Timeslip Fallout 1 and 2 engine tweaks

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Timeslip, a Morrowind/Oblivion modder, took a look at the Fallout engine and decided to do some pretty fascinating tweaking:<blockquote>The first thing it changes is gameplay speed. Running from one side of new reno to the other for the hundredth time gets a bit boring, so you can set up some keyboard keys to modify the speed to anywhere between 0.5x and 10x normal. It affects running speed and combat, but not the world map, sound, movies or talking heads.

The second thing is that there's no option to play fallout in a window, so I added a windowed mode. It messes up if you scroll the window around, but it makes alt-tabbing, working with two monitors and taking screenshots a lot easier.

Lastly, scrolling through the inventory gets a bit cumbersome if you have lots of stuff in it, so I tweaked it to let you use the mouse scroll wheel as well as the normal controls.

I've only tested it with the copy of fallout2.exe that comes with megamod 2, but it should work with a normal v1.02 US version too.
This one adds the option to make the middle mouse button do something useful, frame skipping in windowed mode and a way to force DirectInput into background mode.</blockquote>He has also been cool enough to release the tweak's source code for our modders to use. The tweak will be included in the next killap patch.

Link: Timeslip Fallout engine tweaks.
Link: Timeslip Fallout 2 engine tweaks.
Link: Timeslip Fallout 2 engine tweaks source.
Link: some fallout 2 engine tweaks thread on BGSF.
Nice work, it's not every day that we see hard-core engine tweaks around.

Brother None said:
The tweak will be included in the next killap patch.

And this is even greater!
Timeslip is the man. He's done some incredible work on improving Morrowind and Oblivion's engines. I'm glad he took a look at F2's.
Isn't this the guy that decided to start modding Oblivion despite not being able to play it on his machine? I seem to recall him doing some neat things.

Great work, and good on him for letting Killap include it in his patch.
Sounds cool. I don't have F1/2 with me at present to try, but the speed and mouse wheel inventory sound espescially neat. I've been running F1/2 windowed with D3DWindower for some time now, but this sounds like a far more elegant solution.

Two thumbs up!
So, some of those guys in the Bethsoft camp aren't so bad afterall... :clap:

I kid, they're not a bad bunch anyway.
Is there any chance one of the local coders could combine this with the fallout 2 virtual patcher? I'm sure the source code for taht is floating around somewhere
Super cool to see TimeSlip hacking away at this, his work is top-notch.

Let's hope he brings a few more into the Fallout fold as his tweaks make the game playable for some of the fence-sitters that dread trying to play a game from 10 years ago.

A resounding hazzah for TimeSlip and Killap :-)
This is amazing timing. Just reinstalled Fallout 1 a few minutes ago, came to the site to get Killap's Fallout 1 patch and read the front page while I was doing it. Great stuff, I can't wait to see what Timeslip can do with Bethesda's Fallout 3. But for now, the classic awaits! With scroll wheel support for the annoying inventory...awesome.
I get an eerie feeling I'm going to feel stupid for asking this, but...

What the heck is a .7z file (the format of those mod files), and what do I do with them? I didn't see any explanation of what they were or how to implement them on Timeslip's site either...
speed hack is nice but windowed mode works great with directXhook app. nice that u got away from oblivion to a real game engine. :D
The windowed mode is cool, but also really slow on my pc.