Thoughts on the Borderlands franchise?

I kinda liked BL1, when I was younger.

I wanted one of the snazzy DLC 'pearl' guns, which are only available in super chests, which is super rare.

Or killing the giant purple lobster boss...And the drop rate is also super rare.

I killed him at least 100 times, 1-2 times a day for around a quarter of a year.

I got one of them.

And it was the shittiest one (A shotgun which had some weird spread pattern, and nothing else).

At that point I dropped the game.

I then later bought Borderlands 2, preordered it...And realised it was just as shit.

"Hey player, here's a new gun!"

"But...Its shittier than anything I have now..."

"No worries! Sell it!"

"What? Sell it for 100 bucks? The ammo I spent getting this piece of shit cost more than the entire loot I got from it...Now I have to grind lockers and boxes again for ammo..."

"No worries! You got some purpleshit, spend that on the slot machines! Sell the guns you get from that!"

"Purpleshit? You mean the stuff you hyped up to be super important and powerful and shit? You literally throw it away like its coins?"

"Yep! And by the way, the machines are rigged, good fucking luck getting anything better than a 'blue' gun from it"

"Huh...This game is grindier than the first one...I...I do not like this at all"

I then beat the game.

"Huh...That plot was absolute garbage, and the final boss was basically a giant Skaag on fire...This...This is a shit game"

I then preordered and bought Aliens Colonial marines, got cancer, then vowed not to give Gear-Shit a single dollar ever again for making garbage, ruining one of my franchises, then ruining another one with Homeworld.
Borderlands 2 is r-rated Star Wars.

Plucky resistance
Crazy Princess Leia
Heroic Sacrifice

And Palpatine if he was a douchebag frat bro.

Borderlands 2 is r-rated Star Wars.

Plucky resistance
Crazy Princess Leia
Heroic Sacrifice

And Palpatine if he was a douchebag frat bro.

Even if that was at the slightest of intention.

Standard brand underdog "Resistance" that has a feasible amount of resources, but doesn't do anything until YOU get there and then start kicking ass.

Lilith? Sure she hot. But irrational is the word. At the start/end of TFTB she was alright.

See above. I cri everitiem.
Even if that was at the slightest of intention.

Standard brand underdog "Resistance" that has a feasible amount of resources, but doesn't do anything until YOU get there and then start kicking ass.

Lilith? Sure she hot. But irrational is the word. At the start/end of TFTB she was alright.

See above. I cri everitiem.

The developers have flat out said they were going for a funny Star Wars meets Aliens vibe. Which is an odd juxtaposition, I admit.

I also like the fact Lilith, unlike most women in video games, is every bit as irrational and psychotic as the men in the game.

Roland is the only decent one and he gets to be the Aerith.

Talking about Roland...

Yeah, thanks gearbox for killing off the character I played as in Borderlands 1.

Apparently Roland, who in my eyes, was an unstoppable monster with shields capable of tanking Crawmerax, and guns which tended to kill giant monsters in a couple seconds, was killed by a handgun by some gay faggot.


Fuck you gearbox.
I loved playing as Krieg from the second one, but I just cannot stand the grind. It's like every single part of the game is filler. I only played 30% of my first playthrough legitimately, after which I simply used Cheat Engine to level up whenever I felt it was appropriate. Game's a lot more fun that way.

Haven't played the other two for any extensive period of time, but the consensus seems to be that BL2 is the best one. Writing's good, I guess; not stellar work, but not unbearable or mediocre either. Solid 6 or 7 out of 10.

The unique weapons that are actually unique - as opposed to flavour-texted garbage - are pretty cool, but don't expect to find any quickly or anything; they have random drop chances. Gotta grind for 'em if you wanna shoot with 'em.

All in all, it feels to me like the game was born out of the worst possible design document possible, but was blessed with enough solid and sometimes great development choices to be decent enough.



does the job.
Talking about Roland...

Yeah, thanks gearbox for killing off the character I played as in Borderlands 1.

Apparently Roland, who in my eyes, was an unstoppable monster with shields capable of tanking Crawmerax, and guns which tended to kill giant monsters in a couple seconds, was killed by a handgun by some gay faggot.


Fuck you gearbox.

Have you picked up Jack's gun? It's AWESOME.
1 fun to me. 2 was too much like an MMO for me to play it by myself which is all that I could do. Never even bothered with the pre sequal
I thought it was a Orange one when you pick it up.

Then again, in-universe, shields are the only reason Borderlanders aren't as squishy as other humans.
Oh, you mean his drops at the end (actually The Warrior's)? Yeah, The Conference Call, The Vulcano or the Hellfire. Also Flakkers and other jazz.
Or you know, fuck all. Not like I ever had to farm for a Practicable Conference Call of different elements, or something.
Also, you have to exploit the game to get the reasonable drop rate.

I must admit that it was cool for it to be the only weapon referenced in TFTB non original.

To the latter, psychos and xenos disagree.
You mean that piece of shit which did like 1/4 the damage of my own guns?
Heeeeey those are pretty good- If they drop and aren't othe rthing that the Conference Call. And the Interfacer is better.
Don't get me started on how stupidly OP certain items are in Shiterlands 2.
It really isn't about them being OP, but for everything else being garbage after the first NG. I've got close friends that have some YT channels dedicated for the most part to it, and while it is cool to see them fly, one shot level 89 boss mobs and such, it hardly is a thing on the game's favour as it very clearly was not intended.

The only thing I could call undoubtly OP is The Sham, an Absorption Shield (makes ammo when being hit) that also annulates the absorbed projectile's damage. And the % of this happening ranges from 20% to 93%. And the 93% basically is a meme on their community, it's so fucking hard to get
The other one is The Bee that increases damage insanely, but basically resists 1-2 hits. I do like when games do that.
It really isn't about them being OP, but for everything else being garbage after the first NG. I've got close friends that have some YT channels dedicated for the most part to it, and while it is cool to see them fly, one shot level 89 boss mobs and such, it hardly is a thing on the game's favour as it very clearly was not intended.

The only thing I could call undoubtly OP is The Sham, an Absorption Shield (makes ammo when being hit) that also annulates the absorbed projectile's damage. And the % of this happening ranges from 20% to 93%. And the 93% basically is a meme on their community, it's so fucking hard to get
The other one is The Bee that increases damage insanely, but basically resists 1-2 hits. I do like when games do that.

OP is a relative term, no?

If everythign is absolute garbage, the thing which is 'normal' is OP.
Not all games are NG+++, in normal game, the combo is absolutely broken.

Anarchy-tree Gaige + Conference Call tends to be broken as all hell no matter how many times you play the game.

Anyway, this reminds me another issue I have with the game: its mission statement for writing and gameplay seem to be completely at odds.

The gameplay relies on you replaying through the game several times to achieve "true" completion, i.e. maximum level, but the quickest way to make a joke unfunny is through repetition. By the third time you start the game, you can barely summon the effort to play through Hammerlock's introduction, nevermind making it all the way to Opportunity.
Anarchy-tree Gaige + Conference Call tends to be broken as all hell no matter how many times you play the game.

Anyway, this reminds me another issue I have with the game: its mission statement for writing and gameplay seem to be completely at odds.

The gameplay relies on you replaying through the game several times to achieve "true" completion, i.e. maximum level, but the quickest way to make a joke unfunny is through repetition. By the third time you start the game, you can barely summon the effort to play through Hammerlock's introduction, nevermind making it all the way to Opportunity.

Gaige is a pay2win character which you have to pay for...That's not fair.