Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

Let's remember a big part - a major part - in RPGs and Adventure games and the like: there's the analog board game. DnD, for example. Early wargames. Then there's the novel: the Planetary Romance, the Chivalric Romance, the exotic adventure novel. A video game is nothing more than these two mediums on a new medium with a huge level of interactivity, with the nuts and bolts dealt with not a DM or an index but a computer. That's about it.

Now, how many players now - average gamers - grew up with either of those things? At best, maybe a novel was given to them to report on, and they see DnD as a nerdy thing made fun of in a stoner comedy.

What influences people now are TVs and Movies. I mean, they influenced people since they started, but this is the influence that is noted by game developers more than coming from the DND/Novel background. And while there's a lot of good stuff in those mediums, there's a lot of average stuff and a lot of dumb, cheap stuff. And that influences games. Saving Private Ryan - becomes CoD. Halo had some influence from Aliens and the like, surely. And then they start bouncing off one another. As for Doom, the granddady, that was just a nice amalgamation of the 90s, can't pin that. Hell, Doom 1 and 2 now is probably unbearable for the CoD MoW player or Halo 5 player or whatever.

There's other factors, surely, but Fallout 1 is a RPG game. Not the first, but a solid bedrock within that genre. Novels and DnD are the groundwork of RPGs, and those aren't consumed by the masses. What is consumed are movies and shooters, and so if you want a solid big buck - a 750 damn million big buck - you lean in that direction. And that's grim news in my view. Hell, look at these big names - Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter nights. DnD, right? Remember them? And where are those series now - dead.

I mean, in video games, genres shift in prominence. The Space Arcade Shooter. The Racer. The RPG. The FPS. The TPS. The TBS, the RTS. One day, surely, FPS will be overshadowed by something; but for now? Yea.... Hell apparently, everyone wants another WW2 FPS.
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Their heads against the pavement, like any other normal kid. What thoughts are going through your head
I saw "bang" and "bro", take a wild guess where my mind went.

Man, the internet really has corrupted me. :confused:

A nuu cheeki breeki iv damke

Not everyone is like that. I mean I know plenty of people who've heard of Fallout, and STALKER. Well maybe not stalker, but at least Fallout. I mean the words in italics are a meme originating from STALKER originating from Russian slang.

No, not every 14 year old is not some edgy-as-fuck CoD/Minecraft player. I can confirm, I'm 14, never touched CoD, and I hate minecraft. I mean some people like it casually, I got friends who play CoD, but they seem pretty chill about it n' all. I remember getting into a couple arguments with minecraft/roblox and simply minecraft, but that was with some peeps younger than me. I've also since quit roblox.

I also have a friend who plays Dungeons/Dragons with his cousins I think every weekend, or used to, so some people my age still give a damn about their RP'ing. Hell, there were plenty of RPG's on roblox, even if it was a copy of "Live in the town of Robloxia" or some shit like that, or their own unique game, like Pilgrim's Island Reborn or Tradelands. Pilgrim's Island Reborn was a game where you could build a base on some islands and RP. Tradelands was a game where you sail across some islands and trade some things, it even had it's own groups and lore.

So yeah.

A nuu cheeki breeki iv damke

Not everyone is like that. I mean I know plenty of people who've heard of Fallout, and STALKER. Well maybe not stalker, but at least Fallout. I mean the words in italics are a meme originating from STALKER originating from Russian slang.

No, not every 14 year old is not some edgy-as-fuck CoD/Minecraft player. I can confirm, I'm 14, never touched CoD, and I hate minecraft. I mean some people like it casually, I got friends who play CoD, but they seem pretty chill about it n' all. I remember getting into a couple arguments with minecraft/roblox and simply minecraft, but that was with some peeps younger than me. I've also since quit roblox.

I also have a friend who plays Dungeons/Dragons with his cousins I think every weekend, or used to, so some people my age still give a damn about their RP'ing. Hell, there were plenty of RPG's on roblox, even if it was a copy of "Live in the town of Robloxia" or some shit like that, or their own unique game, like Pilgrim's Island Reborn or Tradelands. Pilgrim's Island Reborn was a game where you could build a base on some islands and RP. Tradelands was a game where you sail across some islands and trade some things, it even had it's own groups and lore.

So yeah.

