Time, what is time?


At the moment there are no indicators when the game will be taking place.
What would be your choice? When would you like to see this game?

Personally I would like to see this game taking place in the early days of NCR. That way the story could be linked to the NCR expansion to the area at the later stages of the game depending on your actions.

I would love to be the person that brings New Vegas into the NCR's fold (or creates his own kingdom or whatnot...).
maybe a good 10-20 years after FO2 would excite me. getting to see some of the results of the deeds from FO2...that was a pretty big letdown with FO3 as it just felt like a Fallout copypasta placed arbitrarily in D.C.
Perhaps straight after Fallout 2? Or like 2 years before, to see how Enclave starts to develop it's operations in the continent [/cruel sarcazm]
maybe a good 10-20 years after FO2 would excite me.

Van Buren was set in 2253, so this time period would be convenient if they wanted to use the VB materials.
I'd like to see maybe 10-15 years after Fallout 2, so the Van Buren timeline. I figure and hope, that's long enough after FO2 to pass off the Enclave as having gone east or just ceasing to be (any troops in the area might just go native without orders, so to speak) but soon enough that you can see/experience some consequences of The Chosen One's deeds.
Well setting it around the same time as fallout 3 would not be that bad, but I would expect it to be more realistic. That after 200 years society would not be at least partially reestablished is really stretching belief. Look at the word between the years of 1800 and 2000. And they are not starting from scratch here. If they set it in the same time period I would like to see at least one or 2 settlements that don't look like a damn junkyard.

I think a few decades after fallout 2 would be a good time line. maybe 120 to 140 years after the bombs dropped. time enough for everyone form fallout 2 to be dead so you can use the factions but not really the same chars for the most part.
I think a few decades after fallout 2 would be a good time line. maybe 120 to 140 years after the bombs dropped. time enough for everyone form fallout 2 to be dead so you can use the factions but not really the same chars for the most part.

Er, Fallout 2 is set over 160 years after the bombs dropped.
Ausir said:
I think a few decades after fallout 2 would be a good time line. maybe 120 to 140 years after the bombs dropped. time enough for everyone form fallout 2 to be dead so you can use the factions but not really the same chars for the most part.

Er, Fallout 2 is set over 160 years after the bombs dropped.

lol, yeah your right. I was thinking of fallout being 80 years after for some reason and confused the two :). Thats what lack of sleep will do for you.

But still i say a few decades after fallout 2 So we could have a possible fully formed NCR.
Actually, Van Buren already had NCR in decline, because of the war with the BOS, as well as internal conflicts.
Dravean: Yes it was in my playlist at the time.

Call me sentimental but I would hate to see NCR go down from petty political infighting and BoS going weird..
cronicler said:
Dravean: Yes it was in my playlist at the time.

Call me sentimental but I would hate to see NCR go down from petty political infighting and BoS going weird..

Same, I would like to see a thriving NCR, dont know how much I Like the idea of a NCR and BOS war over what seems kind of petty. I think VB would have been a great game, but I would have really hated the NCR and BOS war.
cronicler said:
Dravean: Yes it was in my playlist at the time.

Call me sentimental but I would hate to see NCR go down from petty political infighting and BoS going weird..

I'd like NCR to be around, but not necessarily doing well. If it's grown, there's bound to be internal problems, and it'd be too cheery to see them as a beacon of order anyway :P
Actually, I agree on the fact FO:NW should take place several decades after FO2, but I'd like to see some NPCs from the previous game, gives a feeling of coherence to the whole universe...
Like seeing Harold and Tandy in FO2, you know?
Hmmm, with the revelation that Harold in FO3 was some kind of retarded clone.

PC "So what did you find in the wasteland?"

Harold "Well after I left Gecko I walked around for a while until I discovered this military base in the middle of nowhere.
I remembered visiting such a place earlier so I decided to check the base out to see if it was the same place.

