To Dare Oblivion

I'm still running on a five year old laptop - that was barely able to run Fallout 1-2 and Tactics. I hope this thing lasts until Fallout 3 arrives, and upgrading FINALLY becomes a must-do. 3-D here I come!

Chug, chug, chug...
Sytxferryman said:
Recently though they have switched their ways of building their products as of recently and with their focus seeming to be twords more real performance and last year introduced the first ever... 2 button MAC mouse (wow :D ) so mabey they are FINALY catching up with the rest of us performance wise, for their users sake I do hope so.

What's up with that anyway? The system doesn't need a 2 buttoned mouse, which means we (PC users who requested it for the mac) shouldn't either.
I dont care on the requierment ill try to run it on my 5 year old computer and play at 3 frames per seconds .... ups make it 2 :D
I have those specs and my brother might get Oblivion, so I'll be able to check it out, but shorter than my patience would warrant though.
Egis said:
I dont care on the requierment ill try to run it on my 5 year old computer and play at 3 frames per seconds .... ups make it 2 :D
That won't work. The game will require hardware rendering to work at all, as do pretty much all modern games, and it will require hardware support of Directx 9. A 5-year old PC doesn't have that.

Their recommended specs are a bit silly, though. A Geforce 6800 isn't actually better than a Geforce 6600 GT, for instance.

Plus, they seem to be going for a purely DVD approach. No more multiple CDs. Too bad for the people who don't have a DVD-rom drive. Ah well.

And for the record, my 3-month old PC does meet the recommended requirements easily, and it cost just $600. Most of the components have been available for over a year.So, considering the fact that it won't be released for a while I'd say that the specs are reasonable.
Plus, they seem to be going for a purely DVD approach. No more multiple CDs. Too bad for the people who don't have a DVD-rom drive. Ah well.

I don't think that there is anyone left who owns a pc with hardware powerfull enough to run modern games that doesn't have a dvd drive.Becides cd switching in the installation is a bitch.
DVD-RW drives are standard issue on new PCs. Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last three years you should have seen the DVD-ROM take over from the CD-ROM for PC-game media. By the time Fallout 3 comes out, though, it might be released on BD-ROM (Blue Ray) or on HD-DVD (High-density DVD). Depends on if the DVD Format Wars ever end.

Since you can buy a new DVD burner for about 100-150 bucks, or go the cheap-ass route and just get a DVD-ROM drive for about 20 bucks, there's really no excuse if you're gonna bitch about everything not being on CD anymore.
What are those "bucks" you speak of? Oh, dollars? No, we don't use those. And there's been a dozen times I gave someone a DVD only to learn they can't play it...
TheSarge said:
DVD-RW drives are standard issue on new PCs. Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last three years you should have seen the DVD-ROM take over from the CD-ROM for PC-game media. By the time Fallout 3 comes out, though, it might be released on BD-ROM (Blue Ray) or on HD-DVD (High-density DVD). Depends on if the DVD Format Wars ever end.

Since you can buy a new DVD burner for about 100-150 bucks, or go the cheap-ass route and just get a DVD-ROM drive for about 20 bucks, there's really no excuse if you're gonna bitch about everything not being on CD anymore.

Agree'd. Swaping cd's like a human jokebox sux'z @zz. Wich is why I dl no-cd-cr@ckz asap. I suport the game, I buy it, but I wont ruin my cd/DVD by constantly using it JUST to tell the computer my game is legit.

I buy most my games on dvd when at all possible, Q4 for example, a xtra $10 but well worth it. I can remember but I think GUN (or was it Stubbs the Zombie, I cant rememeber) came on a DVD also... dunno. It usualy includes some extra content if there is a cd version and the dvd is a upgrade. Also I bought my DVD-RW all formats offnamebrand about a year back on sale for around $60. I have meant to upgrade it... but hell it does everything I need so I just havent bothered.

(Bought a little pannel for the cd-rom place where the new dvd player would go that lights up periodicaly and says "Pipboy Inside" instead :P )

All that aside, Fallout is my favorite game, ever, hands down. If they continue half-@zz in the Fallout tradition I will be pleased. If it comes out after I die then there are explicid instrustions in my wil for my gf to come out and visit me and play it on her laptop on top of my grave so I can see it and burry a copy of it with me (litteraly). If it comes out on console and the PC version is neutered so the console version looks good I will rise from the dead with my brothers in arms and ... mmm ... to early, need caffiene.
Silencer said:
Sytxferryman said:
I dl no-cd-cr@ckz asap.

