Three Wishes...

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TorontRayne makes some good threads...this one especially shows our opinions in a simple way for once.

My wishes:

1. To have the world wiped of all save a small minority of people of both good moral standing and responsibility. Me included.

2. To have those left be only women. Except me.

3. What more could you ask for?

The Vault Dweller


I was torn betweening wishing for humanitarian things (World peace.) and enjoyable things. (Lots of money.) As you can see I found a way to compromise. :wink:
My 3 wishes

1. The ability to take on any form i choose.

2. The ability to heal quickly from any ammount of damage.

3. A bag from which i could pull any object i thought of.
Elissar said:
My 3 wishes

1. The ability to take on any form i choose.

2. The ability to heal quickly from any ammount of damage.

3. A bag from which i could pull any object i thought of.

Butt sex?

:?: ,
The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
1. To have the world wiped of all save a small minority of people of both good moral standing and responsibility. Me included.

2. To have those left be only women. Except me.

I see the tragic flaw(s) in this scenario. You are left impotent. It's like that Twilight Zone episode ("That's not fair. That's not fair at all. There was time now. There was, was all the time I needed... ").

Or they are all lesbians, who even though have the responsibility of continuing the human race, choice to due it through artificial insemination (no fun there). Whatever works for you.
With your bizarre ability to foresee such problems Kotario it makes me wonder if you can somehow grant wishes...I mean how else could you know so much?

:?: ,
The Vault Dweller
John Uskglass said:
Kotario thinks too much.

And I still think his eliminate human stupidity is WAY too broad.

Broad eh? I suppose its just broad enough to include you, but not broad enough to fit anyone else in.

Ya know...cause your fat. suck!

Total Failure at Pwnage,
The Vault Dweller
You can think too much? I only put down two possibilities after all.

That's the deal with the caveats, CCR. If I was actually confronted with the possibility, I would take time and try to think the issue through. As of now though, I'm too busy watching hyper-violent Japanese cartoon porn to thoroughly think things through (Club-to-Death Angel Dokuro-chan in this case).
1. To recieve the stats of the best character build I've made for Fallout.

2. Our universe to turn into the Fallout universe, excluding the events of Fallout2.

3. A position in wich I could restart the Khans after The Vault Dweller's masacre.
1: Immortality. Why not, I say? The amount of time it would take you to get bored in an everchanging universe is beyond human comprehension. Bring it on, I say!

2: Telekinesis would be fun, but I want the power to actually *Control* others. The old "Jedi Mind Trick", if you will.

3: What the Hell, I'll take the telekinesis, too. Why not, I say.

If we were to talk non-supernatural things, then shining at the top of the list is my own personal jet liner. I want to go anywhere, whenever I feel like it. It would also have topless stewardesses.
Stewardesses is the longest word typed entirely with the left hand, if you use the conventional typing method. Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word typed with the left hand if you use the "Eating-a-Sandwich" typing method.

I've always wanted a DeLorean...
1: Immortality.
I just have to question, what kind of immortality, the kind:
That you have invulnerability,
Regenerate really fast,
Or that nothing bad ever happens to you, and you won't die of old age.
Or something else?

:twisted: ps, in any case you are screwed. :twisted:
1. immortality ( so that time doesn't affect me )
2. invulnerability

Everything else would come with time, sooner or later :)
1. have a job that makes over 100,000$ a year

2. a massive border wall with Mexico, with armed automated turrets

3. i want a truck................. :roll:
No rules or qualification eh? No evil legally trained genies? OK. My dodgy general supernatural wish off the top of my head would be:

The ability to consciously solve or stop any problem with the level of difficulty I choose, as I would like, with infinite potential to learn and improve and, also go backwards.

Even this creates a massive number of problems. Begone problems! Why? Because I say so. Oops there goes my identity, oops, there goes 500 years of history as I disappeared up my own arse. Knew I should have pressed the pause button or fixed perception of time. So the first problems to fix are those that might arise with the ability to stop any problem.

I am surprised that so many people seem to approve of immortality now, as I do, although we haven't fixed the details.
Interesting replies. Im glad you like my threads Vault Dweller. Some of them are stupid, but I do try. Im suprised only one person wised for more wishes.
You guys are doing this wrong.

1) A button for anything I want.
2) A pill to make me perfect.
3) Omnipotence. Like, Infinity Gauntlet-style omnipotence. Killing half the Universe with the snap of my fingers for fun, you know?
You could just wish to be perfect. You dont need a pill. Unless you just want to swallow something......