Thumbnail problems in map My Pictures

Kyuu said:
xdarkyrex said:
This is the process that manages automatic updates in Windows. If you don't want those on (I hate them), I can explain to you how to get rid of them.
I would actually advise against turning off automatic updates. For one, you can adjust the settings so that it doesn't automatically download or install anything, but simply tells you when updates are available so you can do it at your leisure (which is what I do). The updates aren't always (and often aren't) entirely necessary, but some fix security problems and other critical issues.

However, skip the Windows Firewall, if you haven't already. You can get much better firewall protection from free programs on the web, or just do like I do and use a router for the hardware firewall and just be smart about what you do on the internet.

I'm sorry, I suppose I should have elaborated.
Kyuu is somewhat correct, those updates are important for anyone who is short of being exceptionally computer literate, and even for most of us who are great with PCs. That being said, the automatic updates are essentially pointless, since you can just go get the same updates at your own leisure at windows site anyways. I suppose though that this is probably more micromanagement than you would more than likely be willing to do (I only update my PC around twice a year). You can probably leave that one on, but if you ever get computer savvy, you don't need to concern yourself with it, as it comes with all sorts of side effects. I personally have my Windows hacked into working like Linux, I get tons more done then I ever could otherwise.
Wow, thanks guys. Really. I appreciate this. A lot.

Only: when you say "kill it", do you mean I should just uninstall the feature or bring it to a halt in Task Manager?

And yeah: my pc is single core. That I know.

Those "automatic updates", that's them nasty pop-up balloons every time I start my pc, right? I want to get rid of those, I never do that anyway and they're annoying as hell.

Also: I have a Wacom tablet and use it very often. All I really need are internet + email + Paint Shop Pro + Wacom tablet + scanner and printer. I burn a cd-rom/dvd now and then, usually with Radiohead stuff one can only find on the internet (youtube, fansites, live recordings, ...), but that's it.

If your advice will help my Paint Shop Pro run more fluently (it runs like fuck, to be honest), I will build a statue for you in my dimly lit bedroom and make sweet, uncomplicated love to it every goddamn night.

Oh yeah. :wink:
Post up your computer specs in fine detail and I will do my best.

I'm at home sick with NOTHING to do, so this is about all I can do to occupy my time. I swear I have the worst cold ever, this is even worse than strept throat.