Todd Howard questionnaire at Next-Gen

Pop said:
It seems both Black Isle offspring had problems with buggy games.

So? Check my .sig for a clue. Plus, Troika left before the division that later became BIS was completely skullfucked by Feargus, MCA, etc. Descent to Undermountain ring a bell? Ass-Wind Dale? Ass-Wind Dale 2? LIONHEART? (I would hope this one would be clue enough, since Reflexive was supposed to be making the game under BIS' "expert knowledge".)

The ONLY game with decent gameplay that BIS/Obsidian made on their own was Planescape: Torment, and that's probably because Feargus was off trying to whore Fallout out in other ways.

Vampire was horrific

Glad you paid attention to the setting, at least.

and Arcanum might have been the sloppiest game I've ever played. So yes.

Which was mainly due to being compromised by the publisher (Sierra) insisting it have crackhead combat for the simpletons. Aside from that, it was a fairly enjoyable game, given that it stressed RP aspects far better than any BioWare or Obsidian game, ever.

I'm aware that F2 is more Obsidian than Troika. I still like it better.

That explains a lot.

The point was that they're both preferable to Bethesda.

Judging from KoTOR 2 and many of the games I listed above, neither Obsidian nor anything else even remotely connected to BioWare should be allowed anywhere near Fallout.
Sander said:
Pop said:
I liked Fallout 2, as messy as it was. In fact, I prefer it to the original. I liked it because it felt more expansive, was generally easier to play more than once, and because I was a child when it came out and the idea of the Enclave was just so awesome to me. I liked both of them, certainly the original occupies a special place in my heart, but I don't necessarily feel the need to put one over the other.
Yes, but if you were to choose between a Fallout 3 the size of Fallout 2 in the vein of Fallout or in the vein of Fallout 2, the sensible choice would be going with the Fallout setting.
Mainly because Fallout 2's world was more like a dumbed-down and inconsistent version of Fallout's world. Mobster towns and kung-fu fights in a 50s setting? And a rather silly end-boss that paled in comparison to the intelligence and intricacies of the Master?
You've a good point there, and I would choose Fallout over Fallout 2, given they traded over some of the nice cosmetic perks that made Fallout 2 less laborious (better party and inventory systems, etc.) The Master was certainly better than the President, but Fallout seems so sparse in comparison to Fallout 2 I find myself playing Fallout for the express purpose of reaching the master and listening to his monologues :) it makes the game tedious, and while the Shi and the car and the vertibirds all seem odd and thrown in, they aren't done in a way that isn't fun. The only thing that I really had a hard time with was the idea of "tribals". Probably bothered me more than it should have. I liked the fact that F2 moved a bit away from the retrofuture theme, but didn't gut it like Tactics did.

Are we still even on topic? :?
I'm not saying Fallout 3 will be damned if it follows TES with the 'big, open world' thing, but I have to admit it's one my fears for this game. I'm afraid it will force the developers into putting way too much work into the design of the gaming environment, rather than plot and roleplaying options. Bethesda's definition of 'a truly immersive game', as they like to describe games like Morrowind and Oblivion, seems to be 'a game with lots of unique 3D rocks and trees everywhere'. For me, the story is what really immerses me into a game. Am I correct in assuming that Bethesda actually designs all these useless areas between real locations? Or do they use some kind of program/generator for that stuff to save time?
Really? I'm pretty sure I read some where the forrests were generated with speed trees or whatever it's called.
Midwinter said:
I'm not saying Fallout 3 will be damned if it follows TES with the 'big, open world' thing, but I have to admit it's one my fears for this game. I'm afraid it will force the developers into putting way too much work into the design of the gaming environment, rather than plot and roleplaying options.
What role-playing options? If we are lucky, Bethesda will make a decent action game set in some post-apocalyptic world. If we are not lucky, Bethesda will make a shitty action game set in some post-apocalyptic world.

Yes, these are the only options.
VDweller said:
What role-playing options? If we are lucky, Bethesda will make a decent action game set in some post-apocalyptic world. If we are not lucky, Bethesda will make a shitty action game set in some post-apocalyptic world.

