Imo, worst Fo3 character would be the one who writes the survival guide, but 3dogs is a serious contender with how much space he could take up in the game, considering the game could be quite long to complete (if you go through the fillers, hoping for actual content) and how limited and global the radio stations are.
Yeah, I ended up doing a playthrough of 3 after a few years as a palate cleanser of sorts and after a few mods I found it to be an enjoyable experience. Then I decided to do a replay of New Vegas, and after flailing with the byzantine reality that is modding NV, the difference between the two is hard to put into words. I enjoyed 3 but New Vegas is where it's at.

That being said, I don't mind 3dog and I detailed why above. Moira's a cute character though, but it is odd why people need a 'survival guide' 200 years after the bombs fell, you'd think Darwin would've taken care of that already.

(Unrelated but I checked your profile and you've been here since 2006? Holy smokes, that's incredible.)
I think you misunderstand the character, and I think others in this thread also misunderstand the character.

Three-Dog is not a hypocrite, nor is he attempting to rebel against a non-existent hierarchy. Starting with the second point, Three-Dog (pre-Enclave reveal) only jokingly pokes fun at the Enclave station that's broadcasting nonsense propaganda. The majority of what he does is provide updates contingent upon the player's actions, and provide useful survival tips along with trying to uplift people's spirits.

There are more but I won't be pedantic and list every single quote, but you get the point. Three-Dog is not trying to convince the listener to pick up a gun and go off to fight a non-existent "FASCIST REGIME". Three-Dog is trying to convince the listener not to pick up that gun and put it in their mouth.

Addressing the first point about hypocrisy, there's nothing concrete to suggest Willow's comment about the BoS shooting ghouls on sight is true. It could be, but I doubt it. The BoS would know the difference between a feral and non-feral ghoul, and nothing in the BoS dialogue suggests that the BoS wants to exterminate them. (Unless you're counting Fallout 4, in which case we can have a whole separate discussion on the difference between the BoS of 3 and the BoS of 4)

Ultimately I don't think this post or most people in the thread are correct.
Thank you for not mindlessly bashing stuff and actually having thought, don't know how you feel about 3 overall but if you don't like it you are one of the rare few that actually cares to give it deeper thought, I feel like if more people thought like you do there would be more intelligent discussion about this game and maybe an increase in fans for it.

The hate is mind boggling because I know that in a vacuum separate from NMA and other online sites these guys would love it.
maybe an increase in fans for it.
The game that sold incredibly well and still has a legion of fans doesn't need more of those.

The hate is mind boggling because I know that in a vacuum separate from NMA and other online sites these guys would love it.
I hated this game far before i came here or was aware that this game over time criticized for its many flaws (and rightfully mind you). So, yes, i still hated this game in a vaccum separate from everything.
Unrelated Side Note: I honestly can't believe people who claim that New Vegas "Doesn't any content" and is "empty" compared to Fallout 3 - An objectively false statement for a game with about 15 side-quests in total - Compared to New Vegas, which has like, 50 or 60+ at least. Rose tinted glasses are a hell of a drug.
A lot of the people saying that are likely bugthestards coming from Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion & Skyrim, so they just don't understand Fallout.

None of these people will ever play classic Fallout & Fallout 2. And if they somehow end up trying them they won't even be able to figure out rope is needed to search Vault 15 without google searching it.
Example 1A:
Dang, how did I miss this post!?

Anyways yeah, when you do a deeper analysis on Three Dog as a character, he's terribly written. And like you said, they could've been clever with what his character represents if they played their cards right, being a virtue signaling fake activist & all. Sadly, he's just yet another example of Bethesda's horrible writing, damn shame.

:-? :-x

Also, "SECOND WORST GAME IN THE SERIES"... whoa, so which game in the series do you consider to be the worst!?

Worst to beat:
BoS is the worst hands down.
That pay to win vault sim one
Van Buren (only doesn't do better cause unfinished)
New Vegas
Then, to add insult to injury, he's perfectly happy sending you on a fucking suicide mission to repair a radar dish because "he has to stay here and fight the good fight" (????). He's not cool, he's not subversive - He's just a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.
you missed a good point here
three dog knows about project purity and james and how much that means to dc but when his son arrives to find his father he doesn't say where he is so you can do the good fight shit he yaps about and maybe make the project a thing so it makes the life easier no he refuse and send you to your potential death like you are his dog and maybe doomed the project forever because his good fight is more important than yours
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I remember back in the day before Fallout 4 came out, in maybe 2012, he did all this clickbaity stuff about Fallout 4 on his twitter and then when he was questioned about it he came out like "PSYCH! I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT". Plus, PC Gamer runs constant articles about him trying to get on the Fallout TV show and getting angry that he was "excluded" from Fallout 4.

I get that he's proud of a role that he did, but he also seems to have a huge ego and overinflated opinion of himself - Much like the character himself.
Broooo I remember that shit, what a dog honestly. Seems Bethesda really captured his essence with Three Dog
Three Dog lives in an impenetrable fortress preaching about how 'ghouls are people too' while his techno-cult terrorist buddies kill all ghouls they come across without exception.
HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYIN. total cringebag too, everytime i relize there is about to be a howl from his mouth i shut the radio off. at times i even listen to fucking enclave radio because at least edens rants have some cool personallity in them. three dog is an overexaduration of a radio host. i like eden, mister new vegas, and even travis more as a radio dj, because at least travis had a unique personallity that stood in contrast of him being a radio host, which added some interest.