I've seen UFO's, you know.
I sure have.
Big ones.
Small ones. Ones that go "Vrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" when they accelerate and ones that go "Bleep!" when they come to a stop.
Yes, sir. I've seen them all.
I even saw the fucking aliens that was fuckin' flying them things.
Ugly mutherfuckers, I tell you.
Snotgreen and smelly as hell.
Why, them little bundles of carbon compounds smell exactly like morning piss, if you know what I mean.
You can smell them from a mile away. In fact, if one happens to be nearby and you close your eyes, you'll think you're standing in a public toilet.
Ain't that funny? Them fuckers can build them spaceships that go "Vrrrroooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmm!!!" and "Bleep!" and what have you, but they lack basic hygiene.
Fucking hilarious, if you ask me.
Anyway, this one time, it was past one o'clock and I was walking home after visiting this whore I frequent, yeah, this cute Thai girl, probably barely legal but a real slut, let me tell you, oh yeah, that girl sucks you till you've spilled your last drop of bone marrow, if you know what I mean, heheh, so yeah, anyway, I was walking home, my cock a little itchy from the condom, 'cause I've got this small allergy when it comes to products made of rubber, so yeah, there I was, walking home, smoking a joint, scratching my crotch and all of a sudden, wht the fuck do I see? Yep: a UFO.
A UFO! Of all things! Can you believe it?
So anyway: I see this UFO and I see that it's actually landing in a nearby street, so I get excited, you know, I get curious, I get this what-the-fuck-is-going-on-feeling, but I like it, so I hurry and run to the spot where the UFO is landing.
And that's when I saw it.
Its eyes... intoxicating...
The children... everyone... dead... just dead...
Oh god, have mercy on my soul!
So yeah, I ran up to that space dude and that's when I smelled it. Oh, the horror, the sheer horror. I had to clench my nose and breath through my mouth or I was a goner. Makes you think, don't it?
Right. So, anyway, I ran up to this piece of interstellar dna, kicked it in the groin and when it bent over because of the testicular pain that usually results from such a movement, I gave it the good ol' my-knee-meets-the-nose-of-some-poor-fuck's-face-move, always a good one that.
Just to be sure that it wouldn't be able to get back up, I broke its legs which produced quite a nice twig-meets-tornado-sound.
After immobilizing it, I started to ask questions concerning its intentions. I asked it whether its vessle was carrying weapons of mass destruction and I asked it so spell me the names of his comrades so that they could be captured and sentenced to jail. The alien, however, was very reluctant to cooperate. It refused to speak at all. It simply made horrible gargling noises and twitched its right leg from time to time.
I, of course, immediately saw what the creature was really up to: it was obvious that the gargling noises and the twitching leg where part of - no doubt - some weird interstellar spell that was meant to leave me completely mesmerized and, thus, an easy prey and a perfect guinea pig for there well-known anal probing tools and machines.
"I think not, mister peepee! No alien motherfucker will ever have the pleasure to probe-fuck my intestines," I said and I spitted some of my saliva in its direction, accidentally hitting the sleeve of my own shirt in the process, which made me feel a little stupid, but only for a second or so.
Anyway, what I did was this: I grabbed its twitching leg and holding it really tight, I started to spin around, really really fast, until the body of the alien wasn't touching the ground anymore and was experiencing what centrifugal force means.
Let me tell you this: it sure as hell didn't like it.
Ha! It started to scream like a pig that's being butchered, but did I stop? Oh no, I didn't. I kept spinning around, faster and faster and faster.
That's when it happened. Its intestines and its bones must have gotten disconnected from the rest, because all of a sudden, its whole inner plumbing system left its body via its mouth.
Weird shit that. It just 'swwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooossshhhh!' came out of his mouth and smacked into the front wall of a house. Sheesh. Never saw anything quite like it. It looked like noodles, but it was thicker than noodles and greenish. And it smelled like vomit. Yeah, vomit, but mixed with shit and piss. Something like that anyway. Couple of bones as well. Hardly recognizable, though.
So, yeah, I stopped spinning around, 'cause what's the point if 75% of your victim has already taken off?
I was quite amused to see that what I was holding was nothing but skin. It was slimy and it still smelled like piss, but it looked really nice, so I kept it. I put it in front of the stove for a couple of days until it was completely dry and odourless. After that, I treated the dried skin with a generous quantity of oil and massaged it until the skin became flexible again. My girlfriend now frequently puts on the skin (which fits like a glove, by the way) when we are about to have sex. She likes the way it feels. 'I love it. It's like a second skin,' she told me the other day, to which I replied: 'That's because it IS a second skin, you stupid little cumslut! Now get on all fours, relax your cornhole and say your prayers, bitch, 'cause daddy's going to navigate his planetary cruiser into your interdimensional wormhole, whether your forcefield allows me or not!'
So yeah. Aliens are pretty cool.