Things we learned from Fallout 3


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I don't know if there has already been a thread like this but these are usually fun and no game deserves this thread more than Fallout 3.

To kick this off:

1. It never rains in post apocalyptic DC

2. Children are immortal

3. Effects of nuclear explosions are greatly exaggerated
chinese commandoes that turn into ghouls apparantly take 200 years to clear out their hideout of enemy turrets
- Behemot Super Mutants will teleport behind your back and want to slaughter you for stealing their teddy bear

- In post-apocalyptic world there's a lot of people with cash on their hands that will pay you to do retardet stuff (collect Nuka Cola, Declaration of Independce, go on a minefield etc.)

- People don't need to eat, purified water is enough

-No matter what you do, the world remains the same.
If something is broken, fix it by turning it on at full power

The world has a green filter

The whole town will try to kill you if you grab a fork in the bar
Never let a pool of blood land vertically as its mass will stretch across the length of the sky and block off the horizon.
1. Everyone is retarded

2. Slavers are evil

3. Raiders are psycho-blood-driven maniacs

4. Vampires exist

5. Mutants, slavers, raiders and Enclave are affraid to attack bunch of annoying children in the Little Lamplight.
Wow, what's up with messed up numbering?

22. Computers can stay on for centuries

23. Mutants don't hate ghouls

24. You can wear a Ghoul mask to avoid being attacked by ghouls but not supermutants.
1. All automobiles are packed with high explosives.

(Seriously, this is just retarded. These cars are dead hulks. Long-dead non-functional reactors on wheels. Uranium does not magically go KABOOM when you shoot at it.)

2. 200 years after the nuclear apocalypse, the plumbing and water works in many public areas are still quite functional, water fountains work perfectly, and you can even get a drink from the nearest fire hydrant.

(Where the fuck is the water pressure for that water fountain in the desolate abandoned subway coming from, Beth? Pray tell?)

3. That locked computer terminal over there would like to play a game of Mastermind with you.

4. No electrical power? No worries. Everything in the Capital Wasteland is powered by the magic of the wee folk, who have taken residence inside various appliances, light fixtures and computer terminals. Who needs an outlet?
TychoTheItinerant said:
1. All automobiles are packed with high explosives.

(Seriously, this is just retarded. These cars are dead hulks. Long-dead non-functional reactors on wheels. Uranium does not magically go KABOOM when you shoot at it.)

Speaking of which, why are there gas station in the game?

30. It's bad to steam from old mr Tenpenny; it's good to blow him to pieces.

31. Shooting someone with paper money can make them explode

32. All old guys sound the same

33. There is a shortage of scrap metal when piles of it are more than 10 feet away from the town.
maximaz said:
Speaking of which, why are there gas station in the game?

I think they're supposed to be "nuclear fueling stations", not gas stations (though the name "Rockbreaker's Last Gas" seems to indicate otherwise), which is pretty stupid - a reactor-powered car would need to refuel RARELY, if EVER in the lifespan of that car, I think.
35. You need a power armor training to wear it.

36. Supermutants are acctually yellow.

37. Almost everyone in the game has a personal computer.
38. Little plastic bobbleheads can make you stronger,smarter,more agile etc.
39.Even mass murder can be forgiven if you give enough clean water to people.
41. Everywhere around the world you can find magic lab uniforms that make you smarter and pre-war casualwear that makes you more agile, etc.
42. If you're ever in the business of selling S&M gear, market it to raider demographics.