First time out of the vault

Yeah, I ended up doing a playthrough of 3 after a few years as a palate cleanser of sorts and after a few mods I found it to be an enjoyable experience. Then I decided to do a replay of New Vegas, and after flailing with the byzantine reality that is modding NV, the difference between the two is hard to put into words. I enjoyed 3 but New Vegas is where it's at.Imo, worst Fo3 character would be the one who writes the survival guide, but 3dogs is a serious contender with how much space he could take up in the game, considering the game could be quite long to complete (if you go through the fillers, hoping for actual content) and how limited and global the radio stations are.
That being said, I don't mind 3dog and I detailed why above. Moira's a cute character though, but it is odd why people need a 'survival guide' 200 years after the bombs fell, you'd think Darwin would've taken care of that already.
(Unrelated but I checked your profile and you've been here since 2006? Holy smokes, that's incredible.)