Troika gone belly up?


Carbon Dated and Proud
An anonymous source sent us word of an email circulating, which says that Troika is selling off it's stuff. Here's more:<blockquote> LIQUIDATION SALE

After 7 exciting years, and 3 published games, Troika Games is closing its doors forever!

* Computers - P3 & up
* Monitors 13" - 21"
* Desks
* Chairs
* Conference Tables
* Filing Cabinets
* Cubicle System
* Canon Copier
* and much more!

Saturday, Feb. 19th 9am - 1pm only 17991 Cowan in Irvine (Cash & Carry)
Let our loss be your gain.
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone that may be interested in the sale.</blockquote>Ouch, I really hope that this isn't true..
i have no doubt troika is going down, but still this looks sooooo fake...

not that i'm not saddened by it, but it's not a fraction of what i felt about the whole BIS ordeal
Fake Factor: 9.

However, If anyone is going... look for those 'everything in the box for $1' deals, 'specially if it says... 'source code' or programing utilities.

Also if you get some PCs, run disk forensics software... who knows what goodies are only 'slightly' deleted... :twisted:
I don't suppose you could tell us the reliability of the anonymous source, could you? Or is it anonymous to you, too?

I mean, if this is coming from a development company in Irving, its a bit more serious than a letter from some fan. But an earlier poster was right, that email shows signs of not being genuine. On the other hand, who would be so asinine to compose such a fake.
I'd love to, let me go ask all the industry insiders on my email address list.

All done.

I'll check around some of the sites, but I really wouldn't know how to "verify" it. I guess I wait until somebody else with Boyarsky's phone number calls him up, like HomeLan did. Hmmm....
greatatlantic said:
I'd love to, let me go ask all the industry insiders on my email address list.

All done.

I'll check around some of the sites, but I really wouldn't know how to "verify" it. I guess I wait until somebody else with Boyarsky's phone number calls him up, like HomeLan did. Hmmm....

lol too true. :lol: But aye, the news sounds dreadful and as everyone here as said... the document looks fake, though its information is likely not to be fake for long :(.
If these joke emails are indeed the real deal, let it never be said that they didn't go out in style.
I'm no liquidation expert but it doesn't look to serious ... and convincing. It's like "hey guys, we're dead. buy our shit". I mean no one would liqudate stuff in that way ... would they ?
If there is any one who could go out with a gag like that, it'd be Troika. They never really took themselves seriously, I think. I think thats one reason why Bloodlines seemed such a great game to me. Every other nook and cranny had an obscure refrence to one of the developer's names. If nothing else, they immortalized themselves into a game.
what zaphod? is it ture? :(

well the "good" thing for you is that your work really rocks, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding a new job, but anyway if its true it REALLY, REALLY sucks since I was looking forward to that PA themed game even if it was just an demo :(