First time out of the vault

Do you think (maybe together) that is possible to fix this very fastidious bug in someway? I've taken a look at the script... and it seems to be that, if one can make it able to adapt (by changing the script algorithm) the 256x256 image to higher resolution, like 1024x768; it can do the work.
So, do you think that I must continue to feed my hope, or that I must just cohabit in silence with this bug?
Homever, who is the autor of the original mod? Does it have any known contact?
P.S. I remember you answer MIB88; but I've thought that maybe together you can be able to do something...
So, do you think that I must continue to feed my hope, or that I must just cohabit in silence with this bug?
Homever, who is the autor of the original mod? Does it have any known contact?
P.S. I remember you answer MIB88; but I've thought that maybe together you can be able to do something...