<img src="" height="274" width="181" border=


I apologise and wont mention it again, but think I should point out my reasons...

I buy the game.
I support the developers and everyone one included.
I am not telling people where to get it, or how to do it, or even that is a good thing, just that I do it.
The computer gaming industry makes even more profit yearly than the movie industry and its complete adn total bs that they take it out on us... I.E.- needing the cd to play a game as with most games, or the evil Steam's famous online account required to play so they can buy our new Ferrari's guarontee'd...
With all this the cd-cr@ck isnt hurting anyone, just keeping us from having to buy a second cd/dvd as the first one got scratched to hell after 8 years of playing it.
Sytxferryman said:
I apologise and wont mention it again, but think I should point out my reasons...

I buy the game.
I support the developers and everyone one included.
I am not telling people where to get it, or how to do it, or even that is a good thing, just that I do it.
The computer gaming industry makes even more profit yearly than the movie industry and its complete adn total bs that they take it out on us... I.E.- needing the cd to play a game as with most games, or the evil Steam's famous online account required to play so they can buy our new Ferrari's guarontee'd...
With all this the cd-cr@ck isnt hurting anyone, just keeping us from having to buy a second cd/dvd as the first one got scratched to hell after 8 years of playing it.

Grammar police. You're under arrest.

I suspect (as with pornography) the rules against warez talk on this (and many other forums (fora?)) are based on the legality of the situation, rather than the morality.

If that's correct the forum could get kicked from the host for violating the Terms of Service agreement.

So shud'up.

edit - bollocks. Beaten to it.
Kaya said:
Grammar police. You're under arrest.

I suspect (as with pornography) the rules against warez talk on this (and many other forums (fora?)) are based on the legality of the situation, rather than the morality.

If that's correct the forum could get kicked from the host for violating the Terms of Service agreement.

So shud'up.

edit - bollocks. Beaten to it.

I believe I did say I would stop... and I don't see why you felt the need to repeat what a forum admin had already said. If I had wanted a fight I would have insulted someone's mom or sompthing along that line. I instead think it is you that should stop as this has already been addressed and resolved.
Heck, if you want to talk about warez or porn, take it to email or IM clients.

Not like anyone here totally hates porn -- well, maybe a few guys, but we just happen to have a lot of nutcases.
Sytxferryman said:
With all this the cd-cr@ck isnt hurting anyone, just keeping us from having to buy a second cd/dvd as the first one got scratched to hell after 8 years of playing it.

That's why you're permitted to make yourself a backup copy. Now, a CD Image on your drive would suffice, wouldn't it? You can use a virtual drive. While a "No-CD crack" typically alters the game executable code, which you usually aren't permitted to do.

While you might have some ration, our ban on warez talk is an issue of policy and won't be negotiated. Please end this topic.
TheSarge said:
DVD-RW drives are standard issue on new PCs. Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last three years you should have seen the DVD-ROM take over from the CD-ROM for PC-game media. By the time Fallout 3 comes out, though, it might be released on BD-ROM (Blue Ray) or on HD-DVD (High-density DVD). Depends on if the DVD Format Wars ever end.

Since you can buy a new DVD burner for about 100-150 bucks, or go the cheap-ass route and just get a DVD-ROM drive for about 20 bucks, there's really no excuse if you're gonna bitch about everything not being on CD anymore.
100-150? Jesus. My NEC burner cost me 30 euros.

And Sytxferryman, could you please, please, please stop using the '@' sign in seemingly random places. It's annoying. As are those 'cool' z's.

And why won't people learn the difference between i.e. and e.g.
i.e. = that is
e.g. = for example

Simple as that. Just remember i.e. = id est.

Also, @ means "at". Saying "cr@ck" thus translates into "cratck", which is just incoherent bullshit. No need to bypass censorship here, so stay away from the spam evasive spelling.
100-150 bucks. I can understand that dvd-burners are cheap, but if 150 bucks is cheap to you...holy shit. I mean We also have those drives for 30e. They sell very very expensive stuff there, and you think it's cheap.

Herbal store
Ratty said:
There are morons out there who believe i.e. means "in example".
Why are they morons? It's not a totally invalid use, to abbreviate in example to ie, not correct no, but not in valid. Language is in a constant state of flux, were the first people to use 'cool' to denote something desriable morons?

If enough people use it as an abbreviation for in example then that will be what the usage will change to, dictionaries will be updated and so forth.