble would be 'uniform obliteration'. If you use the term 'uniform obliteration', that's what I'm going to assume that you mean. Because that's what it is. Even Hiroshima didn't suffer 'uniform obliteration', as you can see in the picture Dragula provided, and like I said before, that was an old city, not a modern one, and especially not a city that would likely be hardened against nuclear attack.

In any event, my perception of 'lightly bombed' is completely different to yours, because there are a lot of buildings that are totally fucked up amongst others that are fairly structurally sound. That doesn't seem light to me. That seems a bit more than light. In any case, that's a matter of opinion, so we'll agree to disagree on that one.

Don't be so quick to cry troll, fellas. It's a little like namecalling, and nobody likes to be called names.

Also: You want to wear my ass as a necklace? Because that's kind of... well, messed up.

Firstly. It was I who used the phrase Uniform Obliteration.. not Wooz. Secondly, at ground zero I should expect to see nothing but rubble and dirt! The blast would extend beyond ground zero and would affect buildings less and less as the explosion continued it's path of destruction. It all looks like a very neat target in a grid city.

The problem we're all having is that, there seems to be little to no thought given to the placement of buildings beyond Bethesda's statements that they mixed and matched buildings so the city-scape wouldn't look boring. And there's little consistency to the damage the buildings have received; almost no relation between a destroyed buildings adjacent to the blast zone and buildings on the outskirts of the city.

Whether or not the city is a 'modern' or not when the city was hit shouldn't even be a factor! I don't care how well built a building is, after a nuclear blast followed by 200 years, there shouldn't be anything! Sure, that might not be interesting to explore, but the originals weren't just about exploring ruins! Most (the majority) of explorable areas in Fallout and Fallout 2 were 'built' cities, not recaptured ruins.

Personally, it's a little disappointing that the only 'constructed' settlements look like junk. I was expecting a little more, like an undamaged Vault or something like Shady Sands. Still, the airline carrier (super-tanker/freighter) was alright, even if the interior was a damn maze.