I sure have.
One time I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she was actually a duder in disguise, man. That made me go 'Eeeeeeeew! How fucking disgusting!' and it made me kick her/him in the nuts and leave that flat immediately, never ever going back.
And another time, I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she had only one titty because she had had the other one amputated due to cancer, and that like totally freaked me out. I went like 'Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew! How fucking disgusting!', so I punched her in the chest and hit her remaining titty real hard and then left her place, never ever returning there, not even for a million dollars.
And yet another time, I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she was like totally hairy, with hair on her chest and shit and a fanny that looked more like a goddamn oversized poodle. So I went totally berserk, I went like 'Eeeeeeeeeeeew! You stupid disgusting hairy biatch, I'm gonna kill you!', but I didn't kill her because I felt sick, so I vomitted in her face, grabbed her hairy curly-wurly fanny and tossed her outta the window before I fled the place and sweared to myself to never ever go home with truly hot chicks I picked up in some pub again.
This all really happened.