Brass is cool, but don't the shells suffer any transformations while firing? I mean the brass shells are pretty thin, and changing temperature so dramatically could have some consequences on their structure, making them useless if you'd try to recycle them just by putting more gunpowder and the lead part (sorry don't know how it's called in this language

). They
could be useful if they were melted down and re-shaped, but again, as mentioned before, 5000 shells would be a ridiculous amount to carry. Ever seen the movie "Hot Shots 2"?
For what comes to currency, why not use the caps used in Fallout Tactics? You know, the aluminium thingies in soda cans that allow you to open them. They're light, and, well, flat. And a pile of 5000 wouldn't weigh that much (I collect the goddamn things in case of a nuclear war

As far as weapons are concerned, I agree that there should be fewer firearms than in FO2, but pushing the realism to extremes would make the game pretty boring... In real life you don't have HP's, someones shoots you with a Desert Eagle, and metal armor or not, you die. Quick, painfully, and extremely messy.
I once thought that crossbows could be implemented in the Fallout universe... (Mad Max 2: Road Warrior

) Crossbows could make good weapons at mid range for marksmen, since they don't have the ROF withstanding many enemies at close range...
But again, like the song
I might be wrong.