Thrash metal vs NWOBHM/Traditional Heavy metal?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
For anyone who's big on music. Do you guys have any preference for one of the other? To me it's something I've thought about all day. And from both scenes I noticed things.

NWOBHM/ Your Traditional Heavy metal
1. Took some influence from punk rock (sounds like around guitars and production)
2. A bit more melodic than thrash
3. Didn't really have a natural music enemy
4. Continuation of the first wave of heavy metal from their predecessors. Whom had more of a blues rock influence.
5. Varied a lot in what styles they went for.

But for things what I may call a downside or something that brought the NWOBHM down it'd be.
1. Could be boring at times. Based on tastes, like you may think it's never enough
2. It left as quick as it came. Which I think the New wave began in 1979 and ended in 1984 I think. Then Thrash took over.
3. Major record labels, style changes, and going underground. Which is where I think Saxon is at right. Underground. Raven and Diamond Head went onto a major record label, and the albums we got from them when they did. Were subpar. Canterbury and Stay Hard. In a way it kinda killed what NWOBHM was about. But I think there's ways it could've been made to work. And style change happened too. I don't really wanna go into too much detail there.

1. Took a hell of a lot of influence from the American punk rock scene (Which I will not refer to as hardcore because that's just dumb).
2. More rhythmic, I hear a lot more of the bass following the drums then I do bass following the guitar and drums like I do with NWOBHM.
3. Had a natural enemy. Hair Metal, erghh. They were like the cobra and mongoose. Hated each other. Because one was a rip off and commercialization of true heavy metal. And the other was the spirit of the NWOBHM, after smoking meth and flying high with a vengeance.
4. Thrash can be repetitive. It can. Trust me, the drumming is usually what makes it sound the same. But it doesn't make it bad none the less

Downsides or so I think.
1. Burnout, some thrash metal bands had a habit of burning out after album number 2 or 3. It's raw energy, power, and speed. But I think at some point they used the best ideas first and that slightly killed them. That and they were inconsistent.
2. Repetition, as much as I said I was fine with it. It may have killed it off in a sense of them not really evolving their style or showing they can be diverse if they're only sticking to fast tempo drumming and thrash riffs with yelled vocals on social issues or death.
3. Lasted from 1983 to 1992. 9 years. What killed it afterwards is the rise of nu metal and alternative. No, better yet. Thrash committed suicide and saw revival around 2004. They wanted to show they can be different or jump on major label bandwagons for support. So they started doing alternative stuff. It alienated the fan base and killed what little support was left from around 1993-2003. But great, both of these genres are seeing revival.

So what do you think is better? And what do you prefer to listen to? Also I'll post 4 vids. Two from your NWOBHM acts in 1979-1982. And two from your Thrash metal bands in the later half of the 80's.

I don't really like either, to be honest. Used to be very much into Thrash, but it just got... Boring. Never really got into NWOBHM. Got into Death and Black Metal almost immediately...
I don't really like either, to be honest. Used to be very much into Thrash, but it just got... Boring. Never really got into NWOBHM. Got into Death and Black Metal almost immediately...
Death is pretty damn good. My problem with thrash is the repetitiveness and burnouts. But other than it's pretty fucking amazing.
I grew up with bands like Sepultura and Slayer, so I don't frown on Trashmetal. At its best it's really amazing. But I am more of a black-/deathmetal guy. Traditional heavymetal like Iron Maiden I don't really listen to at all (IM was a thing in my youth along with some others, but I got bored of that sort of music).
I don't really have much of a preference.
If there's two kinds of metal I do frequently listen to, it's Industrial and Avant-garde metal.

But in terms of the examples given above, I really like early Metallica and some Iron Maiden.
Death is pretty damn good. My problem with thrash is the repetitiveness and burnouts. But other than it's pretty fucking amazing.
Yeah, mostly why I stopped listening to Thrash. Was a big fan of Exodus for a long time, though, and still like the more progressive bands like Stam1na and Revocation.
And from time to time, some blunt in-your-face dumbassery like Evile or Municipal Waste or Havok doesn't hurt, either.
Anyone heard of Dew-Scented? A german Thrash Metal band with a dash of Death Metal in it.

If you can stand the harsher vocals I really recommend them. At least until Issue VI, kinda lost track of them afterwards.
Just love this song:

Man, haven't really listened to this band in ages. Issue VI was such a good album.
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1. Took a hell of a lot of influence from the American punk rock scene (Which I will not refer to as hardcore because that's just dumb).
The problem is thrash was pretty stagnant and derivative.

Hardcore, or crossover if you want to call it that was pretty diverse, and because it was on a smaller scale had a more regional flavor. You had NYC acts like Cro-Mags, S.O.D., the Misfits even. SF/LA had D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag. DC had the Bad Brains and Minor Threat. Pretty broad range there.

The only range is thrash was kind of the tiers. You had A level in like Metallica, B in Anthrax, Metal Church, C in Testament, Death Angel and so on.

