frissy said:
Well if FO3 is made for us (the fans) it will crash. Big time. Even if we all buy two copies it will still go under and no more fallout.
Have to find a middle ground. Something for us, something for the major public. I'm not saying it should be visuals, but something the majority likes.
Kids "won't be able" to buy this game due to the rating (all the things we, drugs...). So there is one "lost" majority.
No offense, but that logic has no basis whatsoever. Game series do NOT survive when they are streamlined down for trendy or crap reasons to appeal to the Lowest Common Denominator. That mentality was tried by Chuck, was tried by Interplay and MicroForté, and the "middle ground" still turned into a load of shit. Yes, game series die when they lose what the fans enjoy in them, e.g. the design of the game, is empirical evidence, but it's the ONLY evidence in this industry that holds true other than marketing departments and trend-chasers are a bunch of me-too morons. Cheese off those who have been following the series, and the series dwindles down into whored-out Hasbro status. We've seen what happens with Hasbro's continuation of titles, we've seen how EA eventually kills off almost everything it touches except for their moronic dollhouse game.
We simply don't need to listen to someone cook up lamer excuses for why they can't bother to stick to the design, excuses they have crafted in the past with obviously less talent than most of their games, and that is saying something. "It is something we don't do well" or some crap like that, despite every media moron thinking that just because Bethesda bills an action-adventure game as a CRPG when it has barely more "stat-system roleplaying" than BioWare's garbage, then Bethesda is fully able to design a TB P&P CRPG, when they haven't ever developed a combat system worth speaking kindly about since Daggerfall. Sequels are made by keeping to the same great story, the same great setting, and the same great design, but with improvements that do not compromise the title's intended design. Fallout certainly could use a higher resolution, better methods of creating the graphics that does not take so much time but still captures the comic pulp design feel to it, additional combat mechanics for TB akin to the progression Ultima had from Ultima III-VI - making it better instead of skullfucking it into some crappy RT combat system for ultima VII.
Technologically better does NOT mean FP view, RT combat, or any of the lame crap the media and some developer kiddies think constitutes "modern", because FP and RT have existed as long as TB and third-person (maybe a bit longer if you include Akalabeth having both FP and 3rd, and Wizardry as having a FP perspective). The choice to use either depends upon the design, and if Bethesda doesn't want to make a P&P CRPG like Fallout, then they should simply say so, be recognized as trendy console whores, and then we should simply stop wasting our time with this obvious "
Fountain of Dreams". Or they will eventually let it leak through the PR bullshit as they have said in the past, and through material that we've been able to obviously identify as bullshit - Chuck Cuevas' pathetic spin-job.
Assuming that you will have a prospective, untapped audience simply because you make the game with common elements from other game series, is perhaps the biggest and most asinine mistake in the industry today. We've seen where new titles try for this and end up being one of the uninspiring messes like Sacred, but if the design doesn't suit an established audience - then you have NO prospective audience because the established will say it's something they don't like, and why should someone else buy the game if it isn't going to try to offer great gameplay like the original? You make money and success by making a great game, not by cheaply whoring out the title. Otherwise, Chuck and Herve would instead be rolling in the money instead of looking for a new job and a new wife (car, company, probably new house, etc), with their mentality of "console + RT + trendy music + Fallout = $$".
Sorry, it doesn't quite work like that, underpants gnomes..