Underground Nuclear Test Video

don't think so.

Pretty cool.

Quite a soundtrack.

Ever see the pictures of the "land of crash of dummies" where they used to have these towns populated by dummies to test the bomb.

Of course there's also the pic of them testing the psychologial effects of the bomb on real troops.
welsh said:
Ever see the pictures of the "land of crash of dummies" where they used to have these towns populated by dummies to test the bomb.

Of course there's also the pic of them testing the psychologial effects of the bomb on real troops.

No I haven't seen those but I wan't to.
here's a link for atomic veterans



These were done of the tests in the Pacific- note the ships near the blast.



AH found it- Buster-Jangle-



still looking for a shot of "city of crash test dummies" - though the city is used in a Brad Pitt flick- Kalifornia.

Also looking for video. There is a new film on the atomic tests.
There's a flick called "The Atomic Cafe" lying on the desk next to my monitor. I'll watch it tomorrow. Hah.
ive been to the Titan missle museum about 14 times...........i live 20 minutes away.

very cool, and if you are lucky you will get the OLDEST tour guide....Earny i think his name is, and he will give you a tour that just pulls you into the fallout worldl...............the kind of tour that gives you goose bumps when you realise that the world could have ended in under two hours.

I didnt know someone put this up online. Truly awesome. I will save them forever.

I already often use pics of stuff like this for wallpaper.

The Vault Dweller
So the people who go out there and check out the aftermath... do they get rad poisoning or anything?
what do you think? just like the original scientists many of them died of cancer later on.

probably classified as 'unrelated' by the governement though...
I had dozens of nuclear bomb films a few months ago. Had a whole 20 or so GB folder stuffed with them. I even had Duck and Cover. Then, my PC crashed.

All of this doesn't beat the nuclear cannon though: http://www.vce.com/grable.html (well, maybe the underground blast). I had a full movie with music and everything, but I don't know where it is. Probably died along with the rest of them.

Yeah, the crash-dummies one was really cool.


Here's a better link: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=atomicbomb.wmv