To All FO2 modders out there; an idea!


Wandering the Wastelands
I had an idea for what I think would be a simple mod (if there is a such thing) for FO2. Someone mentioned on another forum how everyone in the world seems to have forgotten how to make a simple bow or crossbow. I have thought this for some time myself; hence my weapon mod idea.

How about having a bow in FO2? Make a mod that allows the character to buy/use/sell a bow or a crossobow. I don't know how difficult this would be, as I know nothing about modding, but I would love to see this. Are there any modders out there who think this is a good idea, willing to take up the project? I mean we have friggin spear-chucking tribals for gods-sake--how is it not one tribe has figured out how to make a weapon as simple as a bow and arrow?
That would mean doing A LOT of new sprites.
I don't think anyone has both the experience and the time to do it right now.
That sux....Hmmm. ow would one go about 'doing' sprites? Is this acomplishable via Photoshop? Because if there is a modder with the knowhow to implement this, I know my way around photoshop. You might say it's a hobby of mine, so if it can be done via PS, I could do that part of it.
FOvet said:
That sux....Hmmm. ow would one go about 'doing' sprites? Is this acomplishable via Photoshop? Because if there is a modder with the knowhow to implement this, I know my way around photoshop. You might say it's a hobby of mine, so if it can be done via PS, I could do that part of it.
I don't know that much. I'd rather wait Pixote to answer how much work does it take, since he (or she? I don't know) seems to be the most experienced user in that matter.
It can be done via PS. But it is highly unlikely that it will be done. Just too many changes needed and too many frames to edit, quality probably would be shit unless you really know what you are doing (art-wise). Also it will take a damn lot time.
Oppen said:
I don't know that much. I'd rather wait Pixote to answer how much work does it take, since he (or she? I don't know) seems to be the most experienced user in that matter.

The last time I checked, I had a dick down there. :P Wild Querty did make a cross bow animation for one of the critters years ago, and it looked pretty sweet. I'll try to find it...but the best way to do it would be to make a small animation that could be placed over the rifle animation, and edited in PS. It would be pretty tricky, but doable IMO.

EDIT: This.

This is actually a very old idea. I guess it only shows how much work making the animations would require. I'd really love to see crossbows in Fallout. Frankly, I can't understand why the original developers didn't include it in the game.

The animation looks sweet indeed.
Maybe because it would require more animations, and therefore more disc space. :p
Lexx said:
Maybe because it would require more animations, and therefore more disc space. :p

And more dev time, sure. But still, it would have been damn cool 8-) Maybe they didn't because firearms were already super-abundant, so who would use a primitive bow or crossbow, if you can easily find an assault rifle and plenty of ammo for it?

Somewhere, it's logical, when you think about it.
There were quite a few crossbows and bow'n'arrows on Road Warrior, it certainly wouldn't be out of place in the fallout world. Would be a huge load of work tho, like the duders said. Wasn't it something like 800-1200 frames for a new PC model?
Formerk said:
There were quite a few crossbows and bow'n'arrows on Road Warrior, it certainly wouldn't be out of place in the fallout world. Would be a huge load of work tho, like the duders said. Wasn't it something like 800-1200 frames for a new PC model?

There were 2 firearms in Road Warrior (Max's sawed off shotgun and Humungous' scoped revolver), and one of them was empty for the first half of the movie. Fallout is different in this respect. What Mad Max lacked in weapons, it made up in cars. In Fallout there has been 1 car so far and a shitload of firearms. Let's say it's Australian vs. USA folklore ;)

But anyway - making a new set of animations for the player is indeed several hundred or thousand of frames. And what about other critters using crossbows? A monk's work (we should have an NMA Abbey, where brothers spend their lives making new critters for Fallout mods).
I guess it will never happen then, but it would be damn sweet. Nice animation, btw.

And yeah, I could have the most powerful firearm in the game, and I'd LOVE to use a crossbow. I'd revert back to tribalism in an instant.

Speaking of that, are there any mods that allow you to ditch the ugly asss vault uniform and go back to your tribal appearance?
FOvet said:
Speaking of that, are there any mods that allow you to ditch the ugly asss vault uniform and go back to your tribal appearance?

It's easily done without any mods (via ddraw.ini), but it's highly unadvisable, unless you're not planning on getting your hands on anything more advanced than a spear.

The truth is, the hero tribal anim set (the one you start with) only has the unarmed and the spear animations. If you pick up anything else - clubs, knives, pistols, rifles - the game will immediately CTD. Some guys were working on the full animation set for the tribal model, but they haven't finished, AFAIK.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

This is why there are no crossbows in fallout :D
Well; think of the North American Plains Tribes. Did they have spears? Yes. Did they have bows? Yes. Did they have crossbows? No. Did they have rifles? Yes...
Then put in a regular bow, lol. I'm not picky, I just want a bow of *some* sort. And on that note, America may not have, but the Chinese sure as hell did :o
Bows are an obvious choise for post-apo survival. A basic bow can be made by anybody, with materials available more or less anywhere. In a world where industrial scale weapons production has shut down, bows are a glaringly obvious weapon to bring back to life. From a realistic point of view, any post-apo scenario lacking bows do so by flaw :I