Turns out it wasn't, instead it was something called Sleeper Base and apparently it was once a place where they performed research.
I could easily enter the base as some people before me had gone in and taken out all the defense turrets and robots.

But now this is the weird thing.
As I went deeper into the base I found the bodies of the people who had probably gone before me, everything indicated that they had started some fire fight amongst themselves.

After I checked out all the bodies I concluded it really was a fight amongst themselves as most of the bodies looked almost alike, as if they had been copied.

That is when I found the machine in one of the old labs.
A huge impressive device with cylinders attached to it that could hold a man.
The computer that was connected to it was still functioning, next to the operating program it also contained a series of logs, probably kept by the people who had made the machine.

Apparently it was part of some project to clone people, seems the Pre War government wanted to copy their best people; scientists, soldiers, politicians.
Originally just as a back up should the real thing perish, but then someone came up with the idea that more is always better.
Why settle for copying just a rocket scientist in case off? Why not make an entire science department filled with dozens of the same genius.

Well they took it serious and were planning to mass produce these chosen people, or at least that was the intention.
Bombs probably got there before anything worthwhile came of it.

Still, seeing the identical corpses in the hallway, I wanted to check out if the machine was still something worthwhile.
The instructions were simple enough, the scientists had simplified the process so much that even a kid could do it.
All the machine needed was a bio sample and some clone fluid.

Plenty of the last still in storage, and some medical robot took care of the first part.

At first the computer told me there were some biological complications with the sample, probably due to me being 'dead', heh heh.
Anyway, the computer asked permission to work around the problem which I granted it, and an hour later it was working on 'Harold 2'.

I was rather curious how Harold 2 would look like.
Would he be me before I mutated? And how would he would react when he realized he was a clone of me?

Well a noise from the computer indicated that the process had finished, one of the cylinders opened up, releasing a small wave of used clone fluid, and there he stood, naked as the day I was born; my new identical twin brother.

Of course the biggest surprise was how the computer had solved the problem mentioned earlier, rather than making me when I was at full health it introduced changes in the sample it took to make my copy as identical to me as possible.
Same corpse like look, same smell, heck, the computer had even gone through the trouble of copying Herbert and surgically 'installing' him.

At first we both were stunned of surprise as we looked at each other, and after I got my 'brother' some clothes, we had had all kinds of conversations about our situation and if we should travel on together.

Yeah, the first days where the best, then Harold 2 started to act weird and erratic, he insisted that we should go East, past the radioactive wastelands and twisters in the Mid West.
Now I am all for adventure but not even I was going to risk going to some place without knowing if I could make it safely back in case the East turned out to be more trouble than it was worth.
But Harold 2 insisted, saying it was our destiny or something.

But that wasn't the worst of it, at some point Harold 2 became convinced that he was the original and I was the clone, and that because of that I should listen to him.

After trying to talk with him about it for several days I came to the conclusion that it was pointless, and when he pissed me off for the last time I told him to fuck off and go bother other people.
I guess hell can be multiple versions of yourself.

Those people I found dead in the hallway must have discovered that the hard way, and when I later looked through the private recordings of the head scientist I discovered several entries in which he concluded that the cloning process didn't go as it was suppose to; the clones produced turned out to be erratic.

Apparently that feller had cloned himself in order to make his life and work easier, being able to divide it between the two of them.

Like Harold 2 his double also started to act erratic, and when the head scientist discovered that his double had been seeing the base administrator's wife, for which he was held responsible for as the administrator didn't know about the clone and was rather miffed to see one of his employees between the sheets with his significant other, not to mention cleaning out his bank account, the scientist decided to cancel the project, after he dealt with his double permanently.

Guess it was a good thing that Harold 2 decided to go East after I kicked him out, most likely I would have had to deal with that asshole if he had decided to stay here."
I think I'm with the majority in that I'd like to see it about the same time as what VB would have been.

I've always wanted to see the repercussions from FO2 dealt with.
Then let me play the doomsayer;
We know that B.soft may still have some hooks into the story. I would hate t see it happen near FO3