Unconfirmed information from the OXM coverage

Briosafreak said:
that reintroduces number crunching

You can ignore the GOAT and create your character like before, just save in the end of that section, works the same way as Oblivion.

Yeah, but I doubt everyone has the habit of saving at such a point.
Moving Target said:
A couple'a things:

*At age 16 you'll take GOAT (Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test); here you'll determine your future as it's a personality test with situations. (I guess like the intro of Morrowind? interesting)
-An example is given stating, "if you're hypothetically called on to eliminate rad roaches from the cellar, would you smash them with a pipe or shoot them with a gun?".
-Later states that 3 skills will get a boost. "the three you're going to focus on that get a big boost at the start. Every time you level up, you get points to spend on improving any of your skills, so that's what is increasing as the game goes along." (Pete Hines)

Booooyyyy, I really hate that sort of chargen process. I mean REALLY hate it. It's a really short-hand way to skip over the interesting parts of character creation, namely making a character that doesn't reflect you, or only reflects you partially. Answering these sorts of questions just makes another, digital you. Which I think short-circuits the entire freaking purpose of roleplaying in the first place.

And for the record, oh yes, I really hated the Morrowind "personality test" at the front of the game. Though on the upside you made a more consistent "build," it still only reflected what you believe, not whta your character may believe.

Far be it for me to defend Bethesda, but doesn't/can't that make a more real rping experience, in that thinking like the character you want yields a better or more true build?
The "growing up"/character determination seems pretty cheesey and unneccessarily convuluted, not to same incredibly lame.
I hope that's not what they had in mind when they said "immersive".
Why would you want to press a button to cry or say "dada"? Is this an RPG or an "immersive" infancy simulator?

The slow detioration of weapons I can live with (but I'd prefer not to) if indeed its slow, and you can actually use a gun for a realistic amount of time, say 2-3 years of use, not just pointless roaming.

What's with the Chinese riffles that keep on popping up? Major plot theme involving China?

And how is it that they got this totally new rad pip-boy? You could explain it with the different set experimental conditions of each Vault... but I doubt they will.
A public radio in the wasteland...

Just fucking ridiculous. What a bunch of lazy assholes.
HoKa said:
A public radio in the wasteland...

Just fucking ridiculous. What a bunch of lazy assholes.


Read Dr Bloodmoney and tell me this concept is ridiculous or anti-retro.

Au contraire. 't fits very well. If done right.
Nexus6 said:
Far be it for me to defend Bethesda, but doesn't/can't that make a more real rping experience, in that thinking like the character you want yields a better or more true build?

Not really. Without getting too far into it, the basic problem is that you're building a surrogate self, based in what you think about yourself, not necessarily who you really are (whatever that means.) You're basically playing your self-image. And you can miss a lot when you do that, or exaggerate other aspects.... and so forth.

Though starting a character in mind with the question "What would you do?" is a good guide, it shouldn't be the guiding principle of character creation. Which is what happens in the "questionaire" style of character creation.
Just got it

Hey folks,
I just picked up the April OXM at Barnes & Noble. It doesn't look to promising. The dialog does look like it's a recruit-type deal, not a sample of an in depth conversation. As for the rest... hmmm. BrotherNone, I'll try and scan them and send them to you so that you can have the honor of fatman-ing this fish in a barrel. They even have Todd Howard call it "Oblivion with Guns" at one point. (although he does go on to attempt to justify it) Humorous stuff.
It's kind of hard to screen cap dialogue. Best way is to do a walkthrough of an entire section of dialogue, but obviously Bethesda isn't going to do that.

Cheers, mr hypocrite. Not going to post full scans here, but I'll do a complete summary and prolly put up the screenshots, even though Bethesda won't like that.
The pictures in the OXM mag look way better than what I imagined when reading various previews released so far. That one pic of the BOS dude lighting something up with the minigun is (believe it or not) pure Fallout. I'm sure there's plenty of details to nickpick for those with a keen eye and/or an axe to grind, but basically everything here looks so good I'm having a hard time remembering that Bethesda is supposed to be screwing everything up.

Who knows, maybe the game will be so godawful that it won't even matter how much it looks like Fallout, but for now, I have no choice but to give it a

Brother None said:
HoKa said:
A public radio in the wasteland...

Just fucking ridiculous. What a bunch of lazy assholes.


Read Dr Bloodmoney and tell me this concept is ridiculous or anti-retro.

Au contraire. 't fits very well. If done right.

Perhaps the radio transmitions can be made to fit the setting, but why put a radio receiver on a pip boy (by original design) if you know they aren't going to be playing much anytime soon. Maybe for communication inside the vault, but that would definitely be done on different wave lengths than standard radio.

Plus why is there no pip-boy picture engraved on the portable itself? :(

I can only wonder how ol' red head would look on model 3000 of his handy little vacuum tube computernator. (That's another thing, there seem to be no vacuum tube on the pip boy of the screens released).
Bodybag said:
The pictures in the OXM mag look way better than what I imagined when reading various previews released so far. That one pic of the BOS dude lighting something up with the minigun is (believe it or not) pure Fallout.

But again the paladin's armour looks like Oscar Grouch's real estate wet dream, brought to life. (For those, understandibly, not in the know, that was a refrence to Sesame Street and trash cans).
Dopemine Cleric said:
*You start out the game a year later where you can press A to... say "Dada" (with the A button). You get a book called "You're SPECIAL!", where you chose your characters main stats (Choose from Stength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. I think this has already been gone over). It says choose wisely on stats as, "upgrade oppurtunities will be rare."
-You can also walk, open the playpen gates, jump on the bed.
Well, at this point I can certainly say they have outdone themselves on character creation. Alot better than dungeon crawling. Unfortunately no SPECIAL number crunching like the old games.

No SPECIAL number crunching?

I hope I'm misunderstanding this... Does this mean that we won't be dumping individual points into ST, PE, EN, CH, IN, AG, and LK? That, instead, we'll just "choose" some of those elements to be "good" at, without any specific numeric value assigned to them?

EDIT: Never mind. Based on the actual pictures, I'm obviously mistaken.
BN are you seriously up at this hour, in Holland? :shock: :clap:

That's one dedicated fallout fan.
Hey BN,
you should have all the scans now, sorry it took so long. Cheers.

EDIT: Leiden, eh? Years ago I used to lived in Wassenaar and Schevening. Back in the US these days.
God damn. Those pictures are pretty blurry, but they're giving me one hell of a nerdgasm. Especially http://s267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/TaylorBurk025/?action=view&current=DSCF2185.jpg that one. Most of the info sounds good too. The character creation system sounds pretty fun, and I doubt it'll take much time. Even the starting sewer of Oblivion you can run through in probably 10-15 minutes with no real trouble. And like others mentioned, I highly doubt they won't let you pick skills yourself, it'll just offer a suggestion.

Still wish they'd release a couple movies, say, one with a full conversation with one NPC, and one showing combat, but still. Looking pretty good.
I gotta say though, i honestly love their pipboy design.

and the pic looking like a boy and his dog is superb. The environment in that pic us epic.
Yeah, not my captures, just the best I can do in the interim. All of you should go out and get the mag when it's availiable, even if you're just going to loiter in the shop and read it, the pics really nail the look IMO. Yes, even the garbage can BoS armor.

You don't like the ghoul, BN? I think it looks fine for a "feral" variety, and actually reminds me of Set a little. RPGs need rats and zombies, Fallout 3 seems on pace to comply with that so far.

What do you guys think of the dweller walking off into the distance with the dog (forgetting for a second what the dog's name may or may not be)?
Those are promising looking pics, too blurry to give final verdict. Dont still like behemoth though.