Trouble on the Homefront


First time out of the vault
This being one of the few side quests, that had multiple choices on how to go about it, ranging from siding with Amata to just killing them all.

So the question is....

Who did you side with?
IMO, that is the best quest in the game, every other sidequest should have been like that, but unfortunately they were bleak and the end was binary.

I destroyed the generator.
That particular quest is just another display of "yes you have a choice. In the end tho' you do not effect a damn thing"

I blew away the Overseer of course. What's the point?

Probably one of the games biggest failings as that I really don't feel like I really make a difference. Thus making the game's re playability drop. Also bore me to death.

Yes. I did go back and replay it several times, tried multiple choices, actions and such.
In the end. Don't ever come back to the vault! Ever! You're banned! You suck!

Even still, it had one changing outcome. Butch. Fuck him.
This quest and the Oasis one both had several ways to finish it, but in the end it was all worthless. When Amata says she's going to open trade-routes with Megaton or where-ever, why don't we see any Vault-citizens while IN Megaton, presuming I didn't blow the boring little shit-hole to hell anyway.
If you destroy the generator you do see Amata trying to bargain with Enclave troopers later... it doesen't work well in her favour though. :P

I think it's meant to make you feel bad about what you did but she was so unlikeable no one cares.
Yeah you do see some random vault citizens around if you force them outside. And Butch can be picked up as an NPC from Rivey City if he manages to get out.

The whole idea that no matter what you can never return to the vault seems like bollocks though. Surely that would have been the easiest way to show consequence for your actions...
It's just to cut off more additional work. Sure, it would have been no problem to _not_ kick out the player, but then Bethesda would have the need to add more stuff to the Vault like new dialogue lines, etc. It is really less work if you just close the door and say thats it, don't come back.

And you feel this all the time. You get something and think "cool, now this or this would be even more cool" but then nothing happens. It is one thing to make a "RPG" and another to make a good RPG with lots of outcome. But hey, then they would have needed to work harder with a much shorter timeframe and yeh. Then we will get a buggy game, etc. etc. etc. Reminds me a bit of Troika games. If they wouldn't have includet all the cool stuff and multiple ways in their games, they could have released less buggy games too.
I ran into Overseer Mack (I killed Amata's dad earlier) before I had the chance to talk to anyone else in the vault and we had a little discussion. He was going to finish me and I replied with a shotgun blast between his eyes. Then I went to Amata who quoted the Overseer from FO1 and I left the vault (again). I was initially planning on blasting everyone in that hole, but ended up killing just one hostile security guard and Mack. So, not my favorite mission in the game... :?
But Lexx, the thing is just that regardless of the "less" dialogues in their game, Bethesda still is releasing pretty buggy games ...
I sided with Amata and didn't kill her Father (I convinced him with a Speech check).

I always do my first run-through of games like this as the ultimate good guy, then usually the ultimate bad guy.
I just found this quest recently (must have missed it / ignored it) in my original playthrough.

The idea is good -> distress call from Vault 101 childhood friend, but I agree with people that say the end result is pretty much the same regardless of how you complete the quest. I wanted to try to do the quest without killing Amata's father, but my speech skill wasn't high enough and he ended up going hostile on me so I finished him.

I was hoping if I solved it peacefully that Amata might be impressed and perhaps want to further her relationship with my lone wanderer. But just like all the relationships in the game nothing ever goes past mindless banter. I'm not talking about sex I just mean perhaps she becomes a follower, or moves into your 'house' (if you have one at Megaton or Tenpenny Tower). I'd just like something drastically different for different choices in completing the quests in the game.
That's just the problem with the game in general to me. One of it's biggest flaws.
You did the ultra good guy thing and Amata talks about letting people go outside and such. Strangely the vault remains closed to you.
How do you get this quest? I know it's radio broadcast or what not, but I'm 90 some hours into my main char and haven't received a transmission. Granted, I kill the Overseer when he was being mean to Amata. Karma be damned; seemed like the right thing to do.
After you leg it from the Enclave at project purity go back to Megaton. Around that area you should pick up a distress signal from 101.
You have to listen to it to get the bloody obvious password to open the vault door.

If you leave it for too long though the signal stops and you can't do the quest.
Turns out, I've had the signal marked as "unread" in my Pip-boy for ages, and never even noticed it. Thanks for the help!
I just finished this quest, and it left me bitter. Because I had already killed the overseer, and overseer "mack" was in charge, he wouldn't let me talk him into anythign peaceful. So then Amata kicks me out. Bitch!
Well, Mack is arguably more over-zealous than Amata's father could ever be - a brown-noser who was given power. Amata's father could, at least, be reasoned with in this quest.
The end of the quest is an Easter Egg in itself to the first fallout. "You've saved us all, and you must leave"... Once you go outside the vault you are tainted.... And the idea of never seeing anyone from the vault anymore is unfair... My first time playing through I won a speach check and convinced the Overseer to whatever (for the sake of spoilers) and blah-de-blah. Well... several (in game) days later I was hunting a deathclaw just north of Dunwich and ran into Susie Mack! She was all clad in Vault 101 Security Armor and wielding a very pathetic 10mm Pistol fleeing from a frenzied Protectron (which I killed for her with my totaly awesome Terrible Shotgun). She said that everyong in the vault was doing well and missed me and that she was "scouting the area"... I told her to go suck herself and left...
Was I the only one who payed attention to the dialogue and heard the part where you're still resented by a bunch of people? If Amata wins and takes over, there's still restructuring to be done in the Vault, and allowing the person a lot of people see as the cause of the problem in the first place is hardly a smart first move as overseer. If her dad wins (if he's alive anyway) then he already blames you, along with the other vault residents that resent you.

tl;dr, you getting kicked out makes sense from a Vault politics angle.