But just because Fallout 2 has lots of stupid crap, it isn't an excuse for follow up games to do the same.
Ah, if only we could go back and warn themNo matter what happens, I know Fallout 3 will eventually be made, and I hope it’s worthy of its name.
Lexx said:That's really, really weak.
But that is about as harsh as you can be about it.
Lexx said:I have absolutly nothing against humor in games, not even in Fallout. But for me, Fallout 2 has been - in times - just over the top for what I find okay in Fallout, when it comes to funny stuff
warsaw said:I prefer goofy things that make sense (talking deathclaws) as opposed to stupid things that don't (little lamplight).
Don't you mean Sierra?The way Activision fucked Trokia up the arse I'm surprised those guys ever wanted to make another game...
lmao said:I'm probably biased because I have such a long history with FO2 (and when I first played it in 1998, I was 11, so I fell in love with it before I was capable of thinking critically about it), but I have almost nothing bad to say about it, "stupid crap" included. I think the difference between the "stupid crap" in FO2 vs. the actual crap in FO3 is you never got the sense that FO2 was taking itself so SERIOUSLY. It's very tongue-in-cheek, vs. Little Lamplight or Big Town or any of the other horrible design elements in FO3 that are so bad they're embarrassing. Almost none of the sillier things in Fallout 3 were meant as a joke.
Wretched Flamingo said:Don't you mean Sierra?The way Activision fucked Trokia up the arse I'm surprised those guys ever wanted to make another game...