To Nirran, to Timeslip, to MIB88... Weather Mod HighRes Bug


First time out of the vault
Do you think (maybe together) that is possible to fix this very fastidious bug in someway? I've taken a look at the script... and it seems to be that, if one can make it able to adapt (by changing the script algorithm) the 256x256 image to higher resolution, like 1024x768; it can do the work.

So, do you think that I must continue to feed my hope, or that I must just cohabit in silence with this bug?

Homever, who is the autor of the original mod? Does it have any known contact?

P.S. I remember you answer MIB88; but I've thought that maybe together you can be able to do something...
Can't you simply make a higher resolution of that image? Always looked to me like adjusting the image would solve that 'problem'...
my forte is scripting not graphics,and that mod has other bugs too,Lexx is right

If you're running at a 16:10 or 4:3 resolution my personally modified version of it should work fine, though I removed the perception/AC modifying stuff if you care about that (could just copy the mask, I guess).

If it doesn't work, let me know, and if anyone would rather I didn't host this I'll take it down.
Cool. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will appreciate your work. (I stick to the original game resolution, though). I seriously doubt anyone involved with that mod is going to ask you to not post your own work, so please don't worry about that.
i agree with mib88,tho i personaly always delete the mod when i am playing a larger mod that has it imbedded..

RP2.1's what I'm using, it should work fine -- I probably failed bundling it somehow, what issue are you having?
NVShacker, if i just drop your zip contains, to my F2:RP2.1 (there wasnt any weather mods before), will it work?
NVShacker said:
If you're running at a 16:10 or 4:3 resolution my personally modified version of it should work fine, though I removed the perception/AC modifying stuff if you care about that (could just copy the mask, I guess).

If it doesn't work, let me know, and if anyone would rather I didn't host this I'll take it down.

Ok... this solves the problem... but with the new pipboy2000 from highres patch, the black part of the mask is too big. So a little part of the screen, before the upper pipboy border, isn't covered from the effect. To make it work I've reduced the height of the black part of the mask and, with this modification, it works like a charm. Thanks.

Nirran said:
my forte is scripting not graphics,and that mod has other bugs too,Lexx is right


Other problems? Like?
the stat bonuses and penalties are bugged,sometimes armor value Jumps and sometimes perception Plumits,tried to fix it a while back,mess with it Again later(not today)

My version (which can be dropped in place without any other weather mod version, shaggoth) doesn't have the stat checks for that reason, I liked the visual idea of the mod but wasn't too thrilled about the stat changes and it's set up... precariously, at best.
looked at the weather mod script,found a simple mistake that could cause the penalties to be hosed,if anyone wants to test it for me(i hate that mod),email me and i will send the script,hopefully it is fixed(finnaly)

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported

afair, if there;s wrong mode, there was some different error.
maybe my card cant support something?