Tribes: Ascend


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Been playing it for a while now. It's still in development but its open to public. It's a free to play game with a microtransation system and so far money is only used to speed up the proces of unlocking the fatures. I like that beacuse players who spend a lot of money don't get any significant advantage.

So any mutants playing this game?
Rank 25, pretty much everything unlocked and I stopped playing. Probably would be Rank 30 by now if I cared.

Played a few "competitive" matchups, which were fun. The public games are god damn awful though because both teams always insist on a 6 technician vs 6 technician turtlefest stalemate.
I suck terribly at this game. My twitch reflexes are on the toilet. Also the controls are pretty weird but I guess I can just remap them.
Walpknut said:
I suck terribly at this game. My twitch reflexes are on the toilet. Also the controls are pretty weird but I guess I can just remap them.

Did you try lowering ingame mouse sensitivity that helped me with sentinel, or are you talking about different kind of twitches. :twitch:
Controls are a bit difficult to set up, right now i sacrficed jump for zoom on my right mouse button, dont now where to bind jump if i separate it from the jetpack (pros say that separating jumping and jetting is crucial for pathfinder).

How long have you been playing?

Reconite said:
Rank 25, pretty much everything unlocked and I stopped playing. Probably would be Rank 30 by now if I cared.

Played a few "competitive" matchups, which were fun. The public games are god damn awful though because both teams always insist on a 6 technician vs 6 technician turtlefest stalemate.

Jeah i've hit that wall to. Thats basically what you get when you play with strangers. Hirez is aware of this, last patch lets you see how many players are using each class. At this point the technician is pretty unbalanced. There where times when what ever i try i end up blown apart by either the turret or the thumper.

Putting aside these prerelease problems this game is awesome. When competent people work together techs and doomies don't stand a chance. I've experienced this a couple of times. Thanks to these epic matches im still sticking and clicking.
I saw some videos, looked like UT mixed with TF, is that basically what it is? Kinda like that old Fortress mod for UT99?
I never played team fortres but if you are referring to class based loadout then jeah take team fortres hook it up with skies and jetpacks and place it unreal engine et voilà an incredibly fast paced shooter with heavy emphasis on teamwork.

I haven't played previous tribes games and being a geek that i am i started reading the lore, i was surprised how deep the story is. War never changes gets a whole new meaning in that universe.
Well, Tribes takes place in the Earthsiege/Metaltech universe which contains quite a few games as of now.
Ausdoerrt said:
I saw some videos, looked like UT mixed with TF, is that basically what it is? Kinda like that old Fortress mod for UT99?

yea, thats like saying something like:

isnt halo sorta like fallout 3 without all the dialoge?

bethesda should take interplay to court, fallout 2 is like fallout 3 other than its top-down

isnt DOOM like a stripped down RAGE

tribes was before UT99. tribes was before TF.

released in 98

afaik it was the first fps to feature massive landscapes and wide variety of controllable/flyable vehicles.

was the first fps to handle 64x64 combat for a total of 128 players. thats why the maps were so large. put that many people in a traditional size map on a FPS and it would be a cluster freak.

among the players of the first few games, it was colloquially called a MMFPS... massively multiplayer first person shooter :D

and the skiing was a byproduct of the engine/physics, not by design until tribes 2