So I've been thinking for a while that fire weapons in Fallout 1/2 need a buff. I'm no Fallout modder, but I do know that there are several overhaul mods for Fallout 2 at least and at the moment I'm basically just pitching ideas.
- Would it be possible (engine-wise, modder-wise) to create an "afterburn" effect similar to how poison works (damage over time) but much more immediate and dangerous and lasts a fraction of the time? Something like this would really compliment Flamer users in crowds of enemies.
- How about changing the damage type of Molotov Cocktails to "Fire" from "Explosive" (makes sense right?) to give people reason to use it (with said "afterburn" effect). Throwing weapons in F1/2 were never really all that good and the vanilla Molotovs are, let's face it - useless.
- Maybe make the Improved Flamer have +1 hex of range compared to the normal Flamer? That wouldn't be much of visual anomaly would it (assuming no modification is done to the animation on the flames)? And how about upping the damage on the Imp. Flamer too (that +5 to minimum damage is a really half-hearted way of "upgrading" the damn gun)?
- And last, about the Pyromaniac perk. It is fairly useless and could use a buff. That +5 damage is nothing considering it only works with Flamers and there are plenty of other perks available which are ten times as useful. I have a feeling it would be much better if it was (god forbid) like Fallout 3/NV's take on the perk with +50% fire damage done (and have that also apply to Molotovs).