Troika announcement

I only registered an account here to add to the comments. I've bought all the Troika games and while Arcanum and TOEE were flawed but decent, Bloodlines is on target to become one of my favourite CRPGs and the script has absolutely blown me away. It's really sad that the industry has moved from a time when games were produced by "some kid" in his bedroom to what we have today. I guess there are parallels with television, but in reverse. That alone gives me hope that eventually the industry will find a balance. and gamers will win out. I hope the Troika guys are there when it happens.
Sad news indeed. I can't speak for everyone here when I say this, but I know some will agree with me: I absolutely love Bloodlines. I've played through it twice and have spent my week off playing it through a third. With such a lack of good crpgs these days it's more than a crying shame that this happened, it's a plain ol' fashioned outrage.

I hope you guys find a publisher or a way to become your own publishers and keep 'em coming.

Here's to all the hours and days I've spent delving into the worlds you created. Good luck.
Shadowbird said:
Dagon said:
Vampire was so great as both Fallouts
Careful saying stuff like that around here. :wink: I, for one, don't think so. Bloodlines was far too linear comparing to Fallout. But let's not start a "which game is better" in a news thered, shall we?

May be if Activision would give Troika more time...
Activision wanted Vampire were released for Xmas, so...
quietfanatic said:
This is truly sad news, but surely it reflects badly on the average gamer. Publishers are not totally retarded...are they?

May be if publihers promoted this kind of games, average gamers would buy it. In Spain, Vampire was released in english, same for Arcanum and that was a publisher fault. Vampire would sell much more in my country if they released the game finished, without bugs and translated into spanish. Not everybody here speak english.

But imaginative games are more expensive and difficult to produce, so, publishers prefer repeat old fps formulas again and again and expend big amount of money in marketing.

People play what they know...


I was actually at Troika's liquidation sale this past Saturday. I was skeptical whether it was true or not, but I took the drive out there w/ a couple of friends. Place was pretty barren. We were told that employees took most of the good stuff. There were about a dozen monitors and a dozen computers for sale. Bunch of cables and furniture were also available.

I got a 19" Viewsonic monitor (flatscreen) for $60 and a 21" Integraph monitor for $55. Also picked up Neverwinter Nights for $1. One of my friends picked up two Geforce4 Ti4200s for $5 each. Another friend got two of the Viewsonics. The computers ranged from Athlon 1200-1800 and were $300 - $400 each. They all came w/ 512mb - 2gb ram, radeon 9200-9700 and either a CD or DVD-ROM drive. There were a couple of dual-processor ones as well.

I was hoping to find some actual gaming memoribilia (standees, dummy boxes, etc) but the few things that were there (like a door-sized PC Gamer magazine cover w/ Vampire featured) they said they were holding onto.
Re: Liquidation

Marker said:
I was actually at Troika's liquidation sale this past Saturday.


Ah, well, I would have done the same thing had I lived in Irvine. Its nice to know they let their employees take the cream of the crop, and that they have a few things left over for memories sake. I mean, did any of their game's really bomb? Has the market just shrunk or something?
Condolences Troika, and best of wishes in future work. I'd still like to see some great games with their names on the credits.
I know whats gonna happen...

With all these grand little company's going out the staff will surely become fed-up with the market and quit. Most of them will move away from the cities where game company's are located to start over. When the bombs fall in WW3 all the staff of the big name company's will die in the cities leaving only retired rural developers alive. In the aftermath no doubt entertainment will become a huge part of people's lives and the style will be reminiscent of the past (before the war). No doubt the surviving game developers will be mostly CRPG veterans who will fit right in making old-school rpg's from the time before the bombs fell...

...'til then. Great luck!

The Vault Dweller
Oh god damn... All good things must come to an end. Just so many of them end UNTIMELY. Christ I need to get a horde of money to help good companies and GOOD people make good games that not only entertain but educate us as well. I learned so much from the Fallout series as silly as that may sound. I try to learn from every experience that I encounter. And if I have learned anything is TO NOT quit. I mean if IPLAY can fuck over all its employees/customer base and still stay afloat then in all fairness Troika should stick to their guns and go through with this last game. There has GOT to be a publisher out there interested in making a gamble. Think of the reward, it would pay off more times than one could count.

I guess what it all boils down too is this new project should not just be scrapped. I see SO much potential here and I can not stand to see it all go to waste. There has just got to be a way. Call me crazy but I think they are on to something after watching that video.
Very unfortunate, the past couple years have been filled with hearthbreak&disappointment.

I'm just glad Troika got to release VTM:Bloodlines, before this happened to them. Atleast fans have something very credible and unique, to remember them by.

I have no doubt in my mind, that Tim&Leonard will go on to make more gaming bliss. I wish the rest of Troika's current and past roster, very much luck in life&business.

Please don't be strangers... and if you have some free time, feel free to join in on the Modding forum. We could use any help the veterans of Troika could give. Maybe even form or join a Mod group :lol:

but that might be askin' too much, hehe...