Troika announcement


Carbon Dated and Proud
Leonard Boyarsky of Troika Games have emailed me this official statement regarding the latest rumours of their "demise":<blockquote>As many of you may have already heard, Troika has laid off all of its employees and is closing its doors due to our inability to secure funding for future projects.

We have not yet made the decision as to whether Troika Games as an entity will regroup and pursue future projects or simply cease to exist.

We want to thank all of our fans for their support these past seven years, it has really meant a lot to us that there were people out there who enjoyed our games enough to create fan-sites and follow our progress as a company. But we especially want to thank all of our employees - we had the pleasure of working with the some of the most dedicated, hard working, creative people in the industry, and we really appreciate all that they did for Troika.

Thanks for everything, Tim, Leonard, and Jason</blockquote>I'm really out of words on this one, it's a shame to the gaming industry that not a single publisher can have the balls to go with this talented developing house...
I could rant against the gaming industry, the lack of quality, the great loss that Troika is gone and whatnot. But that has been said enough over the past days. Instead, I can only wish Troika Games good luck, and hope that they will continue to exist eventually.
Ditto, ditto, ditto.

Thanks for all the hard work guys, hopefully there will be a regrouping in the future.

Good luck

Well, at least I haven't heard about class action lawsuits for back wages, or any claims that "we're still here". Though the letter really doesn't answer any of the questions that have been floating around the forums. Well, maybe in the fullness of time. I liked Arcanum, loved Bloodlines and was eagerly awaiting their next offering. I do hope that talented team finds a way to get back in the game. If any of the Troika or Troika's employees find time, feel free to visit the planetvampire forums. The fans would love to hear from you.
But why?
Vampire was almost so great as both Fallouts

Hope that i will find another great game with the Troika's logo on box ,

Good Luck !
and make some ass kicking PA RPG !

your games was great especially Arcanum and Vampire
Oh, shut it.


Sad to hear the rumors were true. How come the good ones always die first? And then scum like post-takeover Interplay seems to stay alive forever. Bah.

I guess the world just isn't fair, but I never thought it was anyway -- still, you could hope.
Dagon said:
Vampire was so great as both Fallouts
Careful saying stuff like that around here. :wink: I, for one, don't think so. Bloodlines was far too linear comparing to Fallout. But let's not start a "which game is better" in a news thered, shall we?
> at least I haven't heard about class action lawsuits for back
> wages, or any claims that "we're still here".

You won't be hearing anything of the sort. Leonard, Jason and Tim were the first three to be laid-off. They stopped paying themselves long before they let the most junior member of the team go.

And that was par for the course. The three of them are a class act and this whole thing is a crying shame.
What is the world coming to when you have these two stories back to back:

Troika announcement
The corpse of Interplay still roams this fair earth

A true shame.
Troika_Alum said:
You won't be hearing anything of the sort. Leonard, Jason and Tim were the first three to be laid-off. They stopped paying themselves long before they let the most junior member of the team go.

And that was par for the course. The three of them are a class act and this whole thing is a crying shame.

Wow, that is a class act indeed. Kinda figures that Tim, Jason and Leon would do something like that. Now I'm just pissed, fucking publishers...
Bye Troika, thanks for all your great games and thanks for your work, I'll miss you.

I hope you can continue with your work and I wish you the best.

I remember the conversation I have with Leonard at the Vampire's Presentation in London... I did not imagine that this would occur...

Good luck, guys.

PD: May be the solution for imaginative games be Online distribution, like Dangerous Waters team... fuck publishers, they only want "brainless" games.
Well, with any luck they'll find a cute QA team, settle down, raise a few games...

I know, less and less likely to happen with each passing minute. We'll still remember them, though, and that favorably, so they didn't fare too bad. Luck to the lot of them.
Good luck Troika ; a million thanks for Arcanum (one of the best cRPG ever made), ToEE and Bloodlines (awesome game).

I hope that you'll eventually find a publisher for your new project (ever thought about JoWood ? they're not big in North America, but they actually published some decent RPGs : Gothic, Arx Fatalis etc.).

Well, I wish I could win the lottery.
Ctaylor said:
What is the world coming to when you have these two stories back to back:

Troika announcement
The corpse of Interplay still roams this fair earth

A true shame.

Aye, too true. I was thinking the same thing when I saw the news posts. Troika made some great games whether you guys agree or not, doesn't change my opinion. Best of luck to all of you wherever you go and I hope Leonard, Jason and Tim are able to find new homes that let their abilities shine bright. Best of luck to all of you!