I guess you can say thrash, especially the German stuff like Sodom "evolved" in Black and Death metal, but the farther it went the more inaccessible it got for me.

The NWOBHM scene, why do we have to chose one or the other? It was always better at the bigger, arena type sound like Maiden and Priest developed into. Their roots were always more bluesy, especially their early stuff.

I'm getting quite old now, and everything after about I turned 25 is shit though. Maybe it's nostalgia, but growing up in the tri-state area during that era was pretty cool though. No internet, it was all word-of-mouth and lots of dubbed cassettes floating around. Cool scene. The music was intertwined in a lot of skater/BMX/drug culture too, later on we replaced the skateboards and HAROs with muscle cars and bikes and better drugs. Good times. NWOBHM or thrash, I loved them both, the crossover scene was always more relatable as they came of like local kids. Saw a lot of good shows back then.
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Iron Maiden sucks. Used to like Metallica and can still enjoy some of their older songs, but in general they also suck.

I'm more into extreme metal, death and black.
I grew up with bands like Sepultura and Slayer, so I don't frown on Trashmetal. At its best it's really amazing. But I am more of a black-/deathmetal guy. Traditional heavymetal like Iron Maiden I don't really listen to at all (IM was a thing in my youth along with some others, but I got bored of that sort of music).
Yeah I grew up on a lot of Thrash metal too. And honestly I fucking love it. I truly think it's the second best Heavy metal subgenre. But I went back and heard the traditional stuff and realized that it sounds a lot more balanced. And sometimes technical. It isn't just running up and down scales really fast *cough Dave Mustaine cough* or spamming the wha wha and whammy bar *cough Andreas Kisser cough*. And well this guy on another site quoted
Ritchie Blackmore "The only thing more important than the notes themselves, are the pacing and spaces between them".
The problem is thrash was pretty stagnant and derivative.

Hardcore, or crossover if you want to call it that was pretty diverse, and because it was on a smaller scale had a more regional flavor. You had NYC acts like Cro-Mags, S.O.D., the Misfits even. SF/LA had D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag. DC had the Bad Brains and Minor Threat. Pretty broad range there.

The only range is thrash was kind of the tiers. You had A level in like Metallica, B in Anthrax, Metal Church, C in Testament, Death Angel and so on.

I guess you can say thrash, especially the German stuff like Sodom "evolved" in Black and Death metal, but the farther it went the more inaccessible it got for me.

The NWOBHM scene, why do we have to chose one or the other? It was always better at the bigger, arena type sound like Maiden and Priest developed into. Their roots were always more bluesy, especially their early stuff.

I'm getting quite old now, and everything after about I turned 25 is shit though. Maybe it's nostalgia, but growing up in the tri-state area during that era was pretty cool though. No internet, it was all word-of-mouth and lots of dubbed cassettes floating around. Cool scene. The music was intertwined in a lot of skater/BMX/drug culture too, later on we replaced the skateboards and HAROs with muscle cars and bikes and better drugs. Good times. NWOBHM or thrash, I loved them both, the crossover scene was always more relatable as they came of like local kids. Saw a lot of good shows back then.
Eh I'm just asking preferences and what some thought was better.
I love thrash metal. I grew up listening to all the classic thrash bands like slayer, and megadeth. I was never into black/ death metal though . It just doesn't click with me. Overall I would say thrash is my favorite kind of rock besides "grunge"
I love thrash metal. I grew up listening to all the classic thrash bands like slayer, and megadeth. I was never into black/ death metal though . It just doesn't click with me. Overall I would say thrash is my favorite kind of rock besides "grunge"
How do you feel about NWOBHM? I've thought about starting a band and we're having difficulty on deciding which style we should go with
How do you feel about NWOBHM? I've thought about starting a band and we're having difficulty on deciding which style we should go with
Why decide on a style? Just do what you feel like, and fuck all the conventions.
I have a casual interest on it like some Judas Priest/ iron maidan songs, other then that I have no strong feelings towards it.
I usually find myself in conflict on what I like more and I'd want to do in terms of a band's style and influences. I say, Testament and Exodus should've been a part of the big four.
Not a big fan of just thrash metal,at least not the US but bands like Mekong Delta and Coroner always gets me.

Especially the latter, especially when they go dark, starting sound near Death/Thrash.

And I'll leave it there as a band worth mentioning in every Thrash metal discussion, not only 'Technical' or 'Progressive' Metal.

BTW, mixing industrial with thrash may sound stupid but the end result turned out decent to say at least.
yeah but this is 3 other people and they want to "deicide" pardon the pun also on what we do. I want to do what I feel like, but these guys do too.

After being in a bunch of bands where the style/genre was decided upon before we even got to playing, I can say that chances are it won't really work out. There has to be some spontaneous creativity, simply trying to make music from a predefined set of ideas will be boring as fuck. It also depends a whole lot on each persons personal play style.