Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

But just because Fallout 2 has lots of stupid crap, it isn't an excuse for follow up games to do the same.
Fallout 2 also transcended its stupid crap. Also, its "stupid crap" was, if you were down for the ride, actually pretty well-written and funny stuff.

It was not [Intelligence] stupid.
Can someone please list all of the stupid crap in Fallout 2 - (I can't be bothered doing a search)...was it Myron, or New Reno (which had some of the best characters in the game - Mr Bishop, Jules, Renesco), was it the Shi, or Hubologists, yeah they were both a bit silly, I accept the game could have done without them. But overall the game was pretty solid and I can live with the imperfections. 8-)

Now the F2 weapons are a different issue...
What about talking plants and talking deathclaws and talking radscorpions and not to forget talking rats?
Lexx said:
That's really, really weak.

What? Why? Because people aren't supposed to have humor in videogames? What humor it had it executed well. It was fun and funny. Yes, in doing so it veered too far away from the tone of the first game. But that is about as harsh as you can be about it.

Fallout 2 was my first full game of Fallout played and beaten, and I didn't love it despite the "stupid crap", as Sub Human just posted...I loved it because of it.

After time went by and I'd played both games extensively I came to appreciate Fallout 1 as the better game because of the absence of the "stupid crap". This, however, doesn't change the fact that I still love Fallout 2 because of it.
I have absolutly nothing against humor in games, not even in Fallout. But for me, Fallout 2 has been - in times - just over the top for what I find okay in Fallout, when it comes to funny stuff.

But that is about as harsh as you can be about it.

And that's as harsh as I am about it.

I just don't like that various people assume that Fallout is all about lulz and humor and that every future Fallout game must have lulzy crap or it isn't a Fallout game.
Lexx said:
I have absolutly nothing against humor in games, not even in Fallout. But for me, Fallout 2 has been - in times - just over the top for what I find okay in Fallout, when it comes to funny stuff

Not to mention it didn't make a lot of sense. I like lulzy stuff in my Fallout actually. But it still has to make sense in the setting itself. Sadly this wasn't the case at times in F2.

I enjoyed a lot more of the "lulzy" stuff in F:NV (and Add-Ons) than I did in F2 for this reason.
I prefer goofy things that make sense (talking deathclaws) as opposed to stupid things that don't (little lamplight).
warsaw said:
I prefer goofy things that make sense (talking deathclaws) as opposed to stupid things that don't (little lamplight).

Talking deathclaws are hardly the worst offenders in Fallout 2, and mind you, it's my favorite Fallout title.

EDIT: That's not to say that the first title didn't have lulzy stuff, it just was a lot more measured in how it used it.
I don't see what's wrong with talking deathclaws; one of my biggest concerns was the Shi. These Chinese were the early 2000s Jackie Chan wannabie Chinatown gangsters instead of Fallout commies. I mean, I didn't see any communists *at all*. What the hell? Am I playing Fallout, or some LULZ fest?

Nevertheless, the humor in Fallout 2 still added a brighter color to the game. Sometimes too serious games (much like books, movies etc.) annoy the shit out of me. They should have a few actually worthy jokes.
I'm probably biased because I have such a long history with FO2 (and when I first played it in 1998, I was 11, so I fell in love with it before I was capable of thinking critically about it), but I have almost nothing bad to say about it, "stupid crap" included. I think the difference between the "stupid crap" in FO2 vs. the actual crap in FO3 is you never got the sense that FO2 was taking itself so SERIOUSLY. It's very tongue-in-cheek, vs. Little Lamplight or Big Town or any of the other horrible design elements in FO3 that are so bad they're embarrassing. Almost none of the sillier things in Fallout 3 were meant as a joke.
lmao said:
I'm probably biased because I have such a long history with FO2 (and when I first played it in 1998, I was 11, so I fell in love with it before I was capable of thinking critically about it), but I have almost nothing bad to say about it, "stupid crap" included. I think the difference between the "stupid crap" in FO2 vs. the actual crap in FO3 is you never got the sense that FO2 was taking itself so SERIOUSLY. It's very tongue-in-cheek, vs. Little Lamplight or Big Town or any of the other horrible design elements in FO3 that are so bad they're embarrassing. Almost none of the sillier things in Fallout 3 were meant as a joke.

But what if people actually want games to "take themself serious" and stay within tone? Fallout 2 was like a fucking themepark in that regard. I don't see how a town of kungfu people, hubologists etc. are any better than the stupid shit from FO3. Shit is shit, no matter how long you look at it.

Not saying Fallout 2 is a bad game, but shit like this makes me never really replaying the game to a point where I just can't stand that stuff anymore. It was clearly visible on which areas/ideas the original Fallout guys worked on, and where not.
add me to the list of people who played FO2 first and loved it for it's silly humor. I had never before played a game that was so dark and gritty and yet made me laugh my ass off at the same time. to me, the humor was a big and important part of the full experience.

however, I love FO1 for what it is as well, and can definitely understand that people who played and loved it first of all the games don't think the silliness fits. but even FO1 is filled with humor, just more subtle. in the end, I personally think Fallout games should have elements of humor and shouldn't take themselves too serious.
Wretched Flamingo said:
The way Activision fucked Trokia up the arse I'm surprised those guys ever wanted to make another game...
Don't you mean Sierra?

Activision published Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, and had no interest in their next game, and failing to secure future funding basically killed the company. :cry:

Sierra screwed them on their other projects, but that's how the 'game' is played, if you can't sell games, then you can't make them. :|

@Lexx - yep talking Deathclaws and Spore plants was stupid.