in here you won´t be able to get away with the tradicional victimization speech, now the blame of everything is on foreign media for you, in the past others blamed the Jews or the capitalists, it´s a Russian obcession, from the less intelectually gifted Russians or the oportunists from the past and present of course, i just feel bad for those that aren`t like that .
Everyone has always had someone else to lay blame on, if you think thats a uniquely Russian occurence you are sadly mistaken. However, just because the end result is blameshifting, does not mean there isn't truth in the complaints. I'm sorry, but I've lived in the United States for nearly half a decade (which isn't that long, compared to others I'm sure) There really is a bias. I would not say it just to validate my own thoughts, because I didn't always realize (or care) what people thought about Russia when I was growing up. I was busy with more important things, like throwing rocks at my older brothers.
When I first moved here I noticed right away that people looked at me funny when they found out where I was from. Lots of people didn't care, or were actually interested or excited about it, but just as many felt suspicion. A suspicion they didn't even know they had, and it tainted their attitude towards me. Some will say "Well that is just stupid Americans, they hate everyone" but its not really true.
I watch and read the news all the time, and from all over the world. I've found usually its just plain wrong (or horribly biased) when it comes to giving information about Russia (and other countries in the area). Not always, but often. Usually it skips the details that form the core of the information for me. I only know this because of personal experience and actually knowing people who know whats going on, otherwise I wouldn't really notice. I have to assume that because the media I see is so wrong on issues I know about, they are biased on other things too (That I don't know enough about to see they are). Russian news services are not blameless in this either! There will always be some places that provide good news and information (on both 'sides'), but I think they are very rare indeed. Pipboy talks about a skeptisism for everything, and I agree with that.
The problem comes when people look at the bias as the ONLY thing wrong, or use it to divert attention away from bigger problems. Thats when it becomes victemization, and thats when its not acceptable. I've said it before, many times, I'm saying it again. There is a clear slanting against Russia by alot of Western sources (again, NOT all). HOWEVER, There is an equal slanting in Russia also. Maybe even greater, because Putin needs people to feel that way. Also, just like with proof of the biases being there in the West, those biases are not totally unfounded. Many of the things they say (although biased and often wrong, with missing facts) still manage to make a point that could have been made WITHOUT the biasing and missing facts (although slightly harder).
I don't know what kind of information is available to you Briosa, and I can only speak from my own experiences, but I've found hardly any one, two, or even three sources can present an accurate picture of whats going on, about anything. I don't work analyzing data (which you do? I'm not 100% sure but I think thats what you said) So you probably have more experience with this then me. I just know that, of all the sources I have access to, both direct, and secondary, all of them have their biases and its very easy to fall into the trap of just following along with them.
So please remember, while alot of Russians will claim "Western bias" as a sort of explanation for everything bad going on in Russia (And pipboy listed two of the huge things, massive corruption, on so many levels, and the economy) there are plenty who will point and say "Western Bias, yes, but here also." Its a problem that goes both ways, and pointing it out is not victemization.