But that's not the point. Have they ever experienced Fallout/anyRPG or just heard about it? Also you wouldn't believe how many kids in my school who are all about 13-14 years old are minecraft fanatics. I even tried introducing one of them to no mans sky, but he just dismissed it and said that minecraft is better.
But that's not the point. Have they ever experienced Fallout/anyRPG or just heard about it? Also you wouldn't believe how many kids in my school who are all about 13-14 years old are minecraft fanatics. I even tried introducing one of them to no mans sky, but he just dismissed it and said that minecraft is better.

I know one of my friends has been playing Fallout 4. Like I said another one of my friends would play D/D with his cousins. When I said I'd hopefully be getting one of them classic fallouts, two of my friends were like 'Get New Vegas instead.' all me school m8s

The latter part of your reply is ridiculous.
I know one of my friends has been playing Fallout 4. Like I said another one of my friends would play D/D with his cousins. When I said I'd hopefully be getting one of them classic fallouts, two of my friends were like 'Get New Vegas instead.' all me school m8s

The latter part of your reply is ridiculous.

Im not kidding about it. They seriously need to let it go and admit that minecraft has rotten their brains.

Also its 1am here, im tired and i probably missed the "you getting them into the classics" part. Sorry.
Strange enough, Fallout seems to be really big in eastern europe and Russia. They have lots of cosplay, modders and fans over there.
No Mans Sky looks boring as shit tho. :V
I'm VERY curious to see how that game turns out on release. It's been hyped almost as much as Fallout 4. Very interested to see the reviews.
Strange enough, Fallout seems to be really big in eastern europe and Russia. They have lots of cosplay, modders and fans over there.
Well they gave us S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series and Metro, so they're pretty good with post apocalyptic universes. Plus that whole Fallout 2 Conversion - Fallout Nevada.
No Mans Sky looks boring as shit tho. :V
i prefer star citizen than no mans sky. i gotta admit, having an indie studio and backer that drive most of development direction is one of its perk.

also, star citizen have dedicated storyline and a realistic graphic from cryengine
Both are overhyped like crazy. Personally I don't see the appeal to either of them. Star Citizen (from what I've seen (and I haven't seen anything recent so things might've changed)) looks like an overambitious indefinite Early Access project and No Mans Sky looks like a roguelike, a game that focuses all its attention on being never ending and forgetting that it is important to have a damn structure and end point to your game. :shrug:

I'm more interested in that game that was on kickstarter that looked like the starting phase of Spore (cell stage) but far more fleshed out.
They're kids. There are exceptions, but by and large children do not have terribly refined tastes. They'll jump on bandwagons, live for the hype, and in general just... be kids. If some of them get really passionate about games, they'll start to delve a little bit deeper. Some will not do so however, they'll just get the latest thing because it's a talking point, and that's fine. Not everyone is going to get as dedicated to a certain few titles to become passionate enough to start critically analyzing them. The fact of the matter is that video games aren't a niche hobby anymore, they're a mainstream, multi-billion dollar industry that caters to a wide audience. Just like there are people who are really into movies, television, novels, music, etc., there are some who are more into video games than most people.

...Also, Elite: Dangerous is my space game. No Man's Sky and Star Citizen aren't even on my radar anymore.
...Also, Elite: Dangerous is my space game. No Man's Sky and Star Citizen aren't even on my radar anymore.
Elite Dangerous has such a ridiculous pay scheme that I simply have no interest. All the space sims have it. It looks cool but I'm not interested in paying the price for 5 AAA games just for 1 game.

And as for Star Citizen, is it ever going to be finished?
And as for Star Citizen, is it ever going to be finished?

they're going for full VR support, and as far i could tell cryengine v were more better than cryengine gen 3 they planned to use back in 2013. so its either because crytek doing gigantic leap of engine so they have to adapt it or its simply being "early access" cancer that ussually plague kickstarter
Elite Dangerous has such a ridiculous pay scheme that I simply have no interest. All the space sims have it. It looks cool but I'm not interested in paying the price for 5 AAA games just for 1 game.

That's fair. I don't mind it myself though, considering what I'd played of it in its first year got me interested enough to continue with it in the future. While I normally am wary of yearly installments in a series, that my progression is not wiped in Elite helps keep me interested. Whether or not you want to pay or not really comes down to how much an individual values the game. If you aren't interested now, that's fine, come back in a few years and see if you're interested then. If it's still not your sort of game, it's not your game.

