Todd Howard on X-Play

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
X-Play will have Todd Howard on X-Play tonight, and also presents us with a video interview with the "the mastermind behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series" (I really should note he created neither series).<blockquote>Todd Howard, the mastermind behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, will be talking one-on-one with Adam Sessler on tonight's X-Play! He'll be spilling the beans on one of the most anticipated games of the year, the post-apocalyptic adventure Fallout 3. Don't miss tonight's episode of X-Play, Tonight at 8PM ET, only on G4!

Also, check out our Web Exclusive Interview with Todd Howard, talking about moving from Fantasy with The Elder Scrolls and into the post-apocalyptic future of the Fallout series.</blockquote>Amusingly, Fallout fans come up again, and the paper RM Milner wrote on Fallout fans is mentioned.

Link: Todd Howard On Tonight's X-Play!.

Thanks TehPwntif.
MapMan said:
Brother None said:
Todd Howard, the mastermind behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series

Blasphemy :x

Putting emphasis on "Fallout" doesn't make any sense.

Todd Howard did not mastermind the Elder Scrolls series anymore than the Fallout series. It's an incorrect statement for both series, not just Fallout.
Brother None said:
Todd Howard did not mastermind the Elder Scrolls series anymore than the Fallout series. It's an incorrect statement for both series, not just Fallout.

I realize that but I dont give a damn about Elder Scrolls series. But you're right, the statement is incorrect for both series.
funny.. I found the use of the term "mastermind" to be the most offensive thing in that sentence.

The dude is an uninspired hack with mediocre credentials and, as of yet I haven't seen a single masterful idea come out of him with regards to any game.

He's uninformed and apparently does not understand the meaning of the term innovation, he's a slave to marketting trends that are built on lies and misinformation, and he's being pumped up by the media to sound like some sort of revolutionary game developer.

They couldn't be any further from the mark.

Nobody at Bethesda should be considered a "mastermind" or "revolutionary" unless you are talking about their human resources dept. which has undoubtedly saved a ton of money by hiring only the most underqualified and experience-free game designers that could be found anywhere in the states.

The only thing they got right was calling Fallout 3 an "adventure", instead of an RPG, but even in that case I think they didn't mean to say it like I read it.
Wow. Watching that I actually have less hope for the game. Why is it that every time he's interviewed, the guy does more and more to make the game sound like a complete crapfest. Pick up plates and cups and shoot them? How about...NO. The lunchbox bomb does sound fallouty, the rest....ugh. I'm convinced this guy has NO CLUE about Fallout.
I actually thought Todd Howard did okay, better than Hines usually do anyway. But that interviewer must have a foul taste of shit in his mouth after licking Todds ass for the entire interview: "That's Awsome! I wanna just *mumble* (touch?) you there and just say that's completely cool!"

The gaming press today is such a joke that it isn't even funny anymore...

Edit: Also, we can only hope that he was talking about Wasteland when he said that the previous Fallout was from 1988.
I would say that the interview got off to a decent start, but went pretty much downhill somewhere in the middle of them talking about what the fans wanted, as opposed to Bethesda's views...

Also, I wonder how many of these so called gaming journalists could possibly get a journalist's job at a serious newspaper. Somehow I feel it is not a very large percentage. Does the word objectivity ring a bell? Anyone? :roll:

Well, at least Todd seems fairly ok compared to Pete...
Flop said:
But that interviewer must have a foul taste of shit in his mouth after licking Todds ass for the entire interview: "That's Awsome! I wanna just *mumble* (touch?) you there and just say that's completely cool!"

He was like that with Todd's previous appearance on X-Play, too.

I guess it's just his thing? I dunno.
He was actually pretty good.
If this interview was the only thing I had to go on regarding this game, and they left out the entire section about the weapons, I would be psyched right about now.

Flop said:
Edit: Also, we can only hope that he was talking about Wasteland when he said that the previous Fallout was from 1988.
I think he just tripped over his own words, probably meant Fallout 2 in 1998.
Anyone know of a torrent or other digital version of this up anywhere yet?

I saw the last one at a friends house, I gots no cable TV at my pad, just the intrawebs.

X-play is so-so from what I've seen, your standard watered down video game "journalism" hype center outlet megastore, only in television format.
Diamsus said:
anything fallout :/
We already saw 'anything' Fallout. It was titled FO:BOS. I shouldn't have to remind anyone of how that turned out. The desire should only be for good Fallout, not just 'anything' Fallout.

I get such a kick out of X-Play when it comes to stuff like this. For all their smarmy, snarky attitude and posturing and posing like they're some big authority-questioning, hard-hitting, hard-to-please high bar of standards and criticism, they're still just as sycophantic as the other gaming journalists when anyone in the industry steps into the room with them.

I guess Stewie Griffin was right about "wait and see" attitudes. :?
Worst part of the interview is that Todd Howard says nucular. The random crap launching gun isn't all that encouraging either, but might work out alright. And then finally where he says "There's probably less of that than people think" for your actions restricting what quests/options you get later kind of gives me a bad taste.

Got a slightly negative vibe from the whole thing, but what the hell. Maybe whatever they show on the TV later will be more informative and end up on their webpage or The Youtubes.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
And then finally where he says "There's probably less of that than people think" for your actions restricting what quests/options you get later kind of gives me a bad taste.
Right, kind of confirms who this game is being made for, and who this video interview was intended for.

Hey, Fallout was too smart for it's own good, but not to worry, the mastermind who put training wheels on TES is here to do the same to Fallout.

That and his comments about bringing gameplay up to today's standards. WTF is that? The game's foundation was chosen to emulate PnP as closely as possible and to eschew trendy conventions like all the other paint-by-numbers clones.

That shows a remarkable lack of understanding of what Fallout was. I doubt it matters. Fallout is just a PA vehicle for more corporate McRPGs from Bethesda.
On one hand, I am seriously annoyed by that statement about him being the "Mastermind". On the other hand, I'm deeply impressed by Toddie's weasel ability. Total UTTER weasel, he can steal the credit for something he couldn't even have come up with. The guy's a sociopath, I bet he'd sell his grandma without a second thought.