Tribute to Fallout - scene 1

It's not perfect, but still, nicely done.

Voice could be better, that's a fact, but it's not horrible. =)
Wow, the power armor looked amazing! Why couldn't Bethesda do something like that? You could stick that Armor that Morpheus made anywhere in any of his animations it would look fallout. Mad props!
hire Ron Perlman to do the voiceacting...

cut the explosion scene.

the background music was a good choice

the powerarmour is not bulky enough! :P

God help you in the future! :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one sick and tired of the same old nuclear test stock footage used over and over again in movies and video games.

Ignoring the first part, this sucked anyway. Without the embarrassing narrative it makes for a passable map demo for Unreal Tournament or something.
I think this is great. The modeling and animation look like the 'old' 3D software they used when making the fallout CGI clips. Some of the human animation sucks now a days from the CGI movies in Fallout, so no problem there. I see no reason to complain about something a coder spent a lot of time on as a TRIBUTE. This is video is fantastic, you have remained true to fallout through modeling and content, which Beth has neglected to do left and right.

To remain true to context, an english speaking person would be nice, but this works as is. I also agree with the armor's shoulders being a bit tight, but so far everything looks badass!
It's not a commercial project or nothing. It's just a fan's work. I respect that. Well done.
The accent is OK, but try it with someone else reading it. I am sure someone here will offer his yank-accent. I don't have an american accent. Still post apoc though...
Anyway, I also support the idea of leaving out the atom bomb explosion.

Keep it rollin'...
i dig it. i would say lessen the intro bomb scene and ask someone to volunteer to at least read over your narrative script for grammatical details and/or have an english person do it. i think that would be a nice touch, our friends on the other side of the pond have almost been neglected in the fallout universe as far as im concerned. i think it would be a nice touch. hmm, how about fallout: australia ;)
Thank you all for your posts about video. :-)
I do it for myself and for fallout funs.
Thanks for offer help.
I will continue my work - but it need MORE time. At the end - it will be good movie with good english voice narrative without russian accent :-)

But i think scenes 2, 3, 4 will be after Fallout 3. :-(
No i think rus accent was ok, something else hurt my ears, it was melody from space oddysey. First minutes of movie give feeling that author tryed to say "atom bomb was greatest human invention" (its sick)
Lich said:
No i think rus accent was ok, something else hurt my ears, it was melody from space oddysey. First minutes of movie give feeling that author tryed to say "atom bomb was greatest human invention" (its sick)

Yes. You are right.
A-bomb was first and after it was FAllout.