Tim Cain staying at Obsidian


But best title ever!
Chris Avellone just tweeted that Tim Cain has decided to stay at Obsidian:<blockquote>My heart grew three sizes today when Tim Cain said yep, it was official - he was going to stay and work with us full-time.
</blockquote>Admittedly, normally posting about a developer not moving would be downright bizarre and not news, but considering Tim Cain had commented during an interview that he was only on a temporary contract with Obsidian and considering joining another company, I think it's warranted.
The dark ages of gaming have passed. The future looks bright. This is like a dream come true.

Knew it. I freaking called it. I just knew he would stay. They seem to have the same design philosophies when it comes to games. Now come on Bethesda, let ol Cain work on just one more Fallout.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Fuck Bethesda, I want to see what these guys do on their own via Kickstarter funding!

That too. I'm still wanting some original, non fantasy, RPG from these guys. However, it would be nice to have at least one more Fallout. A send off love letter, to the old fans, who want at least some sense of closure to a beloved series that has far outreached it's original intentions.
ZeusComplex said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
Fuck Bethesda, I want to see what these guys do on their own via Kickstarter funding!

That too. I'm still wanting some original, non fantasy, RPG from these guys.

Indeed. I'd love to see something like Fallout rise again. A large setting, a true pen-and-paper, dice throwing roleplaying experience, all made in GURPS and the box comes with a fancy flashing light.

This is great news. :clap:
I kind of get the distinct feeling that this bunch we're talking about here has kind of moved on.

I seriously doubt we'll ever see any major game that tries to recreat pen and paper from these guys...
Gaming news is getting way to positive lately, need something from Acitivision saying it's banned RPGs forever to balance things out or something.
Alphadrop said:
Gaming news is getting way to positive lately, need something from Acitivision saying it's banned RPGs forever to balance things out or something.

I noticed this too, it's quite surreal. :D
Maybe, there is a god? :oops:
I heard somewhere that good things are going to happen in 2012 , that what mayans actually meant with their predictions, was that a dark age will end, and that it will be the dawn of a new golden era...I think they were right! :D
ZeusComplex said:
However, it would be nice to have at least one more Fallout. A send off love letter, to the old fans, who want at least some sense of closure to a beloved series that has far outreached it's original intentions.

Isn't that what New Vegas was? It was for me at least, I don't really expect another Fallout game that isn't completely Bethesda style (although if we get one I certainly won't complain).

Hopefully Obsidian can start working on more original ideas soon with more freedom to be creative and less on trying to fit in with existing franchises and their publishers.