Top 3 Video Game OSTs

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
Probably a boring idea for a thread but whatever.

Post what you'd consider to be your top 3 tracks of all time from game OSTs and say something about em. Or don't i'm not your dad.

1. Metallic Monks by Mark Morgan

Had to be some Fallout on here right. This song to me evokes basically everything about the original Fallout atmosphere and suits the mood of the Lost Hills bunker perfectly. Every area where it plays in New Vegas improves the mood tenfold.

2. "The Warthog Run" by Marty O' Donnell

Halo is like Star Wars in many ways, in part that it is massively held up by its music. The final sequence of Halo: Combat Evolved as you're escaping with this theme is probably one of my most adrenaline-high memories of games even though it is really easy and not at all that tense in reality, but credit to the direction that they managed to make it feel like I was Luke on the Death Star run regardless.

3. Triage At Dawn/Path of the Borealis - Kelly Bailey

If you know, you know.
Not that boring. A welcome change of pace. I will choose three songs that come to mind that I like.

This last one is pretty much the best part of the game since it is pretty dumbed down. It might not be considered OST but I say neener neener boo boo.
1. Hitman: Blood Money for its instrumental score

2. Mafia II's instrumental score

3. Vice City for licensed music

4. Mafia III for licensed music

Yeah, I know. We already had a Half Life song posted, but fuck, what can ye do? Posted the trailer version as it holds sentimental value for me.
Homeworld — Swarmer's Attack:

Diablo II — Desert:

Outcast — Talanzar:

Spy Hunter: (Basically Peter Gun, but not every player has heard the entire track.
It has sections; not just an endless repeat of the first one.)

Sacrifice — Losing:
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Most soundtracks like these just don't have the same effect without context of the story (especially my third video here from "428: Shibuya Scramble"), but alas.
I have been trying to come up with three game tracks I find memorable that have not been mentioned yet but so far I have only come up with one.

If I can think of more I will post them in this post.

1. Main menu theme of Deus Ex 1

In honor of the DeS remake, I'll post one of my favourite vidya tracks of all time which sadly did not transition to the remake.

Just oozes the surreal, gothic vibe to me. It also has the benefit of being extremely nostalgic. I first played Demon Souls in October 2014, and since then the game has always been tied to autumnal vibes

Game was hit or miss but the soundtrack was awesome as usual.

The best reason to own the disc back in the day.

Because I can.
That was great. The panic and smeared lipstick really set the mood. Best OST ever.