CCR said:
2) Popular mandate to destroy the Unitarians
I'd choose "An end to all religions", but that's just me.
Blade said:
Only if I had the kind of limited attention span to not get bore of it. Oh, Invulnerability too. No point being immortal if all your limbs have been damaged beyond repair.
Obviously a similar deal with the chick thing too.
Ratty said:
2. 250 IQ.
3. Godlike eloquence and writing talent.
True, a constant feeling of superiority might be fun, but it would probably pale after a while. I suspect most would be left looking for an equal (or near equal) with which to enjoy a conversation.
Murdoch said:
1. Telekinesis
2. Telepathy
Telekinesis i would like, tho' I would go quickly to fat, but I'd hate telepathy: think of how many inane comments people make then multiply it up a little for the number of inane thoughts. Unless it was fully controllable, but you would still never know when a persons thoughts would be worth reading.
Jebus said:
1. A lifetime supply of free beer
Good free beer, then you've got one of mine. Or perhaps "Excellent free miscellaneous foodstuffs and beverages".
As for my wishlist, I don't know. I'm happy being a naysayer for the minute.