Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

MIB88 said:
This has been changed, by the way, with the addition of Alternative Life. Now the player can upgrade some weapons, if he finds out how to do it.

Cool!! I'm waiting the the next release!! :D
Okay so where do I place the TNT because I know its not in the place it was in the origional game because all that dose is lead to a distillery, or wait let me guess it is there but zI got to pull something?
Stlid said:
Okay so where do I place the TNT because I know its not in the place it was in the origional game because all that dose is lead to a distillery, or wait let me guess it is there but zI got to pull something?
Guy who gave you key to area with rats tells you that - it can be tricky to find, took a while for me to figure it out.
Okay much bigger problem I went down those stairs and theres nothing my caracter is running on what is suppose to be impassable ground.
Try to blow up some rock pile...
Load and save... there is 2 or 3 place to test, so if you know it's not the original^place the you have only 1 or 2 other place to try :P
But I can tell you one thing it's somewhere north-west
Just a little question: The "Mr. Fixit" thing was created anew, or it was inside the game's code? I don't know why, but I have a feeling that it was inside the game code. Right?
Miss Village

There is a way to pimp out 'Miss Village' of Trapper Town to Sally Dunton?

I've tried flowers and different drinks maybe I need to find some chocolates?

I tried 10 bottles of booze to try and get her drunk and tried making her into a Jet Whore. No luck there.
Re: Miss Village

alatari said:
There is a way to pimp out 'Miss Village' of Trapper Town to Sally Dunton?...

Look over page 3 of this thread.
Can someone please tell me, what items i need to make the armor upgrade for Marcus? i have:

* 3 Metal Armors
* 1 Tool

I talk with Doctor Dawson, but the dialog option dont appear...
Maybe i need a Super Tool kit or other item..?
Zaius238 said:
Maybe i need a Super Tool kit or other item..?

{169}{}{I need some materials. Bring me some metal armor. Three normal-sized sets should be enough to provide some of the basic materials. I could really use some tools, too, like those found in one of those super tool kits.}
Primitive VIllage

7th level and made my way to Redding. Was a hard trip with some running away. The number of random encounters in this FO2 run through is amazing. About 1 per square traveled with my Outdoorsman skill of 18% and hardest settings it's been tough. No car cause I skipped south to Redding.

Anyway, what level character is most appropriate for the primitive village. Should I head there after Redding? Was I supposed to do it soon after the Den or not till after Vault City and a car?
Re: Primitive VIllage

alatari said:
7th level and made my way to Redding. Was a hard trip with some running away. The number of random encounters in this FO2 run through is amazing. About 1 per square traveled with my Outdoorsman skill of 18% and hardest settings it's been tough. No car cause I skipped south to Redding.

Anyway, what level character is most appropriate for the primitive village. Should I head there after Redding? Was I supposed to do it soon after the Den or not till after Vault City and a car?

One advice is to increase your Outdoorman skill with books and any other skill that could be increase via books.
There is more books available and with some good steal skill is a bit easier.
Merchant and farmer have books almost all the time you encounter them...
But I recommended to get the car first for the travel time into the waste and some good NPC like Cassidy and Lenny more than Vic; after he teach you :wink:.
Re: Primitive VIllage

alatari said:
Anyway, what level character is most appropriate for the primitive village. Should I head there after Redding? Was I supposed to do it soon after the Den or not till after Vault City and a car?

Primitive Village is pretty low-level. And I don't think there's any crossover with other locations, so you can do it whenever you want.

I played one game where I did it right after Klamath and another where I didn't get around to it till after Vault City.

MIB88 said:
{169}{}{I need some materials. Bring me some metal armor. Three normal-sized sets should be enough to provide some of the basic materials. I could really use some tools, too, like those found in one of those super tool kits.}

Other question, i have Enclave AirBorne Training, but i cant take the Vertibird (the guys attack when i touch in the bird). I don't know, i can take the Vertibird only killing all base? or i can take of other way (a way pacific)? if yes, how? i talked with Maria and Guard (Vertibird guard) and dont find other way...

And Maria freeze in the inspection and don't talk with me more. :(
Zaius238 said:
Other question, i have Enclave AirBorne Training, but i cant take the Vertibird (the guys attack when i touch in the bird). I don't know, i can take the Vertibird only killing all base? or i can take of other way (a way pacific)? if yes, how? i talked with Maria and Guard (Vertibird guard) and dont find other way...

And Maria freeze in the inspection and don't talk with me more. :(

Keep looking in the game; at Navarro and search this treat --> you will find the answer.

BTW, if you take the vetibird and return to Navarro you will have a warm welcome ;)
Hint ; take the vertibird only if all the quest are done or kill them all ...
Intelligence and Warrior

Has the Intelligence for a stupid character dialogue been raised to under 5 for normal speech through the whole game or just the New Vision areas? In the original FO2 Int of 4 was still normal dialogue.

Oh and is there any way to take the path of the Warrior from Lucas as a female character?
Re: Intelligence and Warrior

alatari said:
Has the Intelligence for a stupid character dialogue been raised to under 5 for normal speech through the whole game or just the New Vision areas? In the original FO2 Int of 4 was still normal dialogue.

Intelligence requirements are different for each individual script/critter. New Vision scripts may have different requirements than the rest of the game. I did not change the requirements for speech checks for anything that was in the normal game outside of Klamath and Arroyo. If it was 4 for a character that was in the unmodded game (except those two areas listed), then it is still 4.

Did TeamX include a way for complete victory between the Dunton's and Buckners so that one or the other is dead or leaves town?

Doing the Sally Dunton path now and seemed to hit a deadend.

EDIT: Oh buying a beer from Sajag after the death of a certain NPC has new dialogue. DOH!!!

BTW, the Sally Dunton 'Why do you hate...' to the bulletin board message 'adds piss to the beer' can be done infinite times for 100 experience each time.