My God, it's May 11, 2000 all over again! AYEEEE!
It's said that history tends to repeat itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. Well, I'm not sure if Tactics was a tragedy, but Fallout 3 will most likely be a joke. The difference between MicroForte and Bethesda is that we know too well what to expect.
Nova said:
Really? I'm pretty sure I read some where the forrests were generated with speed trees or whatever it's called.
Well, the Speedtree technology basically just makes unique trees. So they hand-designed areas (with erosion, because that was important, or something), but put computer-generated unique trees in there.
VDweller said:
It's said that history tends to repeat itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. Well, I'm not sure if Tactics was a tragedy, but Fallout 3 will most likely be a joke.

No, Tactics was a tragedy, because it could have been FAR better if they started it right and correctly, and treated it the same way during development; F:POS was the joke.

What would that make Fallout 3, then?

Dead, Buried, Skullfucked?

The difference between MicroForte and Bethesda is that we know too well what to expect.

In particular, when compared to their previous work under the same direction.

My favorite quote:

The player needs a certain size and a large number of choices to really make role-playing feel meaningful
Todd Howard

Now only if they actually WERE meaningful instead of giving the hollow illusion of "feeling" like it, Todd and the rest might actually have some clue how to design a CRPG.
Mick1965 said:
Maybe Bethesda won't be the company to appease the current fan base; maybe they won't make a game which is true to the originals (I think that's a given!). But isn't it good that someone is making FO3 rather than have the series die off entirely?
Allright, I know I am late to the party, but I got a burning question:
If the game isn't true to the originals, why wouldn't I rather the series die off entirely?

I am a fan of a game, not a name.
I would.

I don't know why, because I agree. I'd rather the series die than its legacy be constantly befouled by designers/developers who figure they can scrape up some more cash with their digital vomit by attaching recognized names to it.
I hate to look foolish and backtrack on my previous comments, but I've been doing some investigation (as suggested) into Bethesda and Oblivion and I can't say I'm happy with what I've read.

I had only scratched the surface in playing oblivion, but even so the game is noticably lacking in depth (for a supposed RPG) and is very repetitive, not to mention the errors and inconsistencies. I think I wanted to believe something, however small, may come from all this, but unfortunately all I can foresee from FO3 is a pretty Fallout setting with very little worthwhile gameplay.

Damn it, I was happy in my delusion! At least I would have had a year or two of blissful wondering before the disappointment. Now I feel enlightened and yet sadly hollow in the realization that there will never really be another Fallout game. I think I need a hug. :cry:
Todd Howard said:
We’re still in preproduction building our first playable of the game and it’s very exciting for us.
If they are building their first playable of the game, they must have planned a lot already. Even if it is a bare framework or something. Something that they are so excited about.

Anyway, how much does a game company normally plan till it starts pragramming a playable version of a game? As far as I know, in Software Development they first complete the entire specification before paying attention to programming.

I am not comparing software development with game development, as I have no clue about how a game is being made. And I see that Bethesda has already started making their first playable version in preproduction.
So, my opinion is going to be wildly unpopular, but fuck it.

I tried playing Morrowind about a year ago. It was tedious and boring and I couldn't get past 3 hours with the game. I had absolutely no interest in Oblivion, Betheseda or any future Elder Scrolls project after that point.

But, my nephew visited me this summer and brought Oblivion with him. As much as I expected complete hatred, I couldn't help but enjoy the game. I played through it and found it to be entertaining pretty much the whole way.

The main story wasn't great, but the side quests and stories were just fun to play. The player-character development was fun and I put in 50+ hours with the game and enjoyed it more than I have enjoyed any recent RPG that has come out in years.

No, it wouldn't make any list of my favorite games of all time. But, it would be near the top of a list of games that I've played in the last 3 or 4 years.

Crazy as it sounds, I came out of it somewhat optimistic about Fallout 3 being an enjoyable game for me. Not because it will be like what Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 will be. But, after playing it, I have to admit that a post-apocalyptic game in the vein of Oblivion would probably be entertaining.

I've been here for years and I know all the old arguments and, no, I don't expect Fo3 to capture any of what made Fallout the great game that it was. But, the idea that the "Fallout method" is the ONLY way to have fun in a game is clearly a fallacy.

Fallout has been dead and buried for a long time. If someone comes along someday in the future and ressurrects it, complete with the ideas and concepts that made it great in the first place, that would be great. But, I've long since paid my final respects to the franchise.

