Three Wishes...

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If you could have any three wishes what would they be? Here are mine...

1) Super powers.

2) Vast amounts of money.

3) No more war.
Deletion of this thread.

Yeah that will do me.

But i suppose if i could have three wishes i would probably ask for a nice sum of cash and then keep the rest for when i'm about to die.

"I wish that train would stop" would be useful.
Well I'm sorry this thread isn't good enough for you, but you still posted in it.... smartass :wink: !
1) Dictatorial Power over the entire Globe
2) Popular mandate to destroy the Unitarians
3) Church sanctioned right to sleep with three diffirent bisexual European women at any time.
1 Lots and lots and lots of money

2 Immortality

3 Lots and lots and lots of beautiful and horny chicks that dig deepthroating and anal sex
Immortality might suck. I mean what if you just keep getting old and never die.

CCR- what's with the bi-sexuals? They could be fat, hairy, stinky bi-sexuals that ride in French motorcycle gangs.

Lots of hot chicks for anal and oral would be great. Money also.

Not sure what mine would be.

Maybe more time.
1. Invulnerability and immortality.

2. 250 IQ.

3. Godlike eloquence and writing talent.

With such traits I'd become the Supreme Overlord of Earth in 50 years, tops.
1. Telekinesis
2. Telepathy
3. Immortality

From these things come everything else, from women to power.
1. A lifetime supply of free beer
2. Socks that actually keep your feet warm in winter
3. That my girlfriend would stop whining.
CCR said:
2) Popular mandate to destroy the Unitarians
I'd choose "An end to all religions", but that's just me. ;)

Blade said:
2 Immortality
Only if I had the kind of limited attention span to not get bore of it. Oh, Invulnerability too. No point being immortal if all your limbs have been damaged beyond repair.

Obviously a similar deal with the chick thing too.

Ratty said:
2. 250 IQ.

3. Godlike eloquence and writing talent.
True, a constant feeling of superiority might be fun, but it would probably pale after a while. I suspect most would be left looking for an equal (or near equal) with which to enjoy a conversation.

Murdoch said:
1. Telekinesis
2. Telepathy
Telekinesis i would like, tho' I would go quickly to fat, but I'd hate telepathy: think of how many inane comments people make then multiply it up a little for the number of inane thoughts. Unless it was fully controllable, but you would still never know when a persons thoughts would be worth reading.

Jebus said:
1. A lifetime supply of free beer
Good free beer, then you've got one of mine. Or perhaps "Excellent free miscellaneous foodstuffs and beverages".

As for my wishlist, I don't know. I'm happy being a naysayer for the minute.
An end to human stupidity (with all appropiate caveats).

That's the only unique thing. The other two choices would be something similar to what others have said previously.
Kotario said:
An end to human stupidity (with all appropiate caveats).
Ah, unequivocal genocde?

A tad harsh, methinks.

Or was one of your caveats the modification of said race to remove such an obstacle?
Three wishes huh?

1.) The power to have more wishes

2.) Mistress Juliya as my wife (Slave to the Metal hostess)

3.) ummm....The strength, power, and knowledge of all beings in the universe....
There was this episode of X-Files with a genie and Mulder wished for world peace only to find out that there were no more people on earth...

Damn I miss the early, good episodes of X-Files...
I'm gonna have to steal my first from Jebus:

1. A lifetime supply of beer
2. A lifetime supply of hookers
3. A world without STD's
Big T said:
Or was one of your caveats the modification of said race to remove such an obstacle?

The very first caveat, genocide is too predictable. If I'm to be caught by a detail, it will be a different one.

Since when was it 'a malevolent genie that is determined to pervert wishes to turn against the wisher' giving out the wishes anyway?
Kotario said:
Since when was it 'a malevolent genie that is determined to pervert wishes to turn against the wisher' giving out the wishes anyway?
Since when was it a benevolent genie who would so easily fill in your caveats? :P
I'd choose "An end to all religions", but that's just me.
And that is why you fail at life.

2. Socks that actually keep your feet warm in winter
You know, Jebus, for me socks are like sex. Lots of it about and I never seem to get any.

An end to human stupidity (with all appropiate caveats).
Was it Einstien who said Only two things are infinite: the universe and human igorance, and I am not sure about the first ?

That one is way too open to suggestion for me. In all probability the 'Genie' would just kill off all of humanity.