Storyline for Fan Fallout 3 (well my version)
Hi everyone, as I said in the post in which I introduced myself, after having played the Fallout games I started to think of Fallout storylines of my own.
Like all of you I was also looking forwards to Fallout 3 until I heard the bad news (I don't have to tell what everyone is thinking right now about its cancellation).
Having followed the reviews in which small pieces of the storyline were mentioned, I started to piece together my own take on Fallout 3 (calling it Fan Fallout 3), using whatever the developers told us and filling up the rest with my own imagination.
Again sorry for the bad grammar from time to time
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Main storyline
(based on the facts we know from the interviews with the original FO3 developers and story parts made by myself)
The game would begin with the player in a prison cell. Because of this the player was given a choice. He could be an innocent that was imprisoned because of some misunderstanding, or he could choose to be a criminal and take bonus traits that would bolster some of his skills.
The player would awaken in a prison cell, but not the one he remembered falling asleep in. Suddenly the floor rocks violently from an explosion and the player is knocked unconscious. When he awakens he finds his cell door open and a hole in the wall leading outside. Leaving the prison, he is under attack by some unknown assailant. Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, the player flees into the night to explore his new world. (from the interview with John Deiley)
Apparently the prisoner was part of a Vault community but was send to the said earlier prison due to a crime which we see in the introduction movie. Returning to this Vault is of course an option but the player does not know where it is.
Second, during the first part of the game the player is tracked down by a powerful robot nicknamed the Pursuer that is programmed to return the player back to the prison complex from which the player escaped.
The Pursuer serves as a time limit, making any stay at the several locations short. If the player stays to long, the Pursuer appears at the location and the player is forced to flee or fight the Pursuer.
Although the player and his companions can temporary incapacitate the Pursuer, it can not be truly destroyed by any of the normal weaponry found around the wasteland. Destroying the Pursuer is the first main goal.
When the player searches the remains of the Pursuer, the player discovers that the Pursuer is actually a cyborg with a human brain as its ‘wetware’. This is connected to why the player was brought to the prison complex.
After the player has finally returned to his/her vault, the player finds most of his vault dwellers gone, and the few bodies the player does find are missing their heads. (other important story fact)
From records downloaded from the vault computer the player discovers that the vault was invaded by cyborgs similar to the Pursuer.
Through contact with the Brotherhood of Steel and other factions and wasteland communities the player learns that people all over the wastes including ghouls and ever super mutants are being captured by unknown forces.
A visit at the prison complex the player escaped from at the beginning from the game reveals that all missing people are brought to facilities such as these before being processed by something called the ‘Combine’.
Records at the Brotherhood of Steel reveals that the Elders of the Brotherhood were also looking for this Combine, believing it would give the order its old strength back and make the members immortal. Apparently they were also the people who attacked the prison complex the player escaped from, in the first place.
In case the player runs into them, surviving members of the Enclave tell the player about experiments at combining the human mind with a machine interface, apparently the former government wanted to create the ultimate computer interface for its defence grid in hope winning a nuclear war through superior weapon control.
Decades after the bombs fell a member from your vault stumbled on the complex where these experiments were performed and found the still functional prototype interface. Activating it (on purpose or by accident) this person merged with the interface and became a being that calls itself the Combine.
Believing that pure organic lifeforms were destined to repeat mistakes, the Combine decided in order to create new order that it should also improve the people of the wastelands by making them cybernetic lifeforms like itself.
Using its own cyborgs and robots and hiring raiders and mercenaries through contacts, the Combine started to round up humans, and mutants and bring them to its processing facilities were their ‘wetware’ (brains) are harvested and installed into cyborg bodies.
The goal of the player is to track down the Combine’s base of operations and destroy it before it harvest the entire population of the wastelands.