Ulysses quote tested: Think Tank > 100 Elijah's


Commie Ghost
"Their answers were madness. And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs... someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome."

So I spawned Ulysses in the Think Tank, set him to my faction, and punched Klein once to get them to attack each other. It took three full Think Tanks, plus an extra Klein and Borous to kill Ulysses. They did get slightly distracted when I spawned them, but they spent 99% of their effort on him. Their aim was absolute garbage so most of the time they couldn't even hit Ulysses when he was standing still (albeit cloaked but not hidden). I'm not even sure if their sonic attack (vivisectors?) works because it seemed like only their LAERs (branial beams?) would do any damage. He was using the 12.7mm instead of the AMR for whatever reason, and did use some healing items.

Judging by this we can assume that Ulysses is equal to 300 some odd Elijahs. That or he exaggerates...hmm.
To be serious about this, it depends if Elijah fights Think Thank just like in Dead Money, if he has bomb collars/slaves, the Cloud or some shit and as matter of fact that he uses Gauss Rifle, yet wears Brotherhood Scribe, I would say 100 of Elijahs would kill themself sooner, especially if they have meltdown.