I'm shocked countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands, all of which a large number of Turkish immigrants, gave 12 points to Turkey.
Really, the Turkish "artist" could just be some guy taking a dump on the main stage and these countries would still give him full points. Yay for SMS voting.
It's extra funny because Turkey is just a Middle Eastern country trying to belong to Europe. Sure a spec of their land is on European soil but the big turd shaped rest of it is all rotting in the Middle East like it should. (go Kurds!)
Also good to see the Eastern European circle jerk is still going strong. Maybe next time you invade each other the genocide will be limited because hey, at least they voted for you in the last Euroretarded song festival!
And thank you Finland for showing the world a weak GWAR ripoff can win on comedy value alone, making sure everyone knows this retarded contest is the biggest, lamest and longest running joke, ever.
Really, the Turkish "artist" could just be some guy taking a dump on the main stage and these countries would still give him full points. Yay for SMS voting.
It's extra funny because Turkey is just a Middle Eastern country trying to belong to Europe. Sure a spec of their land is on European soil but the big turd shaped rest of it is all rotting in the Middle East like it should. (go Kurds!)
Also good to see the Eastern European circle jerk is still going strong. Maybe next time you invade each other the genocide will be limited because hey, at least they voted for you in the last Euroretarded song festival!
And thank you Finland for showing the world a weak GWAR ripoff can win on comedy value alone, making sure everyone knows this retarded contest is the biggest, lamest and longest running joke, ever.