I'm not, out of any kind of sense of outrage, going to refuse to enjoy what could potentially be a fun game in its own right.
gameart3d said:
But, after playing it, I have to admit that a post-apocalyptic game in the vein of Oblivion would probably be entertaining.

Great. Let someone make it and not call it Fallout.

But, the idea that the "Fallout method" is the ONLY way to have fun in a game is clearly a fallacy.

Nice straw man.

If someone comes along someday in the future and ressurrects it, complete with the ideas and concepts that made it great in the first place, that would be great.

Wouldn't that be difficult if someone else sits on the license?

I'm not, out of any kind of sense of outrage, going to refuse to enjoy what could potentially be a fun game in its own right.

Nice repetition of the straw man.
gameart3d said:
(Snip Golfish Story.)

Wow, you enjoyed the shiny. Go you. And if the Dark Brotherhood and thief quests are about the only high point in the game, then that doesn't speak much of the game as a whole, now does it?

I've been here for years and I know all the old arguments and, no, I don't expect Fo3 to capture any of what made Fallout the great game that it was. But, the idea that the "Fallout method" is the ONLY way to have fun in a game is clearly a fallacy.

You lying little shithead. You fucking straw man piece of shit.

That isn't the "idea" at all. It's the concept of a SERIES! This flame is warranted because you're trying to equate your opinion as fact and completely miss the point, while obviously failing to have seen the real reason. So much for knowing all the old arguments and having been here for years, which is probably just another lie.

Would you watch a Terminator movie if they horribly fucked the canon? I know what the DEE! DEE! DEE!s are thinking. "At least there are exploshuns! In terms of the T3 movie and the Terminator games, Bethesda did a far worse job of the two.

It might come as a surprise, but I (and this typically goes for the rest of the PC audience) do like other genres of games if they are done right. Hell, I even had Birthright, Blood Omen, Civ II, Crusader 1&2, Daggerfall (1996), Descent II (1996), Diablo (1997), Duke Nukem 3d, Fallout (1997), HoMM, Mechwarrior 2, Might and Magic Xeen Series (1990-1995), SimCity 2000, Space Hulk, Quake (1996), Ultima VII, and Warcraft 1 & 2 installed at the same time on my computer around Dec of 97, and that's not the full list. Also note that Diablo came out a couple of months after Fallout, and Daggerfall and Arena before Fallout. No, the TES action gameplay is not "modern", it's just become what developers can spoon-feed to the console idiots by skullfucking the design concepts better developers designed long before, so it's simple for their ilk to comprehend.

I play a multitude of genres, each of which has titles I'll look towards to when I want to play in said genres.

But when I play Fallout, I expect a P&P CRPG as Fallout was designed.

If I wanted to play TES, I'll play TES.

So it's not unreasonable to expect a Fallout game with the same general style of gameplay if they're going to call it Fallout 3. Otherwise it would be a SPIN-OFF, at least technically, on PC and even on console it's been proven that people don't want a Fallout spin-off. Sequels infer the same kind of gameplay, not merely the same story or setting. Many of the aforementioned series DIED when their gameplay was not kept to, even when they were developed and published by big-name companies. This isn't TES: Vault Dweller, this is FALLOUT. Say it slowly if you must, child, but do whatever you require to put the clue together.

Fallout has been dead and buried for a long time.

Funny, then why does even IGN shit a brick when there's the least amount of Fallout news? Or news involving the possible development of a sequel? Fallout is not dead, but the concepts it stood for even back in 1997 apparently are dead to the mainstream and developers without a spine, who don't design but instead let marketing dictate their design based upon marketing figures and simple-to-understand game concepts. Copycatting doesn't always equal success, in fact it's almost always a recipe for failure. Others are still interested in developing in the CRPG genre (which TES is technically not, it's Action-Adventure), and they are doing fairly well for their resources, because the idiotic US mainstream has made it a lucrative niche market instead of looking to breathe new life into the genre like Fallout did in 1997. Hence the concept of Scratchware, and some of it shines.

That's why many of the old-school don't play CRPGs anymore, because most of the games now supposedly in the CRPG genre suck ass due to moronic apologists who excuse any and all stupidity of trend whores. In other words, YOU.

In time, if Bethesda fucks up Fallout that badly without any sense of solid P&P design (and instead use their crappy speech systems, etc.), another will come along and become a new champion of the CRPG genre, as Fallout was hailed. Bethesda, essentially, is tearing off VaultBoy's title belt to bend him over and perform a prison gangrape scene.

