Tim Cain GDC 2012 Fallout Post-mortem Live

Yoshi525 said:
Good stuff so far. Gizmo is named after his dead pet skunk. Had no idea people keep skunks as pets.

Yep, I have been researching the subject as I would like a pet skunk myself as I think they look cute.
Its legal here in the Netherlands but sadly I don't have the time or room for such an animal right now.
Bewitched said:
Tim mentioned some document by Chris Taylor that was all about why exactly Fallout is cool to play (the first reason was mega violence). He also said that this doc will be available for everyone to read. Would be nice to see it.

Wasn't it already? I remember that at least excerpts of it had been posted long time ago. Also Bethesda was high on the gore-train with it prior to Fallout 3 release.
3 million to make Fallout in 1997, that would probably add up to 5 million in 2012, why won't the big studios finance small teams to build "small" games, sure the returns won't be as spectacular, who knows the occasional masterpiece might come our way.

5 million for EA or Activision is chump change, their CEOs probably pocket more than that every year. Most big film studios finance smaller offshoots that make the clever independent films, that occasionally become critical and financial giants - Raging Bull (1980), Fargo (1996), etc. Whatever...
Ed of Vault 13 said:
Well here is Tim's talk at GDC without having to filter through the other video. Just makes it easier to press play and enjoy. :)



Basically there are people complaining it is turn-based/"isometric" and other people explaining it away that people didn't know any better back then.

It's always such a joy to watch Tim Cain speak. There is still hope for the gaming industry as long as long as people as that are still around.
Basically there are people complaining it is turn-based/"isometric" and other people explaining it away that people didn't know any better back then.


Tim said something about the originals technically not being isometric, due to the angle of the tiles or something, can't remember the word he used. News to me!

Yep, I have been researching the subject as I would like a pet skunk myself as I think they look cute.
Its legal here in the Netherlands but sadly I don't have the time or room for such an animal right now.

Don't they....er smell? Or is that only the pappa skunks?
Yoshi525 said:
Tim said something about the originals technically not being isometric, due to the angle of the tiles or something, can't remember the word he used. News to me!

"cavalier oblique" (30 minutes into the presentation)
Nice video. Questions that were asked by the public were good also. I feel if I wasn't involved in Fallout game in any way I would be moved to try out the original after watching this video.

Hate to ask this, but is there a video without the gamespot watermark? I was searching youtube for some time to no avail.
Yoshi525 said:
Don't they....er smell? Or is that only the pappa skunks?

Not to derail the topic, but I am pretty sure the scent glands can be removed like the ferrets. Ferrets remind me of skunks a lot.