UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

You don't like exchance rates? lol. Just buy ammo etc for your SGS credits back home and then sell everything you loot in Junkyard for Charons. No exchange rate to worry about.
That was the point of my lil' scheme. But I couldn't sell jack shit. :(
I've never even checked what the rate is to be honest, but a charon is worth 3 credits or something even without someone making a profit, right? Might make it seem more stupid than it is. I put some of my stuff in the dumpster outside Len so I don't have to haul it around, then I can sell when he wants something without going back and forth to SGS.
It can be a pretty tough fight. I'd say beartrap one of the side paths, throw some caltrops, use a grenade, exploit ducking in and out of LoS if possible. If he's one-shotting you it'll be a tall order anyway if you can't somehow alpha strike him down. You might need to buy some stuff just to get you past the encounter, like a morphine shot if it's available from medical in SGS.
i take him down with a grenade with 15% of chances to hit. lol.
If you've good persuasion the fight can be avoided.
Thanks for the tips, I leveled up and put points into intimidate. Was able to bypass the whole fight. How were you able to get away with taking him down with a grenade with only a 15% chance to hit? Lol.
Thanks for the tips, I leveled up and put points into intimidate. Was able to bypass the whole fight. How were you able to get away with taking him down with a grenade with only a 15% chance to hit? Lol.

I thow the grenade once in the room but before the dialog show up, he and his pets died in one round. a lucky shot.
Well, the screenshots on Steam didn't sell me on this game, but the one above sure did. I'll likely get it as soon as I have the cash.
Haven't played the final version yet but I'm glad I backed the alpha. Seems like a lot of you guys are enjoying it, I will get around to playing my copy sometime this year.
This game is awesome! I got a GOG.com code from G2a.com for about 8$. So much stuff reminds me of Fallout 1 and 2 (battle taunts, humor, style, combat system, etc.) I understand what people are saying about the story (I'm about 10 hours in and haven't fully understood all the factions yet) but I'm hoping they explain more about it later. REALLY fun game so far though, from an NMA veteran I'd definitely recommend it.
So, I'm at the end of the game, Deep Caverns.
The game up until that point was great. It was a lot of fun. The writing IMO was really good, the factions were interesting, the quests had variety to them, the combat had been fun, the characters were interesting.

Then came the Deep Caverns and I'm flabbergasted with how badly they fucked the place up. It's not fun at all, it's infuriatingly frustrating.
The enemies respawn constantly, the difficulty curve spiked way too high, there is only one merchant available to me at the Tchort camp and he doesn't sell healing items and I lack the resources (as he doesn't sell them either) and the skill to craft my own so my healing supplies are constantly dwindling. The mushroom area? Feels like a big pointless filler area. The spores in the air, the mushrooms awakening as you walk past them, the fucking neutral creatures that bump into me and get me out of cover. None of it is fun. I'm already lvl 25 through classic and so there is zero reward for going into this fucking garden. The tunnel part? Where those big ass worms come out of the ground? They always get a free hit on me. The maggots/larvae bump into me and get me out of cover and then I have to deal with yet another fucking worm which gets 2 free spits at me. And like I said it's dwindling down my supplies even daring to go into this place. It doesn't help that it is a fucking maze that I just want to get done with. The last part of the game is a gigantic back and forth where you'll be forced to trek all over Deep Cavern for a bunch of different shit just so you can open a damn door. And the fucking Faceless Gaunt's? I have 100 Sneak, supposedly my Detection is at like 200 and I can't spot them. They always spot me first and then they sneak up and get a free hit in, a hit that gives me poison and deals damage. So now I have to waste a healing item and an antidote on the god damn poison. And what does the Gaunt do after its free hit? It disappears like the Crawlers do. So then I have to run away either so I can stand my ground somewhere and hope I can bump into it and get it out of cover or I need to dash towards the exit and just say "fuck it all!". Have fun dealing with the god damn Arke building that has the rogue AI as well. A lot of backtracking at that place too, but now with extra security cameras you can't destroy, dangerous fucking bots which sucked me dry of EMP grenades oh and the AI will release cold air into the vents if you stay in them too long and it will release poison gas into rooms you're in. But don't worry though, after that you'll get down to an electric grid to get a keycard, a key and yet another keycard, the final keycard being behind said electric grid that takes like 30 seconds to turn itself off, so if you aren't quick enough to get to the keycard and get back you'll have to stand in the middle of the electrical grid on a safe spot and wait 30 seconds with your thumb up your ass before you can move on. Oh and characters? You liked the characters in the game? Well kiss those goodbye! This is the Deep Cavern bitch, forget characters that you can talk to, if you spoil your chances with the Faceless AND the Tchort then the only character you'll have to talk to will be Leo and Six at the beginning of Deep Cavern.

The Deep Cavern is awful. It is tedious. It is sluggish. It is badly designed in places. It's difficulty curve spiked way too much.

