Trzynasty Schron interviews New Vegas leads

Nice catch, Schron!

UncannyGarlic said:
I doubt it given that Chris Avellone made basically the same comments that the fan community did about it (maybe because of the fan community?) which was that he liked everything about it but that it needs an aesthetic pass.

Well, he did create it, and the criticism of New Reno has been...overdrawn at times. That put MCA on the defensive for the longest time, but some consensus seems to have been reached.

It's still the best-designed town RPG-wise in the entire Fallout franchise.
Brother None said:
It's still the best-designed town RPG-wise in the entire Fallout franchise.
Hands down and I'd argue that it's an area that all RPG developers should look into for how to properly structure quests. Honestly, I always enjoy playing through it and enjoy the 1920's gangster theme, it's simply out of place in Fallout.
Yeah I don't dispute that at all, BN. New Reno was such a mixed bag. On one hand the flow of the town, the quests, and the way everything was put together was great. However the mafia guys really were out of place, and frankly the holographic porn studio was a bit much. :D

That being said though, New Reno really did have some of the most fun content in Fallout 2.
It was out of place but quirky enough that it didn't bother me and it was one of my favorite parts about f2 honestly.