Slaughter Manslaught
Vault Senior Citizen

lugaru said:Hero: team manager Ever play freedom force? Mix that with a Sims/COH (city of heroes) style character creation system and the ability to recruit heroes. You can manage a small team and fight crime downtown while trying to get them to get along and purchase new equipment. Eventually your team will be famous enough to attract a really powerful roster and your playground is global, jumping around X-Com style fighting alien invasions, giant monsters, mad scientists and supervillain teams.
I had a idea somewhat like this, except that it would be CRPG in a post-nuclear version of a futuristic super-hero universe. A arms race involving genetically engineered super humans, magic, nukes, bio-chemical weapons and super-advanced technology between NATO, the Shangai Pact and a alliance between Fundamentalist Nations ends up in a world-wide war that devastates the world. Most famous super-heroes of that time dissapeared (think Avengers/Justice League, that kind of super-hero teams) during the war.
The game begins thirty years after the war. The world is a radiated ruin where bandits, gangs of superhumans, roving groups of mutated freaks, mad scientists, law-less vigilantes feudal kingdowns, city-states and super-advanced military groups rule over the remants. Few areas of the world are recovering thanks to the help of powerful well-intentioned super-humans and advanced technology, but most areas of the world are Fallout-style shitholes, either because of their climate, the constant fights involving super-humans or even wars between the survivors. In many places, super-humans are discriminated and even hunted. In some places, "Normals" are hunted by super-supremacists. The world is chaotic and there is no unified governament. The remaining, older super-heroes try to restabilish order and restore the rule of the law, while the new generation of anti-heroes and vigilantes prefer to use harsher methods, causing a rift between the old-fashioned "capes" and the brutal "vigilantes." Sometimes the remaining super-heroes are forced to use extreme methods to keep their territory in control. There are rumors that some nations survived by the war and are trying to rebuild. Sometimes those nations are attacked by foreign super-humans, desintegrate in civil war or end up conquered by other surviving countries. Some areas of earth are contaminated by radiation and bio-chemical weapons, turning into deathlands where only hard mutants lurk.
The news of the war spread beyond earth. There are rumors of alien sightings and even rumors of alien invasions by species once-defeated by earth's heroes. Many strange cults dedicated to cosmic horrors from beyond were formed, and powerful dark wizards sell their souls to powerful demons who whisper dark secrets in their ears. New religions around old and new gods spread around the world, and some even believe that the end will soon arrive and only the faithful will survive. Some even say the gods walk the earth. Old and new ideologies came back, and there are reports of a neo-nazist Fourth Reich somewhere in the territory of old Germany.
The fate of most original super-heroes is unknown. Some believe the greatest heroes died during the war. Others believe they evacuated off-world and are trying to build a new, utopian civilization somewhere in the solar system. There are even rumors that the greatest heroes decided to leave the earth and search a new destiny beyond the stars.
The most powerful super-humans died during the war, and the remaining super-humans are usually less powerful due to anti-super chemical weapons or simply though dissolution of their bloodlines. Guns are still useful and can kill most super-humans. Sometimes you will find someone who can laugh at headshots, those are the moments you must give them a super-beatdown, get bigger guns or find a different solution. Demi-god level beings (think Superman, Thor, Hulk...) are very rare, and those are usually influential heroes or powerful villains. Running at the speed of sound is pretty powerful, for example.
The main storyline revolves around a alien warship that crashed near the ruins of Boston. A war between the area's factions begins. Yet, the ship was disapeared. What happened?
You can determine who you are though background: You can be many things, like a alien infiltrator, a old cape, a inventor from a advanced city, a gangster, a vigiliante and many other things. You can determine your origin (City of Heroes style) and from your origin you can determine your powers. Powers are a point/buy system in the first level. You can take a lot of powers, but you will have to take disadvantages, like vulnerabilities, deficiencies or certain low stats. Powers are the classical comic book powers (Strength, telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, magic, etecetera), but certain less-valued powers in comics are more valued in the game. Being immune to bullets is not "meh", but TOTALLY AWESOME. To use most of your powers you have to spend fatigue. Many powers have multiple combat and non-combat uses. Some powers can mimicry other powers - Powerful telepaths can mimicry invisibility by using their telepathy to force someone's brain NOT to perceive him, strong telekinetics can fly, very strong people can slap their palms to produce sonic attacks - but mimicrying costs two times the fatigue. You can make a non-powered character who uses technology, guns, martial arts and even diplomacy to solve problems. Besides powers, you also have skills that help you, like combat skills (divided into categories and sub-categories that evolute together. Learning more about pistols makes you a lot better with revolvers, and a bit with assault rifles, but you will still suck with a rocket launcher or a hammer), diplomatic skills (Diplomacy, Deception, Intimidation, Leadership, Streetwiseness), thievery skills (stealing, sneaking, lockpicking, traps), medical skills (First Aid, Doctor, Genetics), technological (Mechanics, Biology, Eletronics) and others (Concentration, Willpower, Dodging, Gambling).
Combat is turn-based and squad-based. Scenery is destructible, physics are a important factor in the game. Enemies are as smart as they should be (a army of invading aliens is smarter than some raiders). Technology is a matter of location - Most areas are fallout-style shitholes with standard tech, only few areas are futuristic places with laser pistols, flying armors and robots. Bullets are mostly rare and only turn plentiful in the endgame. Advanced weaponry is rare and expensive. Unlike Fallout, bullets don't grow on trees.