Look, I get it that the last part of the game should be a test of your skills so far. You should be faced with tremendous challenges. That isn't what I have a problem with. The problem is that it is too long. It is too big. It is filled with so much pointless filler. All of it which is equally stupidly dangerous. A game's ending should be a train at the trainstation picking up speed. It should start getting into motion and then gain momentum after momentum until it finally reaches that speed where the whistle will go and the climax is reached. That ain't Underrail. The end area is too big, too filler'y, too dangerous, too unrewarding.

It's not fun.
I haven't had fun since I got down there.
You know what I have done? Ragequit. 2 times.
That ain't a good thing, you shouldn't get so infuriated that you have to ragequit lest you want to end up smashing your keyboard to pieces.

So what should the developers do IMO? Redesign the whole thing. Scrap the entire fucking thing. Start over. The end area is complete and utter shit. But if that's too unreasonable of a request then here's a different one: Cut the pointless shit. Cut out the entire mushroom and tunnels areas of the Deep Cavern and merge those enemies and designs with other areas. Fix the fucking Gaunt, they're overpowered like crazy. Give the player more merchants, just a couple, like 2, which are neutral so you don't have to side with either Tchort or the Faceless. I don't mind the design to have minions that keep respawning once you get the eye of Tchort on you but you need to fucking space out their respawns, they shouldn't be constantly respawning. There was one that respawned in a room I had already just been in and came out and got a free hit on me. Fuck that. Change it. I get it if the Deep Caverns is supposed to be very hostile and lifeless (sentient beings at least) but if you're not gonna have any characters we can talk to then there needs to be other ways for the player to get invested in the narrative of the area. So diaries, mission logs, computer email logs, maybe have some ghost like shit of an imprinted event that happened which the weird psi energies of the deep caverns sometimes glitch with. Like a spotless shadow on the wall of a nuclear bomb victim. Anything. Just fucking anything. Give the player something to fucking read. Redesign the main quest. It is unforgivable that it is this shitty. Just redesign it. And rebalance shit in general. It's supposed to be difficult, yes. But there is a difference between difficulty and mind-boiling frustration.

I'd say that the first 85% of the game was awesome. I loved it all.
But the Deep Caverns? I just... I just don't get how you can fuck up so badly.
Whatever your intentions were behind the Deep Caverns there comes a time when an artist needs to let go of their vision and admit that it is just a complete and total fuck up.

So if a developer happens to read this; You're wrong. Change the god damn end part of the game. Fuck the expansion, fuck the sequel, fuck anything like that. Fix the fucking ending. It's inexcusably badly designed. A mixed pot of interesting concepts that ultimately form a horrible toxic brew.


So, Deep Caverns is a bit more bearable right now. How? Walkthroughs and cheat engine. I can finally spot Gaunts, I read about what I needed out of the mushroom shit so I went in, got it and got out, my carry weight is unlimited so I'm just hauling around everything I can find so that it'll be easier to craft things. Oh, and I upped all my skills to 130 as well as all stats to 10 except Perception which I put at 20 so I could spot Gaunts.

It's actually bearable to play through now. Not really fun but not frustrating either. It's more apathetic than anything else. Oh and the computers with emails? Finally some fucking writing! It's just sad they squeezed it all into the apartment area and barely has anything anywhere else.

Anyway, my suggestion to others is to roleplay up until Deep Cavern and then just cheat the skills, stats and carry weight. Oh you'll probably go "nu-uh! I ain't doing that!" but after you've experienced the mess that the Deep Cavern is... Well, there's always cheat engine.
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I haven't gotten to that part yet, so I am interested to see how bad it is. So far most of the complaints leveled at the game haven't bothered me. I don't mind traveling to certain merchants to sell shit, the backtracking doesn't bug me, I actually like the fact that you can't use a map, and I understand the need for minimalist writing. The writing is actually pretty damn good considering they are not native English speakers. This is not a "storyfag" game as the Codex would put it. The primary focus is on combat and crafting. What makes this compelling to me is the focus on one character as opposed to companions/party based RPG's where you have to micromanage several characters.

Styg fucking created this game engine just because he wanted to and liked coding. He said fuck Unity it isn't good enough and got to work. The game is so much better for it. Check out this interview with him below and the two followups for more info. He seems like a really interesting guy. I can't wait to see what they come up with next. Unfortunately they mentioned possibly doing something in the fantasy genre which is something I am a bit tired of.

The stealth is so much better than any other CRPG in it's class. I walked right up on someone accidentally the other night while sneaking, which allowed me to shank them several times before they even got a chance to attack. This was a great moment since I didn't specifically build my character to excel at that. It just happened naturally. The vision cones associated with stealth and detecting enemies reminds me of Project Zomboid in many ways. It honestly makes the original Fallout games look dated in comparison. The genre really has came a long way despite the CRPG Dark Age we had to go through to get here.