So much for treating the title with respect, and "as if we were developing the first two", as they have already claimed. If you were aware of all the old arguments, then you would certainly have been aware of what they have already claimed. Not like it's hard to find here, it's all in the news section and easily searchable.

No, it wouldn't make any list of my favorite games of all time. But, it would be near the top of a list of games that I've played in the last 3 or 4 years.

And how is that a good thing when you're too Oblivious to understand that TES is not a CRPG, and Fallout was designed to be one?

If someone comes along someday in the future and ressurrects it, complete with the ideas and concepts that made it great in the first place, that would be great.

"Great" instead of just "fun" for a few hours like Oblivion?

So you don't see a problem in Fallout 3 not standing anywhere close to the same level of quality as the first, or even the second? That is YOUR problem. As someone who is expected to buy this fraud, id est a Fallout fan, I'm not that amused. Neither are any of the aforementioned old-school who have been repeatedly burnt by stupid marketing departments and the people mindless enough to moo along with them.

(Why are apologists so fucking stupid?)

But, I've long since paid my final respects to the franchise.

Then goodbye and take your piss-poor trolling with you.

(If Fallout is supposedly dead, and Bethesda is raping its corpse, does that make Todd Howard a necrophiliac?)

I'm not, out of any kind of sense of outrage, going to refuse to enjoy what could potentially be a fun game in its own right.

Go play F:POS and try to say that again. Or FOT. Or what positively looks like the same kind of treatment in another name rape. Or go play Ultima 9, a "modernized" version of a CRPG that similarly lost everything that made it great. Or Might and Magic 9. Or any number of other dead series you will soon only find on abandonware sites.

Or go back to IGNorance and your beloved consoles and have another spoonful of Oblivious bliss. We don't care, but take your lying straw man arguments with you.
Per said:
gameart3d said:
But, after playing it, I have to admit that a post-apocalyptic game in the vein of Oblivion would probably be entertaining.

Great. Let someone make it and not call it Fallout.

I would be fine with that too. However, since they are calling it Fallout isn't going to make me enjoy it any more, or less, than I would otherwise.

If someone comes along someday in the future and ressurrects it, complete with the ideas and concepts that made it great in the first place, that would be great.

Wouldn't that be difficult if someone else sits on the license?

Someone else, other than "who" exactly?

If there is another option out there, where somebody wanted to get the original Fallout team together and get the license, I've yet to hear about it.

Fallout is likely gone and if its going to be ressurected, it will be reinvented, the way that Fallout was a "sequel" to Wasteland.
gameart3d said:
If there is another option out there, where somebody wanted to get the original Fallout team together and get the license, I've yet to hear about it.

Troika had an interested publisher, but they backed out. Troika probably would've gotten there in the end, though. If not them, Obsidian. But Beth shelled out more hard bucks fast.
gameart3d said:
I would be fine with that too. However, since they are calling it Fallout isn't going to make me enjoy it any more, or less, than I would otherwise.

Then you are cattle, and unrepresentative to those who buy and follow games based upon an established name, setting, and franchise. With that comes expected levels of quality and design, and if someone doesn't care to follow the established or give a logical improvement upon it (no, marketing reasons do not count), then they are doing a poor job.

We don't care if you're shallow enough to not care what kind of shit you walk into.

Someone else, other than "who" exactly?

Someone else sitting on the license would infer Bethesda, because they aren't planning on doing anything faithful with it. In particular, wanting to develop it for multiple platforms.

Again, child, pay attention and don't use straw man arguments.

If there is another option out there, where somebody wanted to get the original Fallout team together and get the license, I've yet to hear about it.

How about if Bethesda didn't want to make a decent sequel, THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING TOUCHED THE FALLOUT LICENSE?

And if you had been around for as long as you claimed, then you would have known that Troika, some of the original developers, were trying to get the license.

Fallout is likely gone and if its going to be ressurected, it will be reinvented, the way that Fallout was a "sequel" to Wasteland.

No shit, I just said that, McMoron, as it has been said due to the "Remember Wasteland?" on the inside flap of the Fallout original print numerous times around the Fallout license. Now go back to salting the fries for your next shitty X-Box game if you're not going to pay attention to ANYTHING you're foolishly trying to bullshit about.