THQ is dead

"Both the Saints Row and the Metro franchises perfectly fit into our future lineup and strategy," says Menno van der Bil, international commercial director at Deep Silver, in a statement. "We're really excited to lead these well-respected licenses into a bright new future."

French-based publisher Ubisoft confirmed in a press released it acquired THQ's Montreal studio, home to former Assassin's Creed creative director Patrice Desilets, as well as the rights to the role-playing game South Park: The Stick of Truth for a combined $5.8 million.

Meanwhile, Sega scooped up studio Relic Entertainment, makers of the Company of Heroes strategy series, while Crysis studio Crytek acquired the rights to the upcoming military shooter Homefront 2.

The fates of Vigil Studios, developer of Darksiders, and THQ's line of WWE video games remains unclear. There are several reports the WWE license could be acquired by Take-Two Interactive's 2K label.
There it is.

Apparently, though published by Deep Silver, it was developed by "Silver Style Entertainment", another German company. I'd guess they're very closely related.
Platinum Games have shown interest in Vigil and Darksiders. Nothing substantial and most probably won't lead to nothing, but still one can dream...
The most important thing is that Sega got Relic, and Zenimax (Bethesda?) f***ing lost it! :dance:


I really hope they won't fuck up warhammer seeing how i love pretty much all the 40k games so far :(
Coulda been worse. Relic being with Sega is decent, I guess; apart from forcing nickel-and-dime DLCs, they haven't done too much bad to The Creative Assembly (the Total War fellows). The rest I honestly don't care much about, except for Vigil; I actually liked both Darksiders games and the story just begs for another entry.

It's interesting to see Relic sold for the most by far out of the studios. These guys are really talented and deserve to shine, and of course COH2 is on my day 1 buylist. Come to think of it, this'll be a great RTS year. COH2, Rome 2, Heart of the Swarm...
Relic also has a nearly-finished CoH2 coming with them. Volition has Metro: last light which is also nearly finished iirc.
I hope SEGA doesn't fiddle with CoH2, adding all kinds of wee shit in small-time DLC's like they did with Shogun 2: Total War... I kinda liked the way it was handled in CoH1, with two large-isch expansion packs.
Thankfully the games I've been waiting for have been picked up. I've been looking forward to a Metro game for PS3 since I played the first one on my friend's PC two years ago. Lets hope Deep Silver doesn't fuck it up.

I'm guessing someone's picking up Saint's Row 4? The alien invasion plot made me really want it, so whoever picks it up I had they keep that in.
That would be Deep Silver. They didn't just get the game, they got Volition. I dunno if that means they're in charge of the studio, or just the contracts that Volition had with THQ or what, though.

Hopefully they'll give Saints Row more time to be finished this time around.
Makta said:
I really hope they won't fuck up warhammer seeing how i love pretty much all the 40k games so far :(

Amen battle bruva! The Emperor's faith will guide the games of those to come.

On a serious note, Sega was responsible for publishing the Total War series. And that series in particular is perhaps the best thing any RTS gamer could ever lay their hands on. Imagine what Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War 3 would/could evolve to become. I'd set my money down for Sega if they had Relic work with The Creation Assembly on Dawn of War just so they could work their beautiful magic together on such the specimen. Hell, it'd probably be so grand it'd bring the Emperor back alive!

As for Dark Millenniums fate though, I'm concerned... A lot. That game's bound to suffer something similar to an abortion if the confusion behind it continues.

By the way, do you play the tabletop games? :wink:
No no no NO! Leave DoW 3 in peace at Relic's hand. CA should solo on a Warhammer 40.000: Total War if they wish/can, I'd love that. Sure, some advice from Relic in handling the lore aspects like a proper bolters and jet-packs (DoW 1 was a disaster in these regards, but DoW 2 fixed them real nice, so they got the right idea now and could act as advisors).

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War should remain along the lines already estabilished by Relic: fast paced, squad based, visceral mix of ranged and melee combat with synch kills, focused on small to medium scale battles. No sense in having one babe when we can have two.
Makenshi said:
No no no NO! Leave DoW 3 in peace at Relic's hand. CA should solo on a Warhammer 40.000: Total War if they wish/can, I'd love that. Sure, some advice from Relic in handling the lore aspects like a proper bolters and jet-packs (DoW 1 was a disaster in these regards, but DoW 2 fixed them real nice, so they got the right idea now and could act as advisors).

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War should remain along the lines already estabilished by Relic: fast paced, squad based, visceral mix of ranged and melee combat with synch kills, focused on small to medium scale battles. No sense in having one babe when we can have two.

I'm sorry, but I may have used a bad example on my part. I mean't that Warhammer 40k *or Warhammer Fantasy, now that I think about it,* would be interesting if it had a game created in a Total War series game style format. It's just that Dawn of War was the first thing that popped in my mind when I was typing that. And I apologize by retracting what I stated when I mentioned Dawn of War 3. But I formally agree with your most of your post and how you stated it.

However, I still stand with the idea of Relic and The Creation Assembly coming together for AT LEAST one game. It doesn't have to be one of Relics games, but perhaps maybe a 40k game done from scratch, and if possible, turned into a series itself. Because when you think about it, you have Dawn of War fans who still have more appeal over army based combat rather than squad based combat. And something along the lines of Total War would be a godsend to players of that certain style of play. In contrast, it could even out the playing field for fans who enjoyed the original Dawn of War and desire a game in similar ideal.

*I prefer both army and squad based in the case that I don't endanger hurting my point.*
I remember reading in this months PC GAMER mag something about CA having the rights to make a WH game with the orcs that use medieval fighting but not being able to touch anything with space marines.

I hope this makes sense. I do not know anything about WH.
Hmm... besides the classic WH40K tabletop, wasn't there a spin off, something like WH40K:Epic where instead of squad based play you had huge armies with baneblades and gargantuans (or something like that) and titans? Sounds like this would be more up CA's alley. Space marines are a bit lost in such scenarios, since they are more for commando-like small, fast and hard strikes, not bunching up by the thousands and getting shot at by huge guns. Orks, tyranids and the imperial army on the other hand are famous for their wasteful largescale battles. Nothing like sending in antoher 20k troops because the enemy will surely run out of ammo soon:)