Ukraine's Yushchenko Declares Victory

I was talking about your pathetic whining in the last post, although since you`re so dumb i understand you need things to be spelled out to you.
Briosafreak said:
I was talking about your pathetic whining in the last post, although since you`re so dumb i understand you need things to be spelled out to you.

Yeah, I mean exactly that - those "your whining", "you're dumb" and so on a nothing but copy/paste exercises, probably from some book of comics you're using for your reference. Heck, just watch "Southpark", even those kiddies do *far* better job on cursing :) First you failed while trying to find a suitable argument, next you failed while trying to taunt me in some childish fashion... keep trying, man, and one day you'll probably succeed in either of those disciplines.
Dude, just a word of advice...................... Briosa isnt someone you want to needlessly insult...............
Eheheh now some projection to divert from the straw man arguments, so you can keep up doing the ass act, it´s pretty funny pipboy-x11, seen it many times, still enjoyable as ever. :)