

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Have you ever liked anyone, and they have been the most amazing person that you know, but has some annoying thing they do/thing they have, that has turned you right off them??

I mean something like if you were going back to their place for, say, "coffee", have you seen something that has turned you right off ever seeing them again, or fleeing in disgust?
I sure have.
One time I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she was actually a duder in disguise, man. That made me go 'Eeeeeeeew! How fucking disgusting!' and it made me kick her/him in the nuts and leave that flat immediately, never ever going back.

And another time, I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she had only one titty because she had had the other one amputated due to cancer, and that like totally freaked me out. I went like 'Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew! How fucking disgusting!', so I punched her in the chest and hit her remaining titty real hard and then left her place, never ever returning there, not even for a million dollars.

And yet another time, I met this truly hot chick in the pub and after a couple of beers we were like totally wasted and shit, so she got really horny and stuff and invited me to her place, but when we like arrived there and had smoked some pot and she took off her clothes, I noticed she was like totally hairy, with hair on her chest and shit and a fanny that looked more like a goddamn oversized poodle. So I went totally berserk, I went like 'Eeeeeeeeeeeew! You stupid disgusting hairy biatch, I'm gonna kill you!', but I didn't kill her because I felt sick, so I vomitted in her face, grabbed her hairy curly-wurly fanny and tossed her outta the window before I fled the place and sweared to myself to never ever go home with truly hot chicks I picked up in some pub again.

This all really happened. :roll:

Seriously. I don't know why, but beauty is somehow associated with an illusion of purity. You see a beautiful girl and of course she could be a promiscuous bossy old trollop who swears like a sailor, but to you she's a beautiful angel, a muse, an ascended being.

And now this ascended being reaches for a fag and starts sucking up the nicotine and paving her lungs with tarmac and stinking up the place. It's so sad. And disgusting.

Maybe alec's stuff is pretty gross too, but I wouldn't know. I sort of haven't gotten that far yet. :puppy-dog:

Turned off by smoking? Nah. That's nothing alcohol can't cure.

I guess sharing the name with relatives is something that turns me off on a girl.

I guess it's so much of a problem because I've always called my parents by their given names rather than "mother" and "father" (same reason I had problems adressing teachers formally in elementary school) -- it's probably as if you met a girl called "Mom" after adressing your mother that way for twenty years.

Seriously, that's a total turn-off.
Yep, smoking. In my eyes, a chick with a cigarette suffers a -4 penalty to hawtness.
Ratty said:
Yep, smoking. In my eyes, a chick with a cigarette suffers a -4 penalty to hawtness.
What do you care about how the broad looks like on the inside? You don't have to see the black lungs of a smoker, like you don't have to stare a chicks stupidity in the white eye, at least not if you do it doggy. I think smoking can (note: can) be hot for disposable chicks, tho' I wouldn't want a smoker for keeps.

I once went on a date with a chick, went back to her place for some 'whiskey and chocolate', and as we get there and sit down at her kitchen table (for what I thought was going to be a little chat and drink before we go to it) she starts talking about her psycho problems really out of the blue. She supposedly had this 'hard childhood' and stuff, and had moved to the city to escape some abusive boyfriend from another location. I mean, boo-hoo, I was horny. We end up sitting there for like three hours - I couldn't just get out of there since I needed someplace to sleep and there were no trains or buses going, plus I still thought we would fuck. Obviously we didn't, we just slept. I did get to touch her boobie though, but it totally wasn't worth it.
White trashy slutty university blonds who can’t shut their pie holes, snort too much shit and refuse to "play" with your stick

Nuff said.
Talking about nameing children... that really turns me off... mostly because it almost always seems to happen after only a month of dateing..

Huge turn off.

That and discovering several hours into a date that the woman is self absorbed, stuck up and could care less about me for anything other than a free meal and maybe expensive gifts if they play me right.

Come to think of it, i'll just stick with my plilosophy, All people piss me off, untill they prove otherwise.
To tell the truth, I couldnt give a shit about what she did if i knew i was (or could with minimal effort) get some. However I despise women that play games/ leads you on.
Also i would find it extremely lame and would have a lot of trouble dating someone who doesn't drink and/or party.
Yeah smoking is really disgusting when a chick does it... But also when they spit too...Ewwww
Vanity is nasty.

When a person wears so much make-up that it actually makes them look bad not only are they failing at using it properly and thus not looking better, but indeed if their willing to look worse its just screaming that their totally self-absorbed.

You ever seen a woman who's got so much makeup it looks like you can peel the "mask" off their face?

The Vault Dweller
DJ- that's so homo. I mean the only place you're going to pick up some snatch is at a prayer meeting. Seriously bud, go Christian and get some untouched pussy. They might not give you their snatch but they might blow ya or let you up their ass.

Interesting thoughts Alec, but I've had the surprise date with Mr. Winkie yet, but I'm not really disturbed by chicks with one tit.

Smoking doesn't seem to be a problem. Having sex with a girl who's smoking can be enjoyable provided she doesn't give you too many burns.

You have to show some discretion and tolerance. Let's be honest, if women were not forgiving or tolerated a lot of nonsense, a lot of us wouldn't get laid at all.

What do I mean?

One night you'll pick up some girl at a bar. You'll both be a little wasted. You'll go back to your car, or maybe back to her car. Inside you'll start fooling around. Then next thing you know she's going down on you. Then you have to fart. Being a little drunk it's hard to control, and then you think as she's got one of your testicles in her mouth, that if you hold back your farts you might spontaneously combust.

So you let it go. It's a real rip ass fart. She's got your dick in her mouth now and she hears it. What happens then?

Let me tell you, tolerance, goodwill, charity and understanding go a long way.

Things that bother me-

Once I dated this girl. So I'm banging her in the ass and she starts screaming. "Oh Daddy yes, I was a naughty girl. Harder! Harder! I won't tell Mommy. I promise! Spank me!"

That turned me off. I mean to think that her Daddy had her ass before I did. The guys got like 30 years more experience plus a family tie. How can I compete with that emotional connection or that experience. Forget it.

It could have been worse. There might been some fecal matter coming out of her ass as I was plugging it. Still the spanking was fun.

Still that was pretty disturbing. So afterwards I let her blow me, then we took a shower, and we dated a few more times, before I dumped her for her best friend- who was the one I really wanted to bang.

Otherwise- bad feminine hygiene gets me down.

You've hooked up with this hot babe (you even had to butt fuck her friend to get there) and you've gone out a few times (because she doesn't put out on the first date) and then finally you get a chance to go down into the muff.

But when you get there it's like week old fish. I mean it's a warm, moist jungle down there, and whatever lived in that jungle has up and died before you got there. You're going downtown and as you make your approach you get a whiff and it's like, "Woooh, that's some wicked nasty pussy."

Then she's like, "What's the matter? Don't you believe in pleasing a woman."

Meanwhile you're gagging on nasty pussy. That's bad.
welsh said:
DJ- that's so homo. I mean the only place you're going to pick up some snatch is at a prayer meeting. Seriously bud, go Christian and get some untouched pussy. They might not give you their snatch but they might blow ya or let you up their ass.

Well excuse me, you epitome of raw heterosexual virile force. I don't know how it is where you live, but most people here are actually non-smokers (and even more so in Western Europe, apparently). It's not the 1930s, smoking isn't that cool anymore.
welsh said:
Otherwise- bad feminine hygiene gets me down.


That's bad.

Ehehe, you said it. This one time when my ex fiance expected me to chew her up she smelled really bad down there, and I tried to tell her with a look. I actually think she started to cry, going all "I thought you liked my scent". I replied "I do like your scent, just not.. right now", which didn't help, but I just couldn't bare the thought of nibbling the squid in that condition and holding my face. I didn't get laid that night.
Actually, no.

The slutty girls still smoke over here.

There are a lot of ignorant pseudo-"inter-lack-shool" girls here that are pretty obsessive about not being smokers.

You could probably get them to drop their panties by ranting about the filthy smokers -- but then again, they probably wouldn't put out.

The media whores totally dig non-smoking tho. Coz it's on the lifestyle shows all the time.

Those girls must be really fucked up these days -- they can't quit because everyone's still doing it, but they can't go on because the cool kids say it's dumb.

If real life was anything like American soap operas, the suicide rate would be magnificent.
I used to know a girl that used to smoke with her vagina. What a trick!

I met her in a club where she was doing this act...

Ah the days in Bagkok.

Sure I had to pay for it but....

Plus she stole all my smokes, the bitch.

The smoking was cool. It was the huge needles that turned me off.