aboniks said:I can't say this is really a surprise. Most software is only ours to use "under license" anyway. If the EULA fine print says that Bob's Software can deactivate your copy of Family Planner 6.9 because your browser cache contains a link to the Popes fan website, then it is what it is. We don't actually own most of the code we use, but you know all that, I know.
We can either suck it up, or work around it. Anything a software company can throw at users, be it DRM or bad game design, can just be modded out of existence. It's a question of how far we're willing to go to get what we want. I'm not suggesting outright piracy either, but DRM isn't foolproof. They're going to continue to do dumb shit like this because it works on a large enough majority of their users that it's cost effective.
Imagine if fender forced you to buy a new guitar every three string changes because of all the cheap strat copies made by small companies in hong kong and sold on ebay. They can legally do it if they want, doesn't make it any less of a customer fucking.