For me, and the enjoyment I get from the game, it's worth the money. To me it's worth paying for an expansion once a year because when it really came down to it, I very rarely actually buy a AAA game, or if I do it's almost never at full price. Most games at that price range simply do not interest me in any way. Besides that, from what I've gathered it isn't that different from how things like WoW expansions are priced and work. That each expansion is going to include the base game and the previous expansions bundled has gotten some people upset, but I prefer that to a model where a base game gets just a ridiculous amount of DLC.

When it comes down to it, I bought the game to go space trucking while listening to podcasts. It's Eurotruck in space and I really like that.
I find that younger gamer's are over stimulated with all the hopped up graphics and immediate gratification new games produce for them.
I also think that this is what has affected this current generation of younger gamers though this is not limited to younger people (I know many people my age who prefer modern games over older ones simply because the graphics are bad). The triple-A games of today are seem to be trying to become more of cinematic rather than complex and deeper so that they can attract wider audiences. With pop culture today, the trend of simple games has become more popular among the modern audiences who eschew complex and deeper writing for the aforesaid graphics and gratification.

I guess it also depends on mindset since more critically minded people would find it easier to abstain from quick gratification games in large doses though they are not unwelcome when it is time to unwind. There's nothing wrong with having such games but I just wish for games that have rich writing when it comes to the narrative, characters and background to be the norm rather than the exception. It does not help that there are a growing number of people in this current generation of gamers who assume that criticism=hate and that they have to counter it with outright adulation (the vocal members of Bethesda's fanbase quickly comes to mind) which can stifle the quality since most review sites these days seem to prefer appeasing these people rather than delivering harsher truths and that said people will continue the trend of pre-ordering games to boost profits for bad practices that they do not perceive as harmful to the medium.

When it comes down to it, I bought the game to go space trucking while listening to podcasts. It's Eurotruck in space and I really like that.
Just remember not to unwind any windows to stick your head out while trucking.
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I'm 17 and my little brother 14, and i think i did a good job with him :D. I mean, he still plays COD, GTA Online, sports games, etc. If he didn't have a shitty Mac PC, he'd be able to use my Steam library (All Fallouts, FTL, roguelikes, good stuff), and i think he would respect and like the games. I even go him to play Dark Souls 1 and just yesterday 2 on his PS3. Although he does watch a lot of garbage on YouTube and plays Clash Royale too much :/ .

In my side, my first gaming device ever was at 8 years old, on a PC where we played the port of Lego Racers from N64, an Star Wars: Pod Racers with my dad and bro (i couldn't use powerups, my hands were to small). Later i got a DS, where i got Mario 64, Zelda: SS and later Dragon Quest IX, my first (J)RPG. At 10, my mother decided to get us a Wii, instead of the PS2 everyone had, becouse of the catalogue and "in the Wii you move" (note the fact that my mom didn't let us see the Pokemon anime, "there was too much violence" :twitch:.
Aand later ahead, i got a PC all for myself in highschopl. After a lot of Minecraft, in the good way, adventure maps, that was before the Hunger Games were invented and shit went downhill.

And at 15 years old, i found on a Japan Weekend a fuckton of Fallout New Vegas copies on stock for 3€ each. Without really knowing why, i got it (likely it was the Steam mindset). With 0 idea, got home, installed it and the average started. Past year, i got so much hype i had to be nailed to the floor to stay put. EVERYONE HERE KNOWS HOW THAT TURNED OUT. After the 200 hour mark of weird feeling, and the horrible ending i found out. "Oh, that smell was of incredible garbage and a deceptive moneygrab! Thx Bethesda!"

In sorrow, i got Dark Souls 1 on PC, and after it i started a Indie/retro spiral of games until DS3, if they don't get the Season Pass i'll never trust videogame companies ever again.
Mind you, maybe this "good" taste of mine is becouse of being a bookworm when i was a kid (i just tucked in a corner of the playground an read) and got to good fantasy and Sci-Fi before playing any Bethesda title, so that made them completely unable to impress me :lol:.

Holy scrap, why have i written all this?
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I dont have any problems with people playing mainstream. games to unwind and relax (heck, im guilty of playing tons of TBoI, tho even that had a somewhat disturbing story). But when that's the ONLY they play, well... >_>:aiee:

Even im starting to get why parents are so keen on getting